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Hi, just getting started...

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    Hi, just getting started...

    Hi everyone,
    I am finally going to get off the wrong path, and away from self medicating with alcohol. I have been going through some stuff that just hurts so bad that I've been drinking to dull the pain. Trouble is that it's gotten to the point that it is only making my life worse!
    I stopped drinking last night, and searched the web and found this site. I hope to heck that I can be successful this time. I went out and bought the L-glutamine, and will read the book etc.
    I do have problems with taking medications though, because I don't want to go to my family doctor to get them. I don't want this to be documented in my medical records, so I will try to do this without the meds.
    I have only one concern at this point, and that is withdrawl. I don't have too many symptoms, but I'm not sure how long to expect this to go on. Also, I'm worried about the possibility of having things get worse, to the point that I have restricted my activities. Any suggestions as to how to get through this first week would be appreciated. I am drinking lots of water and herbal teas, and having a light diet. As well, I am resting alot. Part of me wants to just sleep or rest in bed until the worst is over, but I suspect that light walking and puttering around the yard is a good idea.
    Anyway, thanks ahead for the input.

    Hi, just getting started...

    Hi Rain,

    Welcome to MWO. There is alot of help and support for you here!! I would like to try and ansewr some of you questions but it is difficult without knowing how much you have been drinking and for how long. Withdrawl is different for everyone.

    When I stopped drinking, I had been drinking at least two bottles of wine a night sometimes more. I found that the three to four days to follow I was very tired, moody, not too shakey though. I did however, the day I stopped drinking, start this program full force. I do believe it helped me get through the intial days much easier.

    Exercise is an excellent idea, and a big part of the program. Also, kudzu is another one of the supplements that will help with cravings.

    Everyone here is very suppoetive, and here to help you how ever we can. Let us know what else we can do! Hang in there!!



      Hi, just getting started...

      Hi Donna,
      Thanks for your reply. I have been drinking a mickey of vodka almost every day, or every other day. I have tried to limit myself by buying the smaller amounts, and usually I am able to stop myself from going out to get more.


        Hi, just getting started...

        Please forgive me Rainy but I don't know what a mickey is. :rolleyes . I do know what I fith is, a pint is, a 1/2 pint and so was my choice as well was there was not wine to be had. Do you know what a mickey is compared to those?



          Hi, just getting started...

          Oops, sorry.. A mickey is about 13 ounces of booze. I guess it is otherwise known as a 1/2 ?
          I'm north of the states, so my slang is abit unusual!:b


            Hi, just getting started...

            Well the best I can figure is that a mickey is about a pint. I don't think that is more than I was drinking when I quit. I would say keeping busy is a good thing. Get out and take walks. Alot of people suggest gardening. Do you have a bike? Go for a ride. Take a nice long nap...yes, that is keeping busy too! Drink plenty of water!

            I would also try and incorporate as many aspects of this program as you can. Even if you don't want to take the topa, I would go to a health food store and get all the other supplements. They are formulated to help your body recover from the alcohol abuse and replenish nutrients you have lost!! I also highyl recomend ordering the cd's asap.....they are so helpful in your recovery.

            I hope this helps Rainy! You have landed in a really great place!!


