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Ready to get started!

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    Ready to get started!

    Okay I'm new to the site and MWO program. I've jumped in with both feet. Ordered the book, CD's and six week starter kit. I really want to believe that I can enjoy alcohol in moderation, and that I can switch off the part of my brain that insists on getting me completely blasted at every opportunity.

    I started drinking at 18 and progressed to a completely non-functioning alcoholic at age 22. Had to drop out of University, I would have flunked out in any case as I wasn't attending classes anymore. Moved home and went cold turkey abstinent. Got my life back together did the AA thing, which I didn't really find all that helpful. Managed to get a good job. With my restored health, I believed that I could handle drinking. And for the most part I could handle it. I became a 6 pack an evening drinker and managed to lead a fairly productive life. This continued until about 26. I then decided it wasn't really healthy to drink every day. So I went to the only drink on the weekends plan. This actually worked pretty well for a while, occasionally I'd start the weekend a little early on Thursday night or end it late on Sunday night. But over all I'd say I felt pretty good about at least cutting out 3 or 4 nights of drinking a week. I'm now 27 and I've noticed that I'm starting to get too carried away on the weekends. I look forward to those nights of drinking way too much. The last three weekends I've been drinking secretly, out of sight of my girlfriend and getting completely plastered beyond black out stage. All it takes is a couple of drinks and I can't stop myself until I pass out.

    I've worked very hard over the last few years to become a successful functioning alcoholic and I don't think I can keep it up. I'm now a partner in a multi-million dollar business. I met the love of my life, we're now engaged. By all accounts I have a great life. However, it hit me this morning as I woke up from last night's fog. I will lose all of it if I continue down this path. So here I am!

    Here are my initial concerns, I haven't received the book yet, so forgive my ignorance. Is moderation a realistic scenario for someone with my history? Can it be done without prescription meds? I really don't want to go down that road unless all else fails. Is anyone else having success without the meds that can offer me some advice?

    It actually feels great to get all of that out of my system, sorry for the long post, but I just couldn't stop writing! Might as well lay it all out on the line and ask for help. I genuinely hope I can return the favor some day!

    Thank you!

    Ready to get started!

    Good to get started and good to go. It sounds like you are a hard charger and you certainly can do this without the topa, at least give it a try with extra glutamine and kudzu and the cd's and such, but you might want to try to take up some sports or something extra on the weekend that doesn't involve drinking. Every tried motor cross or skiing or something else? Sounds almost like something else might be missing a bit and you could be drinking to fill a void when everything else in your life is so full. Congrats on that. Not sure but be as committed to this for 6-12 weeks as you can and it can work. If you want a more comprehensive plan to add to this, google seven weeks to sobriety and look at her more intensive questionnaire and supplement section which may address something that this program doesn't for you. Good can do this.


      Ready to get started!

      Hi GS,

      I would add that you may want to consider having a good period of abstinence before considering moderation. The reason that I say this is because you have been drinking to the blackout stage, and if you don't abstain for a while to give your brain a chance to really clear out, it will be very easy to slip back into old patterns without extraordinary willpower. You may be able to do that, but it is a lot of work. Sometimes just not drinking is easier (after the first few days ) and it will give you some time to really think about what kind of role you really want alcohol to play in your life.

      Incidently, I am taking the medication topamax, and if you titrate up slowly, it really isn't so bad and helps enormously. If you are worried about your med records, you can put it out that you get migraines. Some people just don't like meds, which is okay too. In that case, make sure you are religious about taking your supplements!

      Anyway, good luck, and stay tuned in to this site and others like Moderation Management for help in getting this issue turned around!



        Ready to get started!

        Hi Gs,

        Good for you for taking control now, before it gets worse! Believe me, it can get worse as you said when you were younger and thought you may be headed that way again. I started in January. Like you, I started with the supps, cd's...I also added the topa (personal choice). Everyone chooses to or not for there own reasons. The topa and some of the supps (l-glute and kutzu) just help take the edge off the cravings. It does take will power and strength on our part. But it sounds like you have alot to live for and a wonderful life ahead of you! So I think you will do great!

        I do drink in moderation now after about 1 month of abstinence. I use to drink about 12 beers a day for 10 or so years 5 days a week. Now I drink maybe twice a month. I really plan in advance, think it through...2-3 beers tops each time and then stop! So it can be done and it can be done without the topa also I believe as long as you have the willpower and strength to stop yourself after the 2-3. Sure there are times when I would like to have more, even on the topa and Supps some times. (this is where the Cd's help not want more.) But I know that I can't, otherwise I would end up right back to where I was before!

        Sorry for writing a book also, lol. Read the book...start the supps and Cd's and try a few weeks of ab's and keep posting and reading this site! There are wonderful people with great stories and information here to help and share!

        Best of luck and Take care,


          Ready to get started!

          Wow, thanks for the tips and encouragement!

          cv I think you are totally right about coming up with substitute activities on the weekend. I've started making early morning golf tee times for this weekend. That usually motivates me to stay off the hooch the night before as golf is another of my addictions that almost holds as much power over me as alcohol. I also succumbed to my fianc??s constant nagging to joining a Friday night ballroom dancing class with her. That should help keep me occupied during one of my old prime drinking times.

          My first reaction to YoungAtHeart's suggestion of abstaining for a while was to say no way! But I've thought about it and I'm now totally in agreement. I think my system needs a good period of detox to get on track. I've commited to 3 weeks, (for some reason a month sounds too hard!) I'm sure I can do it, just gotta summon up the will power and find other activities instead. It'll be strange, I haven't gone more than a few days at a time without drinking for 5 years.

          Thanks Tammie for the encouragement as well. I'm going to pass on the Topa for now and really hit it hard on the sups and cd's. I like that you plan your drinking way in advance, I guess I'll have to put it in my day planner! ;-)

          Okay, so I have the books CD's and starter kit. I took my first dose of the All One this morning and it made me a little nauseous, is that common? Maybe I just need to eat something first. I also just took it with water, yuck! I'm buying some juice on the way home tonight! I don?t suppose wine counts as grape juice does it? Oh well that probably defeats the purpose.

          This will be my first sober weekend in 5 years, wish me luck!


            Ready to get started!

            "I don?t suppose wine counts as grape juice does it?" :rollin

            As a Chardonnay lover, that was my favorite of all your lines! Seriously...good luck to you. I take my All One in the morning with OJ. I've tried it with crandberry and V-8 juice and didn't like it at all that way. Water....oh my did you get it down? I don't even like it with OJ but it is palatable for me that way. I like taking the All One feels like I'm taking good care of myself somehow. It makes me feel good.


