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fooling myself

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    fooling myself

    Hi there, I started looking at this site before Easter. I was looking for something to say "you are" or "you aren't" and alcoholic. I liked this site because a lot of people talk about not wanting to quit and wanting to drink in moderation, "that's me!" I thought. I decided to quit for one month and then I would only drink on my boyfriends nights off. I quit for 8 days, even though I only drink at night (about a bottle of wine a night), once I have that first glass I can't stop until it's gone or I'm falling asleep. I thought about drinking every day, I was mad, I was depressed, I was rensentful. I couldn't wait until Easter, because even though I told my boyfriend I wasn't going to drink at all for one month, I knew I was going to use it as an excuse to at least have one...and I did, then nothing for 2 days (harder than ever) then on the following wendsday 2 glasses, then thursday 3/4 of a bottle, then Friday, the rest of the bottle, and tonight I bought a new bottle... 2 glasses and disgusted with myself I put the bottle in the top of my closet where I can't see it, I want to dump it but what a waste of money, I'll just end up spending again in a few days. I want to quit, and I want to quit for good. There are a lot of people I know that can have a glass of wine only on occasions, like out to dinner or with friends or on a holiday, but not me, it just gets the ball rolling again. I'm sad, because I love to drink. I'm depressed because I feel empty and angry without it. Am I in the wrong place?

    fooling myself

    also, since I started drinking the wine again I feel like I'm on fire! I feel sunburned or like I have a fever and I don't, does anyone else feel that?


      fooling myself

      There are many different types of reactions to alcohol and different reactions at different times, so please don't beat yourself up over this. You can get help and you can control this. This site can help you! If you want to test yourself further, you can go here for a stronger questionnaire..


        fooling myself

        I am in my forties and thought that I was getting night sweats due to my age, but it only happens on the nights when I drink wine...I think wine is poison I have decided. That is why it comes in such fancy bottles to disguise what it really is.


          fooling myself

          My eyes burn when I drink wine....I pretty much regularly drink it so my eyes always burn. I never noticed this until I started to have wine free days and my eyes did not burn on those mornings after. I like having burn free eyes. And....the pretty wine true. I love the way those wine bottles look and the pretty wine glasses too. Wine FEELS like such a treat!

