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Day Three - bit about my mother

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    Day Three - bit about my mother

    I am day three AF and dont really mind it at all. In fact I love it and will do my best to stay on track. I am not great at getting around the site but read a story yesterday about the swimming pool that i really identified with so thanks for that. I was a champion swimmer in my day so remember the struggle to get up and down the pool. I will remember that today....

    I also read a quote where the doctor told the guy that the answer to his drink problem was to give it up. I remember years ago, my mother who is now deceased saying that when she heard of a friend of my brother's who had a drink problem. There is a solution she said, he can give it up. I thought at the time she was talking rubbish but now I see that she was right. Its funny how how mothers change as we get older. Or i suppose the truth is that we do. Oscar Wilde said that when he left home at 17 he could not understand how little his parents knew about anything but that when he came back at 22 he was amazed at how much they had learned. I think this is true for me. My mother was an amazing woman and i was lucky enought to realise that about 12 years ago when my marriage ended. She had a innate sense of reality and while she did not show the traditional lovey stuff much of the time she did a great job with us all. I know people have difficulties with their parents but I just want to say that I got over those difficulties with the help of a great counsellor and had a wonderful time with her until she died - as she lived - on her holidays at 82. Another story but will tell it you as it is inspiring.

    She is watching me now and I think she actually told me at the weekend to get this sorted out . I better obey her or god knows what could happen.

    I have found the past couple of days wonderful with all the support and am now ready for what adventures and laughs this day will bring. I am sure I will get the heeby jeebies when my cousin calls to meet him for a drink, but that is for later.

    Hope all is well with everyone.


    Day Three - bit about my mother

    hummm... I think my mother watches me as well. Not really breathing down my neck but loving me from above, perhaps trying to gently guide me just as she did in real life.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Day Three - bit about my mother

      Today is day 50 for me and these 50 days AF have been "different" to my AF stints last year. I KNOW my Dad is definitely by my side, encouraging me and saying "Eee Janice, don't end up like your mother after what she put me through!!!!" (My mam's an alcoholic and I just lost dad last year - he went to hell and back over the last 15-20 years with her.) What more motivation do I need?

      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Day Three - bit about my mother

        Maggy, thanks so much for sharing such a lovely post. I really liked it. The bit that Oscar Wilde wrote is so true. I was pretty awful to my parents, but at least I was able to make that up to them before they died.
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          Day Three - bit about my mother

          You are so lucky Maggie to have been able to re-create a healthy adult relationship with your mother. That's something I'm very much struggling with at the moment, even with the help of counselling. As recently as a couple of days ago she said something to me which I can only say hurt me to my very core - as she has continually done since I was a small child. And even though I've done extremely well over the last number of months being AF, the first thing I thought of was 'I want a drink to numb the pain, block it out, make it all go away.' Thankfully I didn't and I am so glad. The world has opened up to me in so many ways now I'm not in a stupor of wine or hangovers and physically I'm starting to feel better than I have for many years and I can only say to you it really is worth it to keep on going! I'm going to keep working on my relationship with my mum. She's not all bad and you only get one chance don't you? It would be nice to reach some peaceful resolution as you have done with yours.


            Day Three - bit about my mother

            Nicole2003;311483 wrote: You are so lucky Maggie to have been able to re-create a healthy adult relationship with your mother. That's something I'm very much struggling with at the moment, even with the help of counselling. As recently as a couple of days ago she said something to me which I can only say hurt me to my very core - as she has continually done since I was a small child. And even though I've done extremely well over the last number of months being AF, the first thing I thought of was 'I want a drink to numb the pain, block it out, make it all go away.' Thankfully I didn't and I am so glad. The world has opened up to me in so many ways now I'm not in a stupor of wine or hangovers and physically I'm starting to feel better than I have for many years and I can only say to you it really is worth it to keep on going! I'm going to keep working on my relationship with my mum. She's not all bad and you only get one chance don't you? It would be nice to reach some peaceful resolution as you have done with yours.
            Boy this strikes a chord with me. My mom has been gone for 18 years now.
            She was very abusive to my younger sister and I, which I have recently been
            in a position to forgive her, but I would have loved to ask her, "What were
            you thinking of? "

            Its very good to be at a place in you life Nicole, where you can stand back
            from yourself and watch these things come up and say "boy that hurt, why
            did she say that?" and then decide to let it roll off.

            Good job. Sam


              Day Three - bit about my mother

              maggymay;311333 wrote: I am day three AF and dont really mind it at all. In fact I love it and will do my best to stay on track.

              I have found the past couple of days wonderful with all the support and am now ready for what adventures and laughs this day will bring. I am sure I will get the heeby jeebies when my cousin calls to meet him for a drink, but that is for later.

              Hope all is well with everyone.

              Keep on keeping on. But please be positive girl, If you are sure about the heeby jeebies,
              this will be a self fulfilling feeling. Rather say to yourself " yes I see I am tested, and
              every time I say no to Al, I get stronger and the tests get weaker. I can pass the next
              test too! "

              I loved you observations, Sam


                Day Three - bit about my mother


                :welcome: and congrats on Day 3! Way to go!
                Like Sam said, anything can be a self-fullfilling prophesey..if you keep telling yourself, I am a can become a non-drinker.

                I hope you have had the time to poke around here and read some of the threads and posts from the various members, there is a lot of wisdom and humor in them! And please, keep posting about yourself, and how you are feeling..I know as I started this journey it was very helpful to put up a feeling and find out that yes, it was normal for day 6 or whatever..made me feel less alone!

                Stay Strong!

                War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                  Day Three - bit about my mother

                  thanks again

                  Thanks for support once again. as you say sam the more you are tested the easier it gets. i said no to cousin, friend and neighbour already today - it shows though how much time i spent drinking even socially. Already since i got home from work (hour ago) I have watered my garden, spoken to two of my children and made Irish stew. Great stuff maggy i say to myself.

                  The witching hour - after work - has been and gone and lovely evening ahead.

                  I started knitting little cardigan for my niece's new baby at Christmas and just left it. Think I will get back to that too.

                  This is the life....:h


                    Day Three - bit about my mother

                    YOU GOT IT GIRL!

                    NOW KEEP IT AND GO BABY GO!
                    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                      Day Three - bit about my mother

                      hey there

                      well after all the watering in the garden i think it is going to rain; what the heck though i enjoyed myself. have had no hankerings at all since monday - kind of weird but i think my way out has helped no end. i was able to tell colleague at work today about my new path and it was quite easy to talk about it. Once i had admitted to myself that booze is not good for my life it seems easier now to admit it to others.

                      I am amazed at how all the stories I am reading remind me somebit of myself. It makes me realise that we are all in this together. One for all and all for one....

                      I was cleaning my face just now and thought i looked paler - also cheeks seem a little less chubby.

                      I could end up gorgeous.

