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surviving a party sober

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    surviving a party sober

    Anyone got any ideas on how to face a party with a group of people who are used to seeing you off your face and won't understand why you don't want to drink alcohol anymore when they still do?

    surviving a party sober

    I would pertend to drink. Drink something out of a glass they will not know the difference, and after awhile won't care since they are all getting hammered. Then you can have some fun, playing with drunks while you are sober can be great fun.


      surviving a party sober

      One of my weakest points, social drinking. I think" trying to good" is on to something. First, since it sounds like you have friends like mine, who consume quite a bit...I wouldn't really tell many of them what you are up to. Sometimes they have a way of sabatoging the effort. Also try the social situations CD...


        surviving a party sober

        Pretending to drink sounds a good idea.... why is it so embarrassing not to drink....I feel I will be treated like a social outcast if I admit to not drinking, so will give it a try....When I summon up the courage to go out with friends. At the moment I would not even dare and abstinence is the only solution for now because if I have one drink... I have to have another and then......... Thanks for the advice....


          surviving a party sober

          I agree. When I first started this, I had a wine tasting to attend that we were hosting! I put ginger ale in my wine glass, carried it and sipped sometimes, other times, just busied myself with refilling cheese platters...NO ONE NOTICED I was not drinking actual wine. I smiled, laughed, and although it was admittedly kinda weird, I had a good time!

          Put something in a cup, or chew gum, eat snacks, play cards. If you can get away with the NA beer, put it in a cup and no one will EVER KNOW! That was my deal, anyway. I didn't want the whole dang universe whispering about me not drinking, or asking questions. Didn't feel like dealing with it at that time. Maybe you are not like that. Maybe you prefer to just be upfront and say "I'm not drinking tonight, thanks". Say you're driving, you're on antibiotics, whatever.

          Just have your plan, then HAVE FUN!! Remember what you are doing and why you are doing it!
          You will thank yourself in the morning, and the next party, it won't be a matter of simply "surviving a party sober", it will be "can't wait to party!...(sober part implied:smokin )"



            surviving a party sober

            If you're a beer drinker, and the party is in someone's home and not at a bar, you can empty the beer in the bathroom, rinse it out good and fill with water. Brown bottles work best. Then periodically use the bathroom and refill.

            Or don't drink, and if someone asks why, look sad and tell them you were diagnosed with a bleeding ulcer and can't drink. Tell them you didn't want to bore them with stories about the stomach problems and tests, etc. White lies won't hurt.


              surviving a party sober

              I once had someone tell me they "broke out" when they drank...I asked them about it. Do you break out in a rash or fever or what?... They said "No,I break out of wherever it is that I'm at...Re-hab, Jail, Treatment, wherever I am at the time I drink...I break out!" I thought that was pretty classic!


                surviving a party sober

                Don't know what your weight is Cochinelle, but many of the new diets call for at least some period of abstinence from alcohol when you start. You can always say, "Oh I just started the________diet, and I am abstaining from alcohol for ___weeks."

                In France, many people will stop drinking for a month or so every year to give their livers a chance to rest!

                There are sure a lot of good suggestions on this thread!:lol

                Good luck!


                  surviving a party sober

                  Well, let's just say that when people ask what size I take, I always say 'whale' - a bit of an exaggeration but more of how I feel about myself. Good idea tho'. I have tried many of the diets of offer. Lost two stone last year but have put it all back on. Maybe I should start another diet - where you can't drink!!!!

