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    Day 4 AF and I am feeling really lonely today.
    My husband has gone out to a bar to watch the football.
    I am home alone
    7.45pm here and usually I would be thinking about 2nd bottle of wine now.
    Instead I am sober and there is so much extra time to fill.
    I am really jittery.
    Also the added irritation that 'he' is out drinking and I'm not.
    anyone else out there feeling this??



    Yes, I have experienced that, although my hubby doesn't go to bars and doesn't drink, so that is adding to your mood.

    Here is where you need to figure out what you can do to replace the drinking time.

    I would definitely find something that is fun, time consuming and a good habit, not a bad one.

    Even after 34 days, last night I was in the same place. Jittery, off kilter, mind racing and thinking about AL. But, I got through it and am so glad I did.

    Hang in there.

    AF April 9, 2016



      Hi new. I don't feel that right now, but am just wanting to extend my hand and say hello. Something on TV to watch? Go do somethinge else? Busy yourslef in some way? Have a closet that could use cleaning? Pets to play with? Visit a neighbor? Double dose of bubbles in the tubbie for a nice soak? Followed by a self-administered pedicure? Hang in there... you're doing great.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



        Hi newbeginning
        I know what you mean. WHen my hubby goes out I often drink more than I do when we are together. You are doing so well. I am on my first day AF and normally by now I would be saying a slurred goodnight to my girls and starting on the second bottle of wine. Tonight I have just made a pot of green tea.This web site is fab. Keep it can do it and you will be so proud of yourself tomorrow.



          Just a thought.....I see that you like spanish and cooking. I have bought Simone Ortegas book '1080 recetas' at the Carrefour and have been busy translating the recipes into English which passes the time. I made one today....stuffed ternera with anchovies and bacon and it was gorgeus althougha rather odd combination!! You might find this helps?



            newbegining;313030 wrote: Day 4 AF and I am feeling really lonely today.
            My husband has gone out to a bar to watch the football.
            I am home alone
            7.45pm here and usually I would be thinking about 2nd bottle of wine now.
            Instead I am sober and there is so much extra time to fill.
            I am really jittery.
            Also the added irritation that 'he' is out drinking and I'm not.
            anyone else out there feeling this??
            Yeah, everyone else in my family drinks too,
            my wife is cool about drinking in front of me, but her vodka
            is on the server next to my orchids and some time it calls out to me.
            There is beer in the short refrigerator in the laundry room.
            In I just came from a party for my son's wife and had to explain
            why i was not drinking anymore.

            Don't be irritated newbeginnings, that is just a negative spiral that
            your body is hoping you fall for. It's a nasty trick, don't fall for it!

            Think positive thoughts about how you can do this and maybe
            loose yourself in a new activity ( exersize [ dang the spelling I am
            on a roll here ] or relaxation therapy, redecorate the bathroom
            fixtures or what ever it takes.

            Do it for the best reason... for you.

            with health and healing, Sam



              Thanks everyone,
              Got over my pity party yesterday thanks to the support here and later in Chat.
              Anyway guess whose feeling good in our house today - not hung over husband thats for sure.
              Happy Sunday all
              New (Day5)



                awesome great job keep it up newbegining
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



                  great job! Liz

