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starting again

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    starting again

    starting the beginning of day 2 af. feels good!!! ordered book and supp. yesterday. feeling more committed now.still afraid of failure,but am willing to give myself every chance!!!


    starting again

    Hi Lynn-
    Good for you. There is no such thing as failure if you are learning from your challenges. We all have our ups and downs but such is life anyway.
    Have a wonderful day 2.... I'm sure it will be.

    Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
    - Soren Kierkegaard


      starting again

      hi there..lynn..awesome..dont worry about the future.think about the here and now .just take it one day at a time . and just do your best. you can do this .peace and god bless
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        starting again


        The fear of failure is what keeps most of us from committing to our goals.

        As tlrgs said, "look at the here and now." Worry about tomorrow when it gets here.

        Join us on the ODAT thread and keep on keepin' on!!

        You will be amazed at how quickly those days pile up.

        So glad you are here.

        AF April 9, 2016


          starting again


          Each day, hour or minute that you tell the Beast "no" is a success! For me, when I started out, it was in literally 15 minute increments. Then it baccame a half hour...then an hour. Stay on here..when you would noramally reach for alcohol, reach for us instead. Read., post, go into the chat room.

          you CAN do this!

          Stay Strong!

          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


            starting again

            Lynn...I am only one day ahead of you so I am no expert but it does get better minute by minute and hour by hour. On day one I was so freaked out that I literally thought I was going to explode. Yesterday was day two and I felt a whole lot better. Today is day three and I actually was able to attend a business meeting!

            I too am worried about failing but when I do I come back to these postings and it calms me down. A lot of the more experienced posters provide such good advice. Read and post!


              starting again

              there is no hurry for success.

              Lynn..its okay to start many times as it will succeed. all of us have had this experience. one day at a time..take care of you first. :h


                starting again

                good girl lynn, great courage to start again. keep it up and look at the support you are getting.
                go girl


                  starting again

                  thanks for all the support it is much appreciated. been using the chat to keep myself occupied,it helps!starting day3 af now feeling anxiety kick in but this to shall pass.....having that thought again about calling in because of sobriety..ha! too weird?... i'm just tired and nervous..

                  thanks again



                    starting again

                    It still amazes me, the thoughts we thought were our own are shared by so many of us doing battle. Caseaday...when I was contemplating taking the AF plunge, but procrastinating day after day I was asked "what are you so scared of"?.......My answer was "I don't know", but deep down I new the answer.....The thought of those first few nights, having no booze in the house, not to mention the thoughts of withdrawl....made me feel like I to was going to explode.......never verbalized that before..Gosh this struggle has so many common threads among us.
                    When I first started this journey I not only commited to taking it ODAT, but I also felt very strongly about making no promises for tomorrow..just many broken promises to myself and others. I think that is why I never concerned myself with failure. Just today....
                    The ODAT's do add up......Right Cindi!!!
                    I will have 6 months in a few weeks........I still make no promises for tomorrow!

                    Hope everyone has a good weekend....
                    sobriety date 11-04-07


                      starting again


                      it is really the same for me i have the shakes now because of withdraw instead of over'm not really concerned anyone will notice but i guess on some level i am ...i sound like a politician instead of a all just adds up so quickly



                        starting again

                        Hi Lynn, I am now on day 4 AF and the headache is beginning to become much less intense and the shakes are nearly gone! Didn't sleep much last night but I am hoping that it will get better over the next few days.

                        Glad to hear that you are progressing and taking it ODAT. Keep going! I look at the posts of people that are just a few days ahead of us and they seem to be so happy to be AF!

                        Charlee...thanks for your comments! It is strange to me that many of the posts that I have read are exactly like my story. The only different thing that I have noticed is that I drank a TON more than any other person I have encountered. I.e. my login name says it all. I was feeling pretty down about that the first few days but now I decided that it is in the past and I need to forget about it and not beat myself up over it!

                        All the best to both of you today...

