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Beer bellys
Beer bellys
I really am hoping the figure thing gets under control. I was skinny all of my life and never had a problem until my 30's. Well I'm realizing now it wasn't that at all. I aquired a taste for red wine around the same time and it's been downhill since then. Hopefully even just cutting down drastically will shed some pounds (25-30 of them).
Beer bellys
Seems like a lot of us have about 25-30 lbs to drop! Yuck! I wish I could coax some of it upward, if you get my drift! I am a classic pear, and the ONLY thing that I like about being overweight is my cleavage! I'm sure that will disappear along with the pounds!Oh well......
Beer bellys
I gained about 15 lbs from drinking. I used to have a wonderful, tiny fingure that has turned to mush from drinking. Now that I'm working out and not drinking (and taking topa which is supposed to help, right?) I should have a tiny figure again by end of summer. I am working out 6 days a week because I believe it helps me to be diligent like that. It's just something I'm doing for myself. It makes me feel good!
Ok chat soon!
Beer bellys
So far I am doing crunches a LOT at the gym. And I am getting my abs back!!But my fiance told me something about a way to get rid of love handles. I need him to show it to me though, so I will keep you posted. It has something to do with lifting actual weights.
Beer bellys
wine belly and topa
I am brand new to this forum and I feel like I have found a home. I am in my 54 and I was a moderate drinker for years and very slim. Following breast cancer and tomoxofin AND a major increase in my wine intake ( i can easily drink a bottle a night) I have gained about 30 pounds in my middle. I hate it....I look like an apple on tooth picks. I am a little nervous about taking Topamax although my doctor suggested it. Have you had any side effects? I want to continue moderate drinking as I love it but I din't want it to rule my life.
Beer bellys
Re: wine belly and topa
Hey Chardonnay,
The topa can really help, but you have to titrate up slowly on the dosage. Side effects vary from person to person, and they can sometimes be eased by titrating up even more slowly. I'm taking it, and I find it helpful.
Some people have moderated successfully right away, but I found that I needed a period of abstinence before I was able to do so. I abstained for 3 1/2 weeks before getting back into it. It is very important to define what moderation means to you, also. The moderation management website has some very good ideas about moderation, so maybe you can go give it a look-see!
Good luck!