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New Kid on the Block

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    New Kid on the Block

    :new: :wings:Whenever I say calling all Angels (good & pure) wonderful things happen like this web-site. This morning I repeated my small prayer to assist me in this huge undertaking and here you are - all of you. No Shame! No Blame! is my moto.

    In reading the various blogs I am enlightened . . . I typed in how to quit drinking and one of the sites that popped up was Kudzu. I am researching and can not find any herbal or pharacutical stores who sell it and in my web travel I found this 'My Way Out' and though I have not had my 1st day AF and it took me a few min. to figure out what AF meant. I GOT IT. Your support and realities are inspiring. Please help me thru my 1st day. God Bless

    New Kid on the Block

    Welcome, to one sun from another:
    I had to ask someone after a few days: What's ODAT? Answer: one day at a time, as Bessie explained to me very kindly and patiently. I came here because RJ's book rated very highly in the reviews. It has been a godsend for me.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      New Kid on the Block

      We will take all the sunshine we can get here!!! Welcome!!! Good luck with your first day and the others to follow. I had a hard time learning all the acronymns...but now I love them....I also like to create my own from time to time! LOL!!!!
      By coming here you are taking a step in the right direction! Good job!


        New Kid on the Block

        look to the sky.

        there is hope Sunshine49..really! and Kudzu is an herbal forumla that is very good. wot a cheery username to start with..the support here is wonderful you will see how it works quickly. :welcome:


          New Kid on the Block

          Welcome Sunshine!
          In the US Kudzu is usually available in health food stores like Wild Oats.

          : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein

