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The L-Glut script

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    The L-Glut script

    This is scene set in my head normally at about drink o' clock most days.

    Al - would be nice to open a bottle of wine wouldn't it?
    Brain - mm (non committal)
    Al - that pop of the cork, the first glass, sit down, chill out a bit.
    Brain - not really sure, you know I'll drink the whole thing and that's just not good.
    Al - no, no! Not at all. You can just have the one glass. Maybe two at the most. It's ok, you really deserve it, you've been so busy. It's your reward. You can still get things done.
    Brain - yeah I can actually do some stuff while I have a glass of wine. But I don't know, I really don't need a hangover tomorrow.
    Al - Nooooo. Course you don't. But a glass or two won't make any difference and you can go to bed early, get a good night's sleep. You'll be fine.
    Brain - Yeah, I do deserve it. I'll take it easy and just have one..or two.

    With L-Glut..... the same time, a different dialogue.......

    Al - would be nice to open a bottle of wine wouldn't it?
    Brain - mm (non commital)
    Al - that pop of the cork, the first glass, sit down, chill out a bit
    Brain - actually don't fancy it really
    Al - Come on. Course you do, you love your wine.
    Brain - no, really, not tonight thanks.
    Al - Have you gone deaf. That pop of the cork. First glass. You deserve it.
    Brain - no, really don't feel like it.
    Brain - look, I really don't fancy it. Just not interested.
    Al - WHAT?! WHAT?
    Brain - Oh piss off. You're boring me now.

    (exit stage left, hand in hand with new best friend L-Glut)

    Bessie xx

    The L-Glut script

    Excellent Bessie.....a girl's best friend is definitely her L-Glut!!

    Good luck!!

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      The L-Glut script


      That is TOTALLY AWESOME!!

      I am extremely glad you find the L-Glut to be so helpful.

      I will make sure every evening around the witching hour, I take some, too.

      You go girl!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        The L-Glut script

        Oh Bessie too funny, how did you know what my brain says?????

        I am taking the all of the supplements outlined here on the web site and have only been taking 1- 1000mg in the morning of the L-Glut. Maybe I should be upping it since I have such mind games going on right now.

        Will take more at lunch, maybe that is what I need to get me though tonight.

        You are a Peach!!!! Thanks Bessie :l


          The L-Glut script

          Bessie that is excellent,

          I have to be honest I never believed in the supps, but when I decided to give them a try they really do work ..........

          I love Lglut!!!!! and even allone ........

          BB xx


            The L-Glut script

            Bessie, I Loved the Theater of AL!

            Quick much L-glut and when do you take it?


              The L-Glut script

              I just love this post!!!!


                The L-Glut script

                Hi Caseaday

                I buy the L-Glut off here (so whatever the strength is that they sell) and I take one of them about 6pmk, which, for me is just before the time I am thinking about drinking. My temptation time is quite specific (ie only evenings) so that's how it works best for me. If your beer o'clock is earlier or all day then maybe you would need to have several staged doses. Somebody else might be able to help you with that.

                Try it! It is astonishing how it just dulls the craving. Certainly for me anyway.

                Let us know how you get on.

                Bessie xx


                  The L-Glut script

                  I have read from another source to take it (1000 mg) 3X a day. And if you get a strong urge, open the capsule and dump the powder on your tongue and let it sit there a little bit.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    The L-Glut script

                    Thanks for the advice Bessie and Greeneyes! I have heard about l-glut but really didn't know much about its dosage and effects. I'll check into getting some today...

