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AF Team April - Day 16

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    AF Team April - Day 16

    Taxes Behind Us - well, except for me and everyone else that filed extensions.

    And don't leave all us attempting AF April alone out here - this thread is starting to get pretty lonely - come on everyone - we still have the rest of April to get through. We need all the support and comradeship (sp) we can get!!!

    Last week, I received a call from my Kenyan friend (lives in Denver now). He tells me that his son is only days from being born and he is still wondering what to name him. His wife wants to name him Noah and he wants to name him Melvin. So I say to my Kenyan friend, "Musamali, I know that back in Kenya the man is the word of the house, but here in American, not so much, listen to you wife. And whatever you do, do not name that poor boy Melvin." He responds, "You would never survive in Kenya with a Kenyan husband."

    Last night I held little Noah. The sweetest little boy. What a treasure!!!

    Happy 16th of April everyone!!!! Here's to Noah!

    AF Team April - Day 16

    hi there.. crofty.. so proud of you . and you all are doing so great keep on going ..
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      AF Team April - Day 16

      can i join 2?

      Taxes! have not done them..wot will happen to me? well, not going to let it drive me to the bottle thats for sure. OKAY everyone ... have (2) kittys PREGO...looks like tons of babys on the way.. then add an OLIVE..its gonna be fun! Lots of poop coming my way. Love to all. :h


        AF Team April - Day 16

        Croft;311452 wrote: Taxes Behind Us - well, except for me and everyone else that filed extensions.

        And don't leave all us attempting AF April alone out here - this thread is starting to get pretty lonely - come on everyone - we still have the rest of April to get through. We need all the support and comradeship (sp) we can get!!!

        Last night I held little Noah. The sweetest little boy. What a treasure!!!

        Happy 16th of April everyone!!!! Here's to Noah!
        You go girl! Dang, I just typed out a whole bunch of stuff and hit the post key,
        and was told, " You are not logged in." ya havta be logged in to start a reply,
        so this time I am copying the text before I hit Post.

        I had my last drink April 10 at 10:00 AM, so that makes 5 full days AF.
        Venturing into untried waters for me.

        Babies are truly a gift, my daughters two four year old girls are such fun
        to be around. One of them takes great pleasure in whacking me.
        I think maybe she is telling me something.

        We have a bike ride here this weekend called The Taxing Metric. I am
        not sure if I am up for 63 miles, but I am getting ready to ride to work
        the afternoon shift. 21 miles aought to take the edge off. Get those
        tiny legs moving.

        again, you go girl, I am here for you, Sam


          AF Team April - Day 16


          Here is a toast to Noah!!

          Whew, glad his daddy listened to you and his wife.

          Still hanging in there and AF. We are past the halfway mark, though. :yay:

          Yosemite Sam, make sure the "remember me" box is checked when you log in, otherwise you will keep being kicked off after 15 minutes. It is very frustrating... :welcome: and glad you joined us. My children are all grown up but I have 3 grandkids I truly adore. And they love me so much better now that I am "regular" Granny and not drunk Granny.

          Happy Hump Day to all!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            AF Team April - Day 16

            Happy Day 16 Croft and good call on Noah. Keep up the good work and thank you for your daily threads - much appreciated. Will make sure to take a few seconds to post so you know you are not alone.

            AFing along here and in good spirits...have my first social outing this weekend, though, but I am committed to April AF so will be fine I hope.

            Looking forward to seeing your Mural pics Croft (think you posted that in the ODAT thread).

            Happy day to all.


              AF Team April - Day 16

              You are not alone here. Today is day 16 AF for me and this is the very first time in years that i can say that. I owe this all to all of you and am so happy to be part of this group. Good Luck to all of you.


                AF Team April - Day 16

                I too am still hanging in there Croft. Day 17 for me cos its 17th April here. Me too time2change never ever thought I could do it but here I am and no way am I slipping now - its just too good a feeling to loose. I also owe this to this site which kick started me on my way and keeps me focused.
                Thanks and good luck all.


                  AF Team April - Day 16

                  Congrats to all of you! Remember that this group is for support - you are the ones choosing not to drink. You deserve most of the credit for your accomplishment

                  Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                    AF Team April - Day 16

                    I'll tail on to this again if I may. I have been up and down but really admire everyone doing ok on this thread. I'm AF tonight and working on the rest of the month so maybe I can ride into the end of it with you.

                    Love and luck to all.

                    Bessie xx


                      AF Team April - Day 16

                      new member so will join for you for may please


                        AF Team April - Day 16

                        I think we should all try to ride out the rest of April as AF as's not that many more days, so let's keep it going!

                        Good to see all the new people on this thread today and Bessie mosying on over from ODAT...


                          AF Team April - Day 16

                          Baby Noah! What a great story! And He's right - most of us wouldn't survive in Kenya! Still AFing the days away - I've been overwhelmed busy at work - so trying to balance my MWO addiction and working is a big challenge!! And - yes I had to file an extension too. Life....
                          Aint it fun!

                          Okay all you AFers - Only 2 weeks 2 GO!!! April in the BAG!

                          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                          (from the Movie "Once")


                            AF Team April - Day 16

                            GREAT to hear from everyone!

                            Glad to see you on this post Bessie - afterall we put you in charge of the coconuts!

                            And so happy to hear that so many of you are AFing for the first time and making it through April! WOW! Inspiring! GO TEAM GO!!!!

