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Very Scared to stop! HELP

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    Very Scared to stop! HELP

    Hi all! I am new here and I need some advice. From what I have read online and in books is that sometimes when you stop drinking cold turkey it can be fatal. I am now TERRIFIED to try and stop> I drink very heavily everyday with a few exceptions. I really don't want to go to the doctors cause I don't want him to know or for anyone to find out how big my problem is. My kids really want me to not drink only cause they say it is making me fat:H Anyway, has anyone had any bad experiences ( besides the normal withdraw symptoms) when they quit drinking? I am wondering if it would be better for me to slowly stop. Any suggestions or ideas for me? BTW, one reason I am scared is cause my BP is extremely high and I know it is because of the drinking and someone told me if I stop all the sudden that my body might go into a state of shock and I could have a stroke b/c of my high BP.
    Your soul would have no rainbows if your eyes had no tears

    Very Scared to stop! HELP

    The best thing you can do for yourself is get to a doctor. You can try to cut down slowly but only you can be the judge of how successful that will be. Other people may have more info but thats all I got for you at the moment.

    However you decide to do it you made a wonderful step coming here to get help. Pat yourself on the back for that.
    Suddenly I see
    This is what I want to be
    suddenly I see
    Why the hell it means so much to me.

    -KT Tunstall


      Very Scared to stop! HELP

      I don't know about shocking your body into a heart attack. I can tell you that quitting drinking will lower your bp over time..and it does not take a LOt of time to start to see a difference. Please read on, perhaps lower your intake while you learn more about us! MWO is a very good support group if you are serious about quitting or moderating your AL intake. If you can, download or buy a copy of RJ's book, and read the threads on here..lots of good advice. You will find you are not alone! And that you can do this, if you want to. For me, being on here has made the big difference in sober or not sober...I like sober better!
      Stay Strong, post often!
      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


        Very Scared to stop! HELP


        Yes, a very few here have had seizures when they stopped. I personally chose to detox in hospital (twice because I didn't "get it" the first time) and so bypassed that.

        If you don't want your doc to know, go to a "doc in the box" do not give them insurance info, etc, and pay $$ for the whole thing. They will most likely prescribe you Librium or Ativan.

        Some here have slowly weaned but this is a very difficult path. I tried to wean and just ended up drinking more and more.

        It sucks I have "alcoholism" stamped all over my insurance records. I agree. I can never change work unless I go with another company who has benefits. The good news is, my manager doesn't know, or anyone else, just Insurance Co and HR. However, being a database specialist, I can tell you that my information can easily be gotten by any insurance company in the US.

        In my case, though, death or living was the choice. I chose life.

        Good luck and keep us posted.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Very Scared to stop! HELP

          Bg, not everyone has withdrawl symptoms. Mine were moderate to mild at the end of my binges. I didn't get shakes but I did experience fear, mild visual disturbances, sweats and high levels of anxiety. I would ride it out at home under the duvet. When I finally surrendered to rehab I asked for Librium and was given a low dose over 5-6 days. That really made a difference and gave me an excellent start to my treatment plan.

          It can be a big step approaching your DR especially regards future employment and insurance. Look at it this way - if you don't get help you may end up not being able to work or having a life to insure.

          Last summer I did something I said I would never do - I drove drunk and got caught (because I was involved in an accident). Now that is a MEGA record - criminal and insurance-wise. I have to tell any employer about it, being investigated by the professional body I am studying under and insurance (home & car) is going to be difficult to obtain. If being on your medical records can prevent possible death for yourself or another person
          ( I drove into a family car on a corner and it's only the grace of god that spared them as well as myself from serious injury).

          You never know, it may be on your Drs notes anyway - I discovered allsorts on mine even before I told them!

          So try cutting back, shakes dictate danger but it depends on how much, over how long your body (has) handled. Don't use it as an excuse to carry on though - I have done that myself and seen others do the same - "I must continue on a holding dose or I will be in danger". Stay calm and get advice.


            Very Scared to stop! HELP

   is good that you found this site as you will get a lot of support. Visit it often, read the posts, and participate. It helps greatly.

            I am in the middle of day 4 as I decided on Sunday that enough was enough! I tried three times to reduce the amount of AL and it didn't work for me. I tried counting, measuring, cutting back one per day and each time I would get close to zero I would throw a party for myself and be back to square one. It was like my mind decided it was time to get back on AL.

            I too was really worried about having a seizure and way too afraid to go to a doctor due to bad experiences in the past and the insurance implications here in the U.S. I did a lot of research and found that about 5% of all people that quick cold turkey have seizures. I was really worried that I would fit into that category because I was consuming and average of 24 beers per day.

            In my case I decided to take two days off work and have a friend spend the time with me at my home in case something happened. The first day was horrible...sweats, tremors, anxiety, fear, etc but I made it through and each day has been incrementally better than the previous.

            Whatever path you take the most important decision you have made is to change! Don't let fear get in your way as it is the biggest issue you face at this point in time! In a few days you will be feeling much better about yourself and the possibilities that exist in being AF.

            Take care...


              Very Scared to stop! HELP


              Good on you for getting a friend to stay with you and powering through it. :goodjob:

              Great job on being on day 4 AF!!

              By the end of 10 days, AL is completely out of your system. Unfortunately not your mind, but your system.

              From then on, it gets easier and easier.

              Just kick him to the curb when he comes around.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Very Scared to stop! HELP

                Caseaday & butterfly,
                Echoing what Cindi has put so does get easier and easier. Take it a hour or a day at a can do it.
                Case, Congrats on Day 4 & keep up the good work!
                Butterfly, you did not say what you meant by heavy means different things to different people. But, keep posting, keep reading..keep learning.
                We are here to listen, to cheer you on, and to pick you up if you fall down.
                Stay Strong!
                War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                  Very Scared to stop! HELP

                  you will be okay..

                  BFG..they say it can be dangerous to just stop..i did and nothing really serious happened. Its a gradual process though, for me it was mostly crying a lot. Much grief was filled within that needed to get out. Since I went right to rehab after about 6 days they gave meds to take the edge off. Start with reading and trying to stay away from AL if you can or are..since i had no choice its been 189 days. Withdrawls i would have to say were crying..sleepless nites..nervousness and more tears. Gets better after the rough SPOTS. :welcome:


                    Very Scared to stop! HELP

                    sorry..scared stuff!

                    yes dear the BP will greatly not be scared. of course you are as change is scarey when it comes to giving up big people's bottle. there is help as many have gone through this terrible not be scared. :h


                      Very Scared to stop! HELP

                      Thanks cindi and bhog for your thoughts and encouragement. Today was really easy for some reason! I think some higher power decided to give me a break for the day. However, back to ODAT tomorrow morning! Talk to you tomorrow...


                        Very Scared to stop! HELP

                        Thanks for all of your replys! So many thoughtful and helpful people.

                        Cindi, what would Ativan do for me? My DR. prescribed that for me awhile ago for anxiety that I was having but I never took it cause I hate prescription meds. But, I think I could just tell him I need more and I know he would give me some. What benefit would that be for me and how long would I need to take it?

                        BHOG, when I say heavy drinking I mean at least 12 beers or more. I usually start at 3pm cause that's when the kiddos start coming home from school...LOL. But most days it is around 15 to 20 and I go to bed by 10 at the latest.

                        They days that I don't drink I don't really have any symptoms till I go to bed. Then all heck breaks loose. I can't sleep and then when I do fall asleep I have the craziest dreams.

                        I have read the Nutritional Program and have added some of my own supplements that I have used before. I really prefer to do thinks naturally as I have always done so with myself and my kids. I just have to order the Kudzu from this site.

                        Thanks again for all the replys and I will keep you all posted.:thanks:
                        Your soul would have no rainbows if your eyes had no tears

