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Waiting to Start...

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    Waiting to Start...

    Hi Donna

    Thanks for your support again. Isn't it crazy when we've all this natural beauty that we think we can enhance or improve on it with alcohol. At least I'm aware of it now and feel I'm certainly on the right path; just it's a wee bit slippery at the start here!!!

    Well I did cave in yesterday, but it wasn't quite so bad (to start with anyway!) I was more bored than having cravings and didn't go out till after 3pm. Had 2 mineral waters (ME???!!) (nothing like being with others who've a head start on you to put you off drinking!!) I had one beer which lasted ages and didn't really enjoy it and then left. But then I did have more at home. So, in a way, I don't feel too bad because there was definitely a change in mind-set but the habit was stronger!!

    The only way is up...
    All the best
    Emy x


      Waiting to Start...

      Hi Emy,

      Yes, with each passing day on this program it becomes clearer to me that alcohol fogged the natural beauty of life rather than enhanced it! That was an eye opening lesson for me indeed!

      I do believe that "mind set" makes all the difference in the success one has on this program, and it certainly seems to me that you have it!! Doesn't it seem that once you are ready to start, that it takes FOREVER for all of your packages to arrive.

      I think you are doing great!! Hang in there. Hopefully it won't be much longer now!!



        Waiting to Start...

        Any idea how long the packages take to arrive. I have ordered from the States and live in Belgium. As you say I would love them to have arrived yesterday as I am full of determination. Still waiting for the book too and dead scared that I will fall off the wagon which I have only been on for two days (this is my third!) before the help arrives...



          Waiting to Start...

          Hi Elaine
          I ordered mine Easter SUnday and they arrived in Australia on 26 April. So 10 days, less 2 public holidays here. Waiting on the Topa which I ordered from UK last Tuesday (18th).
          Good luck!

