Would like to give a real positive yeehaa! start to the day but it's another grey, cold wet one and I am getting seriously fed up with it. I posted under general discussion last night about living somewhere else. I really do think that the regular appearance of sunshine and a warm climate helps keep a person happy and healthy and in this particular part of England we aren't seeing it nearly as much as I would like and it's consistently very cool for the time of year. New Zealand gets my vote and lucky, lucky BoozeHag lives there so I will be bombarding her with questions....!!:H
On a happier note, I had a night on my own last night. These are my real challenging nights. I thought I would find it easy to stay AF but as the witching hour got closer I was constantly doing the brain battle thing. Didn't bother taking any LGlut as I thought willpower alone would be enough. Will remember that for tonight. Anyway, a bottle did get opened but it was AF wine. Funny how that should work on so many levels. Getting a bottle from the wine rack, opening, pouring into wine glass, sitting in front of PC with it - all very satisfying to the Al needy part of my brain but without the Al. It didn't taste that bad at all (but it did make me bloat...

Come on the rest of you. Pick the mood of the thread up for me! Sorry to be gloomy but it's a bit like that here today. Am I am faced with a whole load of ironing/chores/stuff - none of which I am very excited about doing. But that's life hey?!
OOOH I forgot in all this wallowing in self pity. Cindi! So glad your daughter is actually in rehab now. What a relief for you. Fingers and everything crossed that she gets well and stays well. Big hugs.
Bessie xx
(Who is just off to google 'emigrating to New Zealand'!)