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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Damn and blast!! Did a whole other post and it went 'poof' into thin cyberspace! :upset:. Oh well. Really haven't got time to do it again!

    In brief.

    Sun is shining here! Yay!
    Modded successfully last night. Happy Bessie.
    AF plan for today in place
    Hope you are all well/happy/good luck.
    Love. :l
    B xx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi Bessie and all to come

    Its a beautiful morning, sun shining. Just back from walk and now need to get stuck into some housework, ugh!!

    The mornings are so much better when you wake up clear headed and not hungover.



      ODAT - Tuesday

      Morning Bessie and Rustop,
      Happened to me yesterday,lost a long post,so frustrating!
      Have not had time to post on all my favorite threads recently but always read,especially this one.
      Has keep me AF for 32 days today, but only ODAT!

      Have a great day

      In life we can live out our dreams its true
      the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


        ODAT - Tuesday

        A lovely clear headed morning to Bessie, Eastender, Rustop and all that follow!!
        Reading and posting here almost everyday has helped me stay sober. Of course, taking the supps help too but I find the most support here with others like myself is so inspiring and helpful. Thank you all so much. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

        Love and Peace:l
        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


          ODAT - Tuesday


          Bessie, Love your little terrier..:sausages: he has that look like he done something bad..:sausages:make him stay outside. Pets...gotta love'em..Have a splendid day all...:choc:


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Good morning ODATers

            Gorgeous weather this week, but it's school vacation here and my days are not even partly my own. I want (need) to be working outside while it's cool and sunny but I have to stay pressed and dressed for taking kids here and there and extra kids visiting. Oh well! No dirty fingernails today.

            Hope everyone meets their goals for the day!
            The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
            Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

            W Whitman

            90+ days yay!


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Pressed and dressed.....I like that! We say suited and booted but I like pressed and dressed better!


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Hi guys,

                Posting before I go to work today cause once I'm there I'm done for! AF last night and the plan is for AF again today. I have a minor surgery tomorrow morning so I can't be hungover which makes it pretty easy to go AF today. As well, when I was away last week I quit smoking so I am also 6 days cigarette free. I'm feeling pretty healthy right now! And my daughter is pleased as she hated me smoking so all is good in Uni's world.

                Hope everyone has a great AF/Mod day today.

                Love and Hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Hi All, Beautiful, sunny morning here. AF yesterday and trying again for today. Glad to have the ODAT support. Sunshine also helps. At work so running. Have a great day. Nellie


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      ODAT - Tuesday


                      What an awesome thread today, Bessie I Despise when that happens, you type out a profound post, then, go to send it and walla- it disappears!!! YIKES!!!!

                      Everyone is sounding positive today, Uni , good luck on your surgery, great you are AF.!! YAY!!!

                      Rustop, you sound positive!
                      East, keep rolling, 32 days!! WOW!!:goodjob:

                      Ripple, you crack me up!! keep it up!!

                      Disapproving cat, enjoy your school vacation!!

                      Universal, great for you stopping smoking!! YAYA!!!!!

                      greenhouse, enjoy your lovely day!

                      Nellie, LVT, you guys are doing great!!!

                      love:l and hugs:l!!!!

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Uni!!!!!! Where have you been?

                        Feels good not puffing away, doesn't it. Stopping Al has been great for me, not only for my liver but my lungs.......have stamina, convinced depression was related to Al consumption..........what did I see in him in the first place? Cute butt.....I mean bottle


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          yup cow!

                          doncha just love them little links? :sausages: you can EAT them or STOMP on them! Whatever works to tame the BEAST..:alf: did you see them :egg:s those are cute too! Much nicer than flinging the birdie around like when we were pounding :finger:shots! This is great we all keep one another posted on our daily routines! :radio: no one has ever used the radio.


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            Hi Everyone,

                            It has been a great day today as I am in the middle of day 9 AF! Head is clear, business is good, and the sun is shining!

