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Questions- can it help me??

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    Questions- can it help me??

    I have never felt I fit the description of a alcoholic. I can go monthes, I do not crave it.
    When I do drink-- I over drink (once or twice a year.. but I really screw EVERYTHING up). I don't ever try to do it in a safe place... i do it when I know it will cause the most damage.

    I was sober for a year prior to my last escapade. I start counciling may 18 to explore my self destructive tendancies.

    I tell myself Im not good enough. I am afraid of being happy.. because Im afraid it will fail. I am insecure and alcohol is just one of the excuses I have to hurt myself and the people I love. When I quit drinking and things were actually good... I created new problems. i.g.- body image issues, doubting my relationship, etc.

    Will the program help me too? I need to forgive myself for past issues dealing with drinking. Do the hypnotherapy CD's address the underlining issues of why we abuse alcohol??

    Questions- can it help me??

    I think that the Clearing CD can help with some of the underlying issues--people report things coming up for them when doing the cd's that they didn't expect. At any rate, cassidyshea, there are lots of ways to define alcoholism, or problem drinking, and even though you don't drink most of the time, when you do, it seems to be a problem. I think it is wise that you are seeking counseling! That is a great step, because it does seem that psychological issues may play an important role in your drinking. To me, at least, it seems like when you do drink, you drink in an alcoholic mannner--like the energizer bunny, you just keep going and going!

    Anyway, don't want this to sound critical at all, just wanted to give my feedback and hope it helps.

    Good luck!


      Questions- can it help me??

      Thanks. Well for the past 4 years I have chalked it all up to alcohol. But.. quiting didn't take away anything. I used to have alot of drama, and when I don't drink I make up drama. I make a big deal out of little things so I can feel bad. I imagine how the people I love (and love me) are really against me, dont love me, or simply imagine them dying. Im constantly afraid. True when I do drink it is way out of control, and totally not fun AT ALL. I think I used alcohol during my teens to feel better, and now as an adult I have lost my #1 coping skill.
      It sounds crazy writing that but Im finally starting to realize how many people I have lost trying to make myself miserable.
      I know why I do it. Im afraid of everything. Everything in my life was good, so I began giving my self problems.

      Alcohol feels like the least of my problems, but I am treating EVERYTHING this time. One day I would like to laugh with friends over cocktails, and drink responsibly. Self loathing binges that compound my emotional instability aren't events I hope to repeat. My problems lurk in my head, not in the bottle.

      I convinced myself AA was the answer before, this time Im trying to convince myself a therapist is best.


        Questions- can it help me??

        Hey CassidyShea,

        I think that a therapist is best! You are right on the money there. FYI, I am a therapist, so I wouldn't steer you wrong!:rollin I think it will be a good thing for you to try and understand howcome you sabotage yourself, when you are obviously a good person and deserve good things! Take care!


        PS: Lots of us here, including myself, are in therapy!


          Questions- can it help me??

          Im all about giving it 100% this time.
          My main focus it to fix me. My relationship is on the rocks (well, over in his terms) and Im working on me in hopes that that in time it could save us.
          Funny how you have to lose stuff to realize your really going to HAVE to start making an effort! I have always wanted to change, so I just dont drink... and that works up until I do...

          Uhg, I hope this works for me too. I just want to be normal!

