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Starting off

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    Starting off

    I went to see my GP today who was really good. She is referring me to a Clinical Psychologist, I am thinking about going in to a unit for rehab and am going to have all the usual tests. She also has given me diazepam to help with the shakes/anxiety. I am so pleased to have got it alll out and admitted that yes I do really have a problem but I am really scared. I would love to drink in moderation but I don't think that is an option for me. I tend to be an all or nothing person which has been a big part of why I can't stop after 1 drink. Anyway I am aiming to start AF tomorrow. I just want to get through today and start fresh tomorrow. I am pretty tearful and scared but I guess this is normal. Dora xx

    Starting off

    Hi Dora, I have just read your other thread and wanted to respond, but most of all welcome you to MWO. Your story is so so familiar, the 6pm wine time, earlier on a weekend, the one and a half bottles a night, the loving supportive husband who is a "normal" drinker - oh yes, that is all very familiar to me!!!

    Dora, you have just taken the first step to a better life!!! You have made a choice to turn your life around, and you can make it happen!! Only you can do that. Going to see your GP was a big thing to do so well done for that and for taking responsibility.

    Please continue to read, read, read - all the posts here, old and new.....but also self-help books, which have helped me enormously. There is a thread on "What we are reading" - check it out. I read Allen Carr's book, and found it very helpful.

    The hypno cds from here make a difference too - well they did to me and I would recommend them. Its all about changing our "drinking thinking" and these really do help. Its all about changing our lives. Lastly, our bodies do need to recover as we begin our AF journey and we do need to replace all the lost vitamins/nutrition so check out the information regarding the supplements when you download the book.

    You've taken a big step really can do this Dora. Its amazing how after only a few days AF you feel more positive, and emotionally and physically fitter, like you're body is coming back to life and life can become good again. It is so worth it, the difference between the two worlds of drinking and not drinking does not compare.

    Good luck on your journey, look forward to seeing you around the boards....

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Starting off


      Thanks for such supportive words Janice. I think I will get the CDs. All my family are back in the UK apart from hubby and kids so I am plucking up courage to tell them the extent of my problem. I must keep saying to myself one day at a time!! I am determined to beat this and get my life back.
      Dora x


        Starting off

        Hi Dora
        Welcome. You live in Gibraltar - how cool. We have a thread on the site about where we live and you could give us a glimpse of what life is like in Gibraltar maybe? Might give you some distraction too.
        Well done having the guts to tell your Doctor. Thats a major step that most of us struggled with and once you have told one person it will be so much easier to tell the rest. That is if you want to tell anyone. We are all in the same boat just at different stages and with different variations on the MWO theme. I am day 18 today after 10 years+ of binge drinking and it is great (the 18 days that is not the 10 years of binging). I am on a roll now so cant see anything stopping me making it to 30 days which is my first goal. Also not smoking so I get double points! Best of luck and keep checking in with us and posting.


          Starting off

          Dora...great to hear that you have made so much progress by going to your GP! I am sure that it was a really hard decision but the rewards are going to be so great. In the beginning it will be tough but minute by minute and day by day it gets incrementally better.

          Keep going! Stay Positive!


            Starting off

            Welcome Dora, I read your first thread yesterday but it was kinda late to respond. Very couragous to go to the dr and do what ya gotta do!! If you can do that, you can do anything, right??? If you haven't yet, read the MWO book, looking forward to hearing about your AF journey!!
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

