I was looking for something like this on a bad hangover back in April I was feeling very desperate.
I was a pretty moderate drinker, a couple of glasses of wine two or three nights a week, up until ten years ago right after I met my husband, soon to be ex, he was the one who introduced me to shots or shooters or what ever. I would say he is a binge drinker.At any rate it seems as though after we met my life got more complicated. We are both fitness conscious we joined a gym before we got married, he is now the asst. mgr at that gym and is working toward being a body builder, translation he loves working out and pumping iron more than he ever loved me, don't get me wrong I enjoyed working out with him in the beginning, and I still enjoy going for walks. But I soon found out that I married a playboy we couldn't go anywhere without him running into some young blonde, and I can say what I want about blondes because I am one, who would be so bubbley and perky when they would see him and I would suddenly become invisible. It wears on you after awhile, then there is the car wreck I had which I blame in part on him, he was supposed to be the designated driver and he ditched me, probably to talk to some girl at night club we were at, after the wreck I was a wreck. I was charged with wreckles driving. Til then I didn't even have a parking ticket. I was so humiliated but thankful at the same time, only myself, my car and a fire hydrant were involved. Its been over 5 years but I took it so hard I believe my anxiety attacks really began there and my drinking to escape. To shorten things up its been kinda tough from there my dad died my husband cheating, our seperation, and my struggles with income even though I work full time, so I am very thankful for this sight, its the only thing I have found where I feel free to unload. I know there alot of good people here who have had alot of bad things happen to them, some alot worse than me, and I wish them all well with MWO. I only relate my story because it feels good to get it out, and most importantly maybe it will help someone else.
