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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Greetings from the hole.

    Yeah I'm still here. But knocking it out. Got that holiday on the horizon. Girding my loins and yanking up my BGP! But law (southern term, Bessie) I am tired. I look a this stack of papers and and think OK, 30 more minutes before I konk out. Catch a few winks and then rise and shine. Have to rush around tomorrow (today actually considering the time).Yesterday was a wierd day. Today will be wonderful because.... thoughts become reality. Think positive ones today and relish in them!

    Love, love! beaner
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Wednesday

    This hole has taken on a life of its own on this forum! Maybe it needs to have its own blog or website or something!! :H I have a similar area which is a breeding ground for paperwork and files and all things boring and officey and admin related. Hope you managed to get a bit of sleep. (PS Here it is Lor' and comes from the North of England I think!! Short for Lord Love Us??)

    Any road up, as they also say 'oop North', my plan for yesterday fell apart rather. Moderation turned to over indulgence due to .... oh well too boring to go in to... all domestic related and another trigger that caught me unawares but I have learnt about it now. Today there will be none of that. Today is an AF day. Hubby is away and I am going to have a run of AF days, starting today. ODAT.

    Looking forward to logging on later to see who has posted what and where. Such great inspiration to be gained from so many on here. Love it. Need it.

    Love and hugs to all to come.

    Bessie xxx


      ODAT - Wednesday

      I agree with you that positive thoughts really affect our days. Your message has helped me this morning as I woke up with lots of negative thoughts.....anxious feelings. Now I am going to look on the bright side, think positively, and I know my mood will be influenced for the better. RH


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Hi all ODATrs

        Beautiful spring morning here with the sun shining so its easier to be optimistic. The more positive we are the better. Stress is one of my triggers and thats when sneaky Al often has his way. Busy, busy, busy these days. Will catch up with you all later.



          ODAT - Wednesday

          Good Morning ODATers,

          Greenie - I have a black hole called my "computer room" that I must tackle sometime between now and May 8th, when I start getting company for my daughter's wedding. (I sure hope she comes out sober and feeling better.) I am going to start tackling it 30 minutes at a time until then.

          Bessie - Yes, use this time with hubby away to go ODAT and stick with it. In some ways it will be difficult because he won't be there as a distraction but truly it is easier without the everyday stresses our hubby's can provide on a somewhat easy basis.

          If you need to, log in here and jump into chat with someone if you are starting to get "antsy." If no one is there, pm someone you see on line or post in "Need help ASAP" and someone will very likely jump into chat with you. It makes the time go by very quickly and usually the chatters can distract you from your AL thoughts.

          RU and Redhibiscus - Have a nice, stress free Wednesday and keep on keepin' on!!

          Here I go, shootin' for 60 days ODAT!!

          Love to all the rest who join us today.
          AF April 9, 2016


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Hi guys made it through 2 days AF, I know its not a lot, but I want to keep going. I live in France and my daughter's friends are coming today for a week, they are used to me being the life and soul of the party and staying up late to drink with them, so it will be tough, but I will get through it, with all your help of course.


              ODAT - Wednesday

              hi all sweeties, sry bessie that u over indulged a bit yesterday, all u can do is look forward today.

              everyone else i hope u all have good day.

              im 46 AF, just waiting patiently for that big 60, a day at a time it will come soon.


                ODAT - Wednesday

                good morning ODATers

                I had a big meeting w/ a speaker that I organized and em'ceed last night, and it was fabulous. Televised for the local cable channel - talk about big girl pants whew! I am grateful for the clear head and the improvements in my complexion that have occurred in the last 58 days.

                For the newer ODATers - before I put down the wine glass, I never noticed the non-drinkers. They are there and in greater numbers than you think, after you get through the initial self-worry about managing outings or social events without partaking, you'll notice them too.
                The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                W Whitman

                90+ days yay!


                  ODAT - Wednesday


                  Hi all, thanks for getting us started greenie, Bessie, sorry you had a rough night..............

                  Everyone else, good luck w/ whatever your goals are for the day, mine is to be AF, today at least, then tomorrow,plan to do the same thing all over again!!

                  But I will concentrate on being positive and happy today!!!

                  lots of love,:l:h:l

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    REM colours..

                    morning...morning all..oh the dreams are so full of colours lately! i can see everything so much better. AF...afterall with all this effort why BLOW it AWAY....

                    BEAN~find your HIGHER HOLE.! BESS~your an inspiration when it comes to English..RED~Welcome to the Club! RUST~you sound strong, KEEP coming! CINDI~Don't blame the computer and stay Sober..AD~get some sleep..BONES~you ARE on your way! D-CAT~life can be unmanageable..COWIE~keep smiling..god is watching over you just for today!:h


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      Happy Hump day everybody!! a little cooler today compared to yesterday, but there's plenty to do. I feel pretty good today. Helped hubby with a little "project" yesterday, had a beer with him, then a friend came over, had one with them, then went inside and cleaned up the kitchen! Our friend even lit up a cig-he doesn't even smoke! Then he asked if I had quit, when I said yes, he put it out. In the past I would have helped him smoke up the pack, and then go to town for more beer and ciggies! Sounds even better when i see it in print!!

                      Have a wonderful day, everyone!! :happy:

                      Oh, and I bought a car on E-bay!!!!!! It is the same type of car as my first real car when I was 16!!! So, yeah, it's almost 40 years old!!!!
                      Maybe I'll post the video later.
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        ADuggan, make up a game plan and stick to it. Come up with anything that'll work.
                        " I'm on drugs, can't drink." "Sorry guys, trying to get a healthier lifestyle". Cleaning out my system etc. anything. Remember, I'm from Spain. I can relate. Its hard when its part much of the culture but you can do it.
                        Hi everybody! Ripple, you are a real pisser!
                        Bessie, I think you're awesome. You're my hero.
                        Cindi, I think of you every day. Let me know if I can help in any small way.
                        As for everyone else. I appreciate you all. Thats what makes this thread so special.


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          Hi all you ODATers!!! So it is holes we are discussing today, heh. hmmmmmm.... I shall refrain.

                          On a positive note though, It is going to snow a bit later than planned! Which is great as I was unable to get my mt bike ride in yesterday. 80 degrees in Boulder, CO yesterday and it is supposed to snow tonight. So I WILL squeeze my mt bike ride in today before the snow falls.

                          And for those waiting for photos of my mural that I finally finished I am taking photos on Saturday and will post them after that. I had hoped to take them earlier, but the owner of the house where I painted the mural (now pending former friend)(that was not very positive, was it) did not have any openings this week, despite the fact that I have a key to her house and could have come whenever. She used to let me come whenever when she wanted that mural done. Anyway - mural photos coming soon.

                          Hope everyone has a happy AF (or whatever your goal for today is) day!!!


                            ODAT - Wednesday

                            Morning ODATers,

                            Crazy busy here. 4 kids all playing soccer - 3 different teams- learning where every soccer pitch in the county is. Minor stuff, but sure would like to have one free evening

                            Bessie, string together those AF days - you will feel better. Cindi offers good advice.

                            Aduggan - I'm with FinallyRN. Drinking is up to you. I just moved back from Italy - before that it was the UK. The drinking culture is different in Europe - but you still get to choose.

                            Thanks to all for the reminder about the positive attitude.

                            Enjoy your day, whatever your goal.

                            I will be AF today,

                            Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                              ODAT - Wednesday

                              Sunny weather, calm thoughts and moving forward slowly here...

                              Back at work out of the house after being homebound for a few weeks - walking downtown does wake me up. Have been on a book binge this week. They are piled all over my bed and spilling out of my backpack. Learning lots of amazing stuff. Hopefully we are all breaking silly, damaging cycles on this new journey and being a little selfish about the time we need for ourselves.

                              Greenie & Bessie - you both sound a few notches lower than normal. Hope the rest of the day perks up for your both and if not, start again tomorrow. Bessie - being at home alone is a toughie but so are you. Put on your big girl wellies and plow through the hole. (I have no idea what that means, but sounded like bessie-greenie speak to me.) Good luck tonight.

                              Red - hang in there : ).

                              AD - 2 days AF...awesome. I think the first week is very hard, so you get huge claps for each day. Keep it up.

                              - when is your 60 day anniversary??

                              -- I can not truly appreciate the soccer craziness just yet. Only have my oldest in soccer and we have been cancelled due to rain for the past 2 weeks. Don't know how you keep it all organized.

                              Everyone else - good to read what you are up to and wishing you all a great positive day. I too love reading about everyone each morning.

