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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning lovely ODATers - welcome to anyone on here for the first time.

    Would like to give a real positive yeehaa! start to the day but it's another grey, cold wet one and I am getting seriously fed up with it. I posted under general discussion last night about living somewhere else. I really do think that the regular appearance of sunshine and a warm climate helps keep a person happy and healthy and in this particular part of England we aren't seeing it nearly as much as I would like and it's consistently very cool for the time of year. New Zealand gets my vote and lucky, lucky BoozeHag lives there so I will be bombarding her with questions....!!:H

    On a happier note, I had a night on my own last night. These are my real challenging nights. I thought I would find it easy to stay AF but as the witching hour got closer I was constantly doing the brain battle thing. Didn't bother taking any LGlut as I thought willpower alone would be enough. Will remember that for tonight. Anyway, a bottle did get opened but it was AF wine. Funny how that should work on so many levels. Getting a bottle from the wine rack, opening, pouring into wine glass, sitting in front of PC with it - all very satisfying to the Al needy part of my brain but without the Al. It didn't taste that bad at all (but it did make me bloat...) Anyway, whatever it takes. I had already put the zero in my tracker for the night and I didn't want to change it. Another one in there already today.

    Come on the rest of you. Pick the mood of the thread up for me! Sorry to be gloomy but it's a bit like that here today. Am I am faced with a whole load of ironing/chores/stuff - none of which I am very excited about doing. But that's life hey?!

    OOOH I forgot in all this wallowing in self pity. Cindi! So glad your daughter is actually in rehab now. What a relief for you. Fingers and everything crossed that she gets well and stays well. Big hugs.

    Bessie xx
    (Who is just off to google 'emigrating to New Zealand'!)

    ODAT - Thursday

    Hi Bessie and all to come

    I agree when the sun is shining it does seem to make the world a better place. However, variety is the spice of life. While I hate to be out in the driving rain, I love being inside with a good fire on when it lashing against the window and the wind is howling!!! Similarily I lived in Canada for 5 years and guess what I missed most when I left? Not the lovely summers but the snow!!! Anyone else have some funny, weird likes and dislikes about the weather?

    Cindi, so glad your daughter made it into rehab, its the first step and being sober means you are really there for her and above all others can understand what she is going through. Stay strong, we are all thinking of you.

    Everyone else big hello, rushing off to meet my friend for walk with the doggies. Then I am doing a hospital visit and dropping off my ironing along the way. HATE, HATE ironing and last week it had really mounted up, about 18 shirts, ugh. I had been doing bits as I went along but then decided to leave it all into a service and it gave me great pleasure to collect later and hang up!! Something nice to do for yourself Bessie and believe me it does make you feel better.



      ODAT - Thursday

      Its ME!

      ODAT..pass the LGlut i'm ready for some. Bessie don't give up..:goodjob:


        ODAT - Thursday

        come to Australia.. much better the NZ too many Kiwis over there.. hehehehe

        an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


          ODAT - Thursday

          Bessie - you made it through the night, awesome. Sorry it was so hard, but you DID IT!


          Cindi - very happy to read about your daughter as well.

          Rustop - I'm a backwards weather person myself. LOVE the rain, always puts me in a good mood...and I absolutley love the snow as well. However, I have a nice balance of sunshine mixed in with both, so it never gets monotonous.

          G'day to Karl - glad to see you here.

          Very tired today for some reason and a little grouchy but drinking my All One smoothie and that usually turns things around.

          Good morning to everyone else to follow.


            ODAT - Thursday

            I have got to turn this day around. Trainer doesn't show up at gym. Neither would I if I'd listened to voice mail last night. Bitching about getting up at dark thirty after kicking hubby out of bed with his insomnia and incessant attempts to engage me in conversation. Doggie has one eye closed, puked in crate. It just has to go uphill from here. So I will read Noelles thought of the day and plug away in the hole. I did have some really great fried oysters last night. Just to leave you on a positive note. Maybe the trainer can meet me at the gym tonight.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Thursday

              Hi all, I'm day three and this is my first time on this thread. I can relate to Bessie in every way. It was hard sitting on the front porch and not having my glass of wine. I do have sparkling grape juice, and that is a pleasant refreshment I find. Can't wait to get some supplements; I'm only working with hypnotic CDs as I am to have a small surgery next week and can't take anything. My system will be so darn clean that I might go into shock! Sun is important to mood; I positive of that. I've had a sunnier disposition since the spring arrived in my part of Pennsylvania. It's bright, warm, and the flowers are beginning to bloom. Cindi, you were the first person who responded to my post, so you are already special to me. I am happy that your daughter is getting the help she needs. Hi to all, have a great day; this is the only April 16, 2008 we'll ever have and we're all working hard at enjoying it more the AF way. (I figure if I keep that thought in mind it will help at 5 tonight when my tongue is hanging out for a glass of something other than sparkling grape juice).


                ODAT - Thursday

                LOL!! I needed that Nellie! Welcome to the wrong day club! My calendar says it's April 17. There are several of us here who don't quite get the day right and laugh our arse off about it. On an even better note, after the fried oysters, I dropped by friends' house on the way home and wallowed in their hot tub. Wowee, that felt good. I'm through whining for today. Sorry about other crummy post. BGP on. And at least I don't have to iron. LOL!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Thursday


                  Good morning all you ODATers! Bessie, good on the AF wine, better than the real must feel pretty good in spite of the weather...........TOTALLY agree w/ you, when it is sunny and warm I feel soooooooooooo much more positive!

                  Everyone have a great day, gotta run, but will check in later.....................

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    Good morning/afternoon/evening to all ODAT'ers

                    Good spring weather certainly helps the mood - the dips to the cold temps every night are still better than rainy or snowy and cold and gray.

                    My hurdle for the day - dealing with my older child's poor report card. I want him to belong to some after school activities - one sport, one arts related so it's not too much, but he brought home a D in a subject that shouldn't be a struggle And the rest of the grades were just OK. :sigh: He was diagnosed with epilepsy under a year ago and I know that was traumatic and that the medication is tough, but it shouldn't affect his grades. In one regard I'm so happy that he has good friends who are good kids that has allowed him to take his condition in stride, but the mediocre school work simply isn't acceptable. :sigh:

                    The younger one is testing today to get into advanced mathematics. Already in advanced English. Walking the rope between the two kids gives me anxiety. :sigh:

                    Ah well. Hopefully I can do some heavy yard work today - that is always good for my mental status.

                    And Bessie - I like to iron :blush: but curse under my breath (or out loud) every time I have to wash the kitchen floor (every other day - messy husband and kids!!!!)

                    I hope everyone makes their goal today!
                    The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                    Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                    W Whitman

                    90+ days yay!


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      Good morning/afternoon Everyone! The sun isn't shining in Minnesota but I have managed to be in a pretty good mood today. Made it through day 3 of AF and feeling pretty good about that! I am pretty confident that day 4 will go well. I was supposed to go out to dinner with an old boozing friend tonight but it got cancelled! Takes a lot of pressure off me.

                      To anyone that is getting down over the gloomy weather...consider going to the store and purchasing the brightest bouqet of flowers that you can find. It will brighten up your home and they smell great. It worked for me when I lived in a small dingy apartment in NY during dreary weather periods!

                      Have a great day...


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        hello all,

                        really lazy day here, and the weather can't make up its mind. They say over here that April is 'changeable'. Really had to dig in and fight the call of the bottle last night. I did it and so I am looking today at 6AF days. So glad I can come to the boards and gain inspiration from others doing it far tougher than me.

                        And Bessie, I must agree with Karl, Australia is a far better option. If you really want to meet kiwis then you could try Bondi or Coogee :H

                        See you all tomorrow, I have to clean the apartment xx


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          Howdy Y'all,

                          L-glut is not here yet, but ma tiny legs are startin to resemble
                          a kudzu root. I remember two bottles of wine a night, then
                          I discovered 100 proof whiskey. OOOOH, I'm a gonna kill that part
                          of me!

                          nothin tastes better than water after dodging road apples
                          with a bike for 90 minutes. Helps wash down the horse fly
                          I swallowed trying to get my breath.

                          sunny skys and healing to all, Sam


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            Wossa road apple? I HAVE to know this stuff!! I don't want Greeny thinking I can't speak American!

                            Bessie xx


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              This post is probably the hilight of my day. Ready? The hint is in the horse fly. What do horse flys like? (horses) What do horses leave behind them (from their behind)? Road apples! ROFLMArseO!!! :H:H:H
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

