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new girl

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    new girl

    I have been reading posts for the last few weeks now and really feel that this site is going to help me. I see my own story in so many others. I have 2 young girls aged 7 and 4 and have been a heavy drinker for many years. I don't drink during the day but when 6 o clock comes (or 5 at a weekend 'weekend wine time') I open the wine and end up having a bottle/bottle 1/2 every night at least. It was initially white wine but then I swapped to red hoping I would drink less but the quantity hasn't changed. I hate being drunk when my girls go to bed. It seems that every week I say to myself 'I will stop on Monday'. I have a very supportive husband but he too is worried. He drinks very little. I have tried to only drink at weekends but end up binge drinking on Fri, Sat and Sun. I also sweat like mad over night and don't sleep well when I am AF. The low point came a couple of weeks ago when I fell and suffered a black eye and grazed face. On new years eve I was so drunk that my daughter said the next day that she hoped I wasn't 'dizzy' again. Unfortunately I have let my inhibitions down on 2 occasions witha a work colleague of my husbands. Although nothing happened apart from outrageous flirting I feel awful. i told my husband and he was great but I now get stressed when this bloke comes over from the UK and end up drinking to 'cope'. I live in Gibraltar where unfortunately the drink is cheap. I am seeing my GP tomorrow to get a repeat prescription for my antidepressants and have decided to tell her about my dependency.....hopefully she will help!!! I love reading all the makes me feel that I am not alone. Has anyone gained benefit from Allen Carrs book about how to control your drinking? He helped me quit smoking and I have read half of his book about drinking:confused. I have the MWO book earmarked on Amazon to buy. I was dissappointed to see some bad reviews of it
    With best wishes from Dora:

    new girl



    So many here can relate to your story. You are among friends.

    I hope you downloaded the book from the website and have read it. If not, it is fairly inexpensive and a very good start.

    Keep posting and ask any questions you might have. Lots of success on MWO and lots of people just getting started, and many others inbetween.

    I hope your journey is successful.

    AF April 9, 2016


      new girl



      As in Rock of Gibraltar?

      Wow, I believe that is a first here.

      I am sure as you get to know us we would all love to hear about what it is like where you live, etc.

      Although, people on here are all over the world, which is good because anytime day or night, someone is available to help if you need it.

      Oh, and good on you for seeing your doctor. I believe getting the doctors on our side is a huge help.

      AF April 9, 2016


        new girl

        Hi Cindi
        I ws planning to order the book from Amazon but will probably end up downloading it so in order to avoid customs in Gib. Tomorrow is d-day for me as my drinking has completely got out of hand and I really hope my GP can help.wish me luck!!.


          new girl

          I was very fortunate, my dr was completely understanding and offered lots of help and was willing to talk about meds..he did increase my anti-depressant for me while I am becoming long term sober...It sounds to me like you are really ready to do this and get sober! Wonderful.
          Night sweats and bad sleeep. yes, as you de-tox that can happen. But, and this is important, it passes pretty quickly for most..then you will start to sleep very well!
          You have listed a lot of good reasons that you want to quit. For me, the most important reason is needed to quit for me. I needed to know I control my life, not AL.
          Please stay close to us as you work your way thorugh this. You CAN do it!
          Stay Strong!
          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


            new girl

            A friend bought me the Allen Carr book. I read over half of it but really didn't like it. Seemed to be saying pretty much what everyone else & AA says but tries to make out his ideas are something 'new'.

            After trying a couple of self-help books and most other things going I find a lot of what AA says helpful, this site useful for support as well as the confidence boost I gained in rehab. I don't believe there is a magic, single 'cure' just that something happens to you at the right time, with the right approach.


              new girl

              I read RJ's book, Allen Carr's book, and an AA book (Path's to Recovery). I didn't find anything helpful in the AA book, and found Carr's perspective helpful. So it just goes to show that we each need different strategies. Often we hear what we connect with our own lives, which are all so very different. At Amazon, I don't remember what the negative reviews said, but I connected with those that were positive for RJ's book and the Carr book. What has been most helpful for me of all is reading and posting on this web site. It is a much better addiction than Big AL.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                new girl

                Ooh, should have said I wouldn't recommend the AA book on it's own. More as a back up for sobriety and alongside the meetings.

                I don't think any book can achieve initially putting the drink down - especially since we are usually too influenced by the alcohol to take in or understand the true meaning. I believe the process has to start from within, often with medical or other assistance - then in come the strategies to stay sober.


                  new girl

                  Your story sounds familiar to many here, I'm sure. I was a bottle/bottle + of good red wine a night man myself for a good few years. Reduced it with the help of this site and am now pretty much back to zero or moderate drinking (the odd glass of wine - if that - on a weekend). Have you had many AF days in succession recently?

                  dora;312017 wrote: Hi
                  I have been reading posts for the last few weeks now and really feel that this site is going to help me. I see my own story in so many others. I have 2 young girls aged 7 and 4 and have been a heavy drinker for many years. I don't drink during the day but when 6 o clock comes (or 5 at a weekend 'weekend wine time') I open the wine and end up having a bottle/bottle 1/2 every night at least. It was initially white wine but then I swapped to red hoping I would drink less but the quantity hasn't changed. I hate being drunk when my girls go to bed. It seems that every week I say to myself 'I will stop on Monday'. I have a very supportive husband but he too is worried. He drinks very little. I have tried to only drink at weekends but end up binge drinking on Fri, Sat and Sun. I also sweat like mad over night and don't sleep well when I am AF. The low point came a couple of weeks ago when I fell and suffered a black eye and grazed face. On new years eve I was so drunk that my daughter said the next day that she hoped I wasn't 'dizzy' again. Unfortunately I have let my inhibitions down on 2 occasions witha a work colleague of my husbands. Although nothing happened apart from outrageous flirting I feel awful. i told my husband and he was great but I now get stressed when this bloke comes over from the UK and end up drinking to 'cope'. I live in Gibraltar where unfortunately the drink is cheap. I am seeing my GP tomorrow to get a repeat prescription for my antidepressants and have decided to tell her about my dependency.....hopefully she will help!!! I love reading all the makes me feel that I am not alone. Has anyone gained benefit from Allen Carrs book about how to control your drinking? He helped me quit smoking and I have read half of his book about drinking:confused. I have the MWO book earmarked on Amazon to buy. I was dissappointed to see some bad reviews of it
                  With best wishes from Dora:


                    new girl

                    Thanks for all messages of support. I had 2 AF days about 2 weeks ago which were a real struggle. Have just been to see my GP and have posted a new thread. Dora x


                      new girl

                      Hi Dora
                      I'm new here also. I don't know whether you read my story but it sounds very smiliar to yours. I have two daughters one is only 5 months and the other 2 1/2 years old. It has took me about a month to try and get this alcohol out of my system, my doctor was not that helpful and suggested that I moderate (who tells an alcoholic to moderate eh!!). Anyhow we can start this journey together if you like. I have managed 2 days AF after a binge and blackout on Tuesday night. I am currently reading Allen Carrs book at night before I try to sleep. I too have suffered withdrawal. Wednesday was awful, I had shakes, my anxiety was through the roof and my sleep that night was awful, BUT IT WAS DEFINATELY WORTH IT!!!! Yesterday was a lot easier, no shakes, anxiety lessened and I managed some sleep with fewer wake ups, I did sweat quite a lot but I see it as the poisen of AL coming out. I have woke up with my daughters feeling so proud of myself and it shows with them. Its early days for us but with the support from each other and everyone else on MWO we can surely do this. Looking forward to hearing from you. Good luck!!! SetoXXX


                        new girl

                        Hi Seto,
                        I have just read your story and it does seem so smilar to mine. I too suffered postnatal depression and really struggled after my second child. I would really like to start my journey with you. It must be wonderful to wake up without a hang over and enjoying your girls! Hopefully the same will happen to me. I am almost finished with Allen Carrs book and plan on finishing tonight. It is a shame that your doctor was so unsupportive. Can you see someone else? I am not sure if the diazepam will help, I will let you know. It is so reassuring to know that other people are going through the same struggles and makes me feel that I am not alone.
                        Dora x

