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    Just to say that I am getting on fine today. I have been out to lunch with the people from work and usually I would be the first to order the wine, but today nothing like that happened. I was happy with water and this is a huge boost for me. Life is good at last. Thanks again to everyone for being there.

    Anyone like a recipe for a really nice coffee cake? I made one last night and it was demolished by all at coffee time.




    Good for you. Everytime you break a routine you used to have with drinking helps create new routines that are better.

    Yes on the coffee cake!! Post in the recipe forum. There are some really good recipes in there. Now we have a new recipe forum, thanks to Codemonkey.

    Have a great day!!
    AF April 9, 2016



      hi cindi

      will do that. finding myway around the site so it might take a bit of luck.

      how is your daughter doing? I hope all is going well with her. dont we always worry about them no matter what age they are. my daughter is 25 and doing very well in her life.

      take care xx



        Hello Maggymay, Glad you had a lovely day. It really does give you a great boost whenever you get through a situation where you would have normally had a few glasses / bottle of wine. Well done and keep going. Coffee cake sounds gorgeous but trying to cut down on sweetie stuff too!



          Maggymay, I haven't had chance to welcome you yet, but i'm already really proud of the progress that you are making ..........

          Love & Hugs, BB xx



            well done MM each time you can do that will keep you motivated and people will very quickly get used to you not drinking. I thought people would give me a hard time about not drinking (Day 16 today) but after a few initial comments they dont seem to notice much which makes it a lot easier for me to not partake when there is no expectation from other people. Previously I would have been the first up to get the wine in etc. Also it has saved me so much money too which is a bonus - being first to the bar meant you spent more than every one else. When you are only having soda water or whatever you dont have to get a round? do you? Oh god I will turn into a tight arse as well as a non smoker and non drinker.....
            Anyway I am just rambling now so well done on your progress so far and keep it up.



              Wake up Maggie I 've got something to say to you ........( Rod Stewart.....Loved that song!)
              Good job MM ! Keep up the good work. ( woowee !?! What a heading for a thread.....Sounds like some Chinese Resturant..ha! Happy Trails ! )
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss



                good morning

                thanks for the replies and here i am on day three being AF. I am kind of proud of myself and last night again got through without too much difficulty. I did not sleep all that well but dont feel bad which is the main thing. Wonder why I didnt think of this before...
                Your replies are so good to get so I better reply now to some threads as well.

                will stay in touch.

                Another lovely day to welcome and lets see what adventures are there for us all...



                  way to go maggymay, things will work if we work them, keep the smile on your face and keep the positive attitude happy for you,



                    little steps

                    MM, it really does feel good when you go out and don't drink. I always thought it would not be any fun, but in reality it is better to just be yourself. Then on top of it, you wake up feeling great. Good for you...have a great day. RH:l:l

