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Can this be progress?

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    Can this be progress?

    Started AF yesterday. And oh yeah, husband had a nasty day at work, and brought home vodka, which we never have! Upside, is that it was nearly 8, I was AF, and in good spirits. I did have 2, very well measured, vodka tonics, and stopped there. Went to bed very sober, and woke up rested. Nice. Tonight, well, he is working late. I just wanted some wine. No 2 ways about it. But I got a small (regular!) bottle, and have only had 2.5 glasses, and am not committed to going to bed. Maybe very small buzz, but very much in control. Compared to a bottle + , or more, the last few months, every night, I feel good. Very liberated. To have some in the house, and STOP. Can this be considered progress, even though it is not AF?

    Can this be progress?

    Hi 4tops-

    Of course this is progress, you have cut down and you are also thinking about what you are doing. Way to go. Just keep trying each day......

    I am working on my 3rd day of AF and boy was the wine calling me tonight, I do not know if listening to the CD this afternoon helped, but I talked myself out of it and made a big glass of cranberry juice with sparkling water and a twist of lemon, it is pretty tart, so I am just sipping it.

    I think comming to this site also helps..

    Keep us posted



      Can this be progress?

      You know, up there when I say "not committed to going to bed"? Meant NOW committed! And I'm following through...thanks for the words of support.

