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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    hope i'm not intruding?


    I came back to the boards this week and have been reading more than posting. This thread is so positive and real. I especially like that everyone shares their daily thoughts and cares for each other. I hope you don't mind my visit? And I will look forward to getting to know you all as I (we) battle this beast. The comment about Europe is sooo true. I have just moved to Austria!


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Welcome nojoke!

      Pleased to see you on here. I like this thread too, in the way it just grows through the day as the various parts of the world log on. Doesn't matter who starts it, just as long as it IS started! I usually get on first cos of time zones etc.

      I'm stuck in on a wet, cold day in flat, grey East Anglia having to do the ironing for two holiday lets. I could be really pissed off but I don't actually feel that bad. Partly because I know I will be having an easy AF night tonight. I just know it. Same as some days I just know that I probably will not, however hard I try. That certain knowledge that I won't drink makes it so much easier.

      Happy For Once - I love the idea of your book binge. I soo could do with one of those. Let me loose in a Borders or Waterstones and I could do some serious damage to the credit card!

      Croft - can't wait to see this mural pic. Sorry about your 'friend'

      LVT25 - You bought a car on Ebay?! Wow!! I bought a hoover......:sigh:

      FinallyRN. What a sweet thing to say. I don't think I've ever been told I was someone's hero before!:whee: :l

      Off to do something else to divert me from the dreaded ironing.....

      Bessie xx


        ODAT - Wednesday

        I would like to thank the people that posted this morning as it really helped me prepare for a meeting that I was having with a client! Last week I would have pounded down three vodkas to prepare myself to have a meeting. I was just about to cave in when I decided to read your postings instead. It worked pretty well. I was a little anxious when I first got there but began to relax pretty quickly.

        Half way through day 3 of AF and feeling I can make it to day 4. Thanks again!


          ODAT - Wednesday

          caseaday;311578 wrote: I would like to thank the people that posted this morning as it really helped me prepare for a meeting that I was having with a client! Last week I would have pounded down three vodkas to prepare myself to have a meeting. I was just about to cave in when I decided to read your postings instead. It worked pretty well. I was a little anxious when I first got there but began to relax pretty quickly.

          Half way through day 3 of AF and feeling I can make it to day 4. Thanks again!
          Hey Case,
          How are you feeling?
          You know if I get to craving I take a kudzu capsule.
          Do a www search and find some in your area.
          They can really bolster your will power.
          B complex helps a lot too.

          Remember Dude, Every time you say no to Al,
          you get stronger and the tests get weaker.
          If you say no enough, the testing fades away!

          Hang in there, Dude, Sam


            ODAT - Wednesday

            ODAT friends,

            Just reporting in, daughter is in rehab now and I can breathe a sigh of relief knowing she will be okay for a while.

            Love all,
            AF April 9, 2016


              ODAT - Wednesday

              cindi;311666 wrote: ODAT friends,

              Just reporting in, daughter is in rehab now and I can breathe a sigh of relief knowing she will be okay for a while.

              Love all,
              She is in my thoughts, and I send her healing energy, Sam


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Yo Sam...thanks again for the advice. The Kudzo is the only thing that I couldn't track down last night when I stocked up on my supplements. I hope it helps out as much as they say it does! I might have to order it from the site if I don't find it tonight.

