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Cooking Happy - Have you taken that pill yet??

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    Cooking Happy - Have you taken that pill yet??


    I remember you from last time of course. Welcome back and well done you for taking it so seriously. If you have gone to all the effort of going to the doc and getting the prescription you now owe it to yourself, your husband and your children to take the first one and start enjoying the freedom from Al that it seems to give so many people. You may feel like you are losing a friend but think what you could be gaining - freedom from the anxiety and guilt, more productive evenings, a clearer head, a healthier body, a longer life, a sense of achievement. You won't know that until you try it. And keep on it. Sorry I didn't get to post on your thread yesterday in support of your return to here but know that I am very pleased to see you back and really want you to do well so please come back on here and tell us that you have started the antabuse. If we have to nag, plead and boss you about it we will!!

    Just look at Cindi - how much freedom and joy the antabuse has given her. Her good feeling just shines out of every post. It may not be a hallelujah for you but I can only imagine that the freedom from the mental effort of deciding whether to drink or not must be very liberating.

    Do you have other supps to help? L-Glut for the cravings maybe and all the other stuff?

    We (if I can be presumptious enough to include the whole community in this!!) are totally in support of what you're doing and really care about how you are so POST!!! :H


    Bessie xxx

    What have you got to lose.

    Cooking Happy - Have you taken that pill yet??

    Cooking Happy Bessie is so right to include the rest of us in her good wishes and support

    Take care we are all behind you

    Sweetpea x
    :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


      Cooking Happy - Have you taken that pill yet??

      "Hey good cook'n........"
      "Why d ya keep look'n......"
      "Howza bout taking that little white pill for me!!"

      didn't have chance to welcome you back properly yesterday, although i did read your post. So, welcome back and I hope you gain the full support here of those who are also going through the experience of Antabuse. There are numerous threads at the moment going on concerning this subject which I'm sure you are now aware of and I'm sure you have read Cindi's story and how far she has come in her journey with Antabuse as her tool.

      Best of luck to you cook'n.
      Love and Happiness
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        Cooking Happy - Have you taken that pill yet??

        Thank you, thank you

        I was really happy to hear from you. I haven't taken the pill, but had really bad heartburn and I barely drunk last night, and I'm not intending to tonight either. I think I got myself into such a state about everything that I've been 'blessed' with a TERRIBLY sore stomach. Dr.'s just given me an intravenous pain killer, so I have no intention of drinking tonight either. I keep Antabuse at the back of my mind, but husband and I are talking about having another baby, I'd like to use that as a motivator rather than put medecine into my body that I'm then going to have to come off. Nevertheless, I will start if nesessary. The important thing is to keep off the booze however I do it. I will also start on the L-Glut etc. Fortunately tonight though I have no cravings. Feel too uncomfortable! Will keep posting.


          Cooking Happy - Have you taken that pill yet??

          Good! Glad to hear from you too. Sorry you're not well but glad you're AF. Keep posting and let us know how you're getting on.

          Whatever it takes, I hope you get there.

          Bessie xx


            Cooking Happy - Have you taken that pill yet??

            Cooking Happy - I just saw this and wanted to say I am right behind you too..... Welcome back and I really, really wish you find the right path for you.... We're definitely all here to share, shove and shine with you!!

            Hugs from me
            FMS xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Cooking Happy - Have you taken that pill yet??

              Thanks everyone. Still have sore tummy but didn't drink last night. The first time since ... last september. No withdrawal symptoms. If they are gong to come, how long do they take to appear. Pleased with myself, yet feeling fragile enough not to want to dance round the sitting room! I won't drink tonight either. It's totally a frame of mind thing for me. It's about an inner decision. I've closed the door on drinking as an option. But what will happen if/when that decision falters or cravings kick in...


                Cooking Happy - Have you taken that pill yet??

                Then is the time to have a plan. Be prepared. Take the L-Glut. Have a list of jobs/diversions/activities to distract you. Come on here and post/read. Don't be AFRAID of the cravings. Be determined to beat them. Stay strong!!

                Bessie xx

