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Ready to stop the madness

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    Ready to stop the madness

    I am so grateful to have found this site.

    I have been addicted to alcohol for the past ten years and this is the first time I have shared my secret with anyone. My drinking has created a pretty miserable life for me.
    My husband of one year has asked for a divorce because he can no longer watch me slowly kill myself.

    Yes, it took this incredible loss to make me face my demons, and I am ready to do the work. i am worried about my sleep, more than anything else. I have had difficulty sleeping since I was a child. I began driniking excessively 10 years ago and it started with a glass of wine to help me sleep. I realize that I cannot stop at one, I have to finish the entire bottle.

    I don't drink more than two glasses of wine in public. I wait until I go home, where I can keep my secret hidden. However, I am fooling myself if I think that I am truly hiding my problem

    Again, I am grateful that I found you. I am feeling sad, alone, and very lost. But I know it's time to stop.


    Ready to stop the madness

    A big welcome to you Justine :welcome:
    You made a great first step. Congratulations. Have you considered RJ's book, CD, supplements & kudzu? Maybe if you can get on track, you can save your relationship. Look forward to talking to you more.

    5HTP, passion flower extract, melatonin, valerian, camomile tea are all sleep aids you may wnat to check into. If you choose any of the the supplementsor suggestions, be aware of contraindications with presccription sleep aids.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Ready to stop the madness

      Thank for the welcome! Yes, I am going to order them today. No, the relationship is over. He is pretty determined to end the marriage. He is a pretty black and white kind of guy. it's either all good or all bad...

      Right now I have to focus on my getting off the treadmill.

      Thanks for your support!


        Ready to stop the madness


        :welcome: Good to see you have made the first steps in your recovery....I am also new to this site and have found such comfort just reading some of the postings.....there are always people around you who really care....especially on this site.....You are not alone in this struggle.....we are all here for you........

        Life is beautiful and truly a gift......enjoy your new beginning....



          Ready to stop the madness

          Thank you for your kind words. I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face. I feel a mixture of relief and sadness. But it's comforting to know that I am not alone and all I have to do is reach out.

          I'm ready for the journey



            Ready to stop the madness

            Howdy Justine...

            Glad to see that you posted on the site. Just keep reading and learning about the people here...all good and very supportive. I see that your icon said you are hungover. Make sure you are getting plenty of fluids and keep yourself active.

            You can also download the book and read it for just a few dollars and get the supplements that are recommended.

            I am in the middle of day 7 and feeling pretty good. My neighbor next door just commented across that yard that I was very cheery today. He said "you must not have gotten drunk last night, you seem to be pretty chipper today". I didn't even notice that I was in such a great mood!

            Keep everyone posted on your progress as it will help keep you focused on kicking AL.


              Ready to stop the madness

              Thanks for the support!

              I am going to do everything I can do to make sure I don't face another morning with a hangover. It is sooooo debilitating, and unnecessary.

              Thanks so much the encouragement.:thanks:


                Ready to stop the madness

                You are not alone by any means. Going through a divorce is very hard, I know. I hope you dont have to experience that.

                We are all here for you, and ready to help. Being AF is a day to day battle and everyone needs a helping hand. Stay and join the family.

                All the best Justine,


                  Ready to stop the madness

                  Justine ~ Welcome! Congrats on your choice to find some help. I hope that you really want this for you and not to salvage the marriage. Because saving your marriage is a huge motivator, hun, but you have to do this for you first and foremost. You deserve to be happy and healthy no matter what.

                  I see you've received a lot of great advice on the program already. I'll just add that you should read as many posts as possible and post often. It seems that the people (not all, but it seems most) who post the most have a higher success rate. I could be off base on this, but this support group is amazing so don't underestimate what you can get out of it.

                  I hope you feel better soon, sweetie. Today's a new day. We are here for you.

                  Love, Me
                  Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

