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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Good morning all. Hope you've had a good lie in this morning. Hope you've all woken without hangovers and are looking forward to a good day, whatever you are doing. :h

    I am doing so much better since I have had more time to spend here. It definitely helps being able to read others' stories, their problems and how they deal with them and the successes of some people are really inspirational. When I was flat out with work I missed coming on here and now I spend way too much time!! But I figure this is a good place to spend too much time. And I'm a fast typer and reader and have the PC on a lot anyway during the day so it doesn't take long to check in.

    Another AF night under my belt. An easy one too. No L-Glut, no nothing. Yay! Just didn't want any. After the night before I had more than enough determination to beat any cravings anyway!!

    Tonight we have a friend coming to stay but we are going into the city to pick him up and then go on to eat with friends. I will drive so that will be ok for another AF night. And if the men want to carry on when they get back here then I will make sure there is beer and whisky/coke in the house but no wine. I have the farrier coming at 7am tomorrow for the horse so that will be my excuse to get to bed early and leave them to it. That's my ODAT plan.

    Off to do the animals. Grey day here so all the lights on and the fire going when I get back Love to all to come.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Sunday


    Unfortunately, I didn't have a good lie in. :-(

    I woke at 2:00 a.m. my time and can't get back to sleep. Mind is racing with money worries, worries about my upcoming trip and getting ready for my daughter's wedding. But, I am still AF and still happy to be that way!!

    For you, this is two days AF in a row and a third one coming up. That is great, Bessie. I added the L-Glut to my evening supps, just because you said it had done so well for you. I figured, why not?

    A warm, cozy fire sounds so nice. Enjoy your evening. I am so glad you are here with us on ODAT. You brighten my day each and every day.

    Love to all to come. I'll be popping in and out all day.

    AF April 9, 2016


      ODAT - Sunday

      Cindi look at you. Honestly you have inspired me so much. Thank you.


        ODAT - Sunday

        Hello to a fine ODAT day. Its amazing how much better you feel when you wake following an AF day. Bessie, you sound like you have your plan all worked out! Thats fantastic. And Cindi, WOW. You are really racking up those days.

        Today is just gorgeous, so I'm packing the rug and a book and a big bottle of water and heading down to the Burggarten to soak up some wonderful Viennese sunshine:H

        Love to all to come


          ODAT - Sunday

          Sunshine? Sunshine? Remind me about that stuff? Yellow isn't it?!

          Cindi, sorry you were up early with troubles. Those wee small hours of the morning are the worst for worrying. How is your daughter getting on?

          Bessie xx


            ODAT - Sunday

            Good morning/nearly afternoon to you all
            I am going to order some L-Glut today - sounds like it works. After 3 days AF I cracked and drank again, its definately the Saturday night thing. This time though I didn't drink too much and went to bed relatively sober, not the result I wanted but better than I would have done in the past. That's why I chose ODAT as my starter. I knew I would slip up a bit. So today is a new day and I am back in the fighting spirit. Well done everyone on abstaining, you are really encouraging!!!! So today I'm off to the gym to sweat Al out and have no plans to drink tonight as Sunday night has been alcohol free in our house for the past month or so. Looking forward to reading more posts later. XXXSeto

            3/4 AF so far and counting.............


              ODAT - Sunday


              Not up with troubles, Bessie, Just up.

              Daughter is doing fantastically!! My heart is so relieved. I have no illusions that she will come out all better, just like me she might relapse but this is such a huge start.

              I wish I could send you some sunshine, Bessie!! It is going to be another gorgeous day in the south USA.

              AF April 9, 2016


                ODAT - Sunday

                I like the ODAT saying except i wish it was tommorrow and saying it


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  Hi Everyone,

                  Being AL is really beginning to mess with my mind. This morning I work up and said to myself "oh my god, I feel like crap, I am so hungover". A typical Sunday morning thought process. I actually had to remind myself that I didn't drink anything yesterday and that I wasn't hungover! Oh the mind games that come with AL and AF!

                  I have to develop some plans for the day as I have so much extra time on my hands on day 7 of AF. I typically would get up around 10:00 am and drink my way through the day talking to neighbors, watching TV and playing with the dogs. I really wouldn't go anywhere because of fear of drinking and driving.

                  Today, I woke up at 7:00 am and now have 3 extra hours plus the rest of the day that I can actually do something productive. So, I am going to the HomeDepot to get some soil and plants and do some gardening, probably go for a walk, maybe fix my bike. All things that I would not even considered last week!

                  Bessie...bummer to hear that it is going to be cloudy again in the UK, but spring should let loose to summer pretty soon. It is going to be 70 degrees for the first time this year in Minnesota but it will also be cloudy. At least I will be able to thaw out today!

                  Seto...glad to hear that you controlled yourself last night and are in a positive mood today. Working out sounds like a great idea to get AL out of your system.

                  Hope everyone has a great day!


                    ODAT - Sunday

                    Morning everyone!

                    I let doggie out and hubby had cleand up back patio!! Wowee! Made me want to plant flowers, but then I thought of why I don't have any - destructo doggie. But I have an idea for the front of the house.

                    I was up with Cindi but went back to bed. Cindi, you are doing so great!

                    Bessie, I wish i could send you sunshine too. I have a window by home desk and the hole. Brilliant blue sky through trees. This time of year the greens are vibrant. Like fall but shades of green. Beautiful. However the fireworks show last night got rained out. Pants. OK.... what is a farrier? It wasn't in the dictionary.

                    Jupiter & Seto, Have some eggs. they are good for a hangover. Scientific study. Really! And choke down the supps!

                    nojoke, I am envious, and that is no joke :H

                    Have a great day all, however you spend it. I shall be in the hole. But at least I have a hole. Not everybody does. I am thankful for what I have. Or try to be. I feel the serenity prayer coming on.... (for those who do not know, the hole is my office, not orafice) hahaha
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      ODAT - Sunday

                      Bessie, you ARE the sunshine.......

                      Regards form sunny CAlifornia!!!!!! hehehehehehe


                        ODAT - Sunday


                        Farrier is a blacksmith. Shoes horses.

                        Glad you got back to sleep. I didn't and I am now not looking forward to the 6:00 a.m. flight out of town to work tomorrow. Arrrggh.

                        Beautiful blues coming through our trees just now budding out. By next week they will be in full leaf.

                        Looking out the window at the Dogwoods and Mountain Laurel blooming in the woods.

                        Love Spring!!

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          ODAT - Sunday

                          Morning All,

                          Bessie, sounds like you are making real progress - learning what you need to do to meet your goals and following through. Glad the L-glut is working for you. You are sounding happier - even though the weather is still lousy.

                          Cindi - my 7 year old (youngest) caught me working on my resume a few days ago. She asked what it was and then why I was thinking of going back to work. I told her that it might be nice to have more money - she said "I'd rather have more Mommy than more money". Sweet really. Since I have no real money worries was probably more of an attempt on my part to structure more of my time to help my stay away from AL.

                          Seto, good for you for controlling the drink.

                          caseaday and nojoke, you sound like you've got your day planned. good for you.

                          greenie, learning to appreciate the hole. good for you. Gratitude helps.


                          Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                            ODAT - Sunday

                            The same thing happened to me when my son was 7, I needed to buy a car but when my son realized I had to work more to pay for it, the beaten down old jalopy wasn't so bad.


                              ODAT - Sunday

                              HI, everyone, sorry Iv'e not been around recently, I've been so busy working.(no excuse). I do think of
                              you often, and wish you well. I have recently had lots of physical probs. In my family we have a congenital heart defect, 2 of my brothers died from it, but me being lucky ? it was detected sooner.
                              So please pray for me. I'm convinced I will be fine.
                              Love to you all. Paula. x

