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New Guy here....

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    New Guy here....

    Hi. Just wanted to introduce myself, explain my situation. I am not an alcoholic, at least not yet, but I was well on my to becoming one.
    Last night was kinda of an eye opener. I went out with some friends, and we had a few, o.k, a few to many. Well, this is the second time this has happened, but my car, well, it went off the road. Hit a curb, and blew out both tires....this has happened before, but once again, i wasn't driving, I was to hammered too, and let my friend do it.

    I noticed that since I had started drinking, I have been making alot bad choices, and have hurt m parents at one point and time due to drinking.

    So I today, I spent some time self anilizing myself, and saw some things I needed to change.

    I have a wonderfull girlfriend, who one day I hope is going to be my wife, I don't want to lose her. Also, I've got a great job, and becuase of last night, I had to take today off to fix my tires and the damage done to the car.

    So today I made a decision. I wrote a letter to my parents explaining my intentions, and I apoligized to them.

    I have decided that I am done drinking, I'm 23 now, and I don't want to ruin my life.

    What thinks should I do to ease this transition and change in my life? What things should I look out for? Any advice would be greatly appreceated.

    New Guy here....

    welcome newguy

    Wow, I am quite impressed by the maturity of your post and the thought that you have put into how drinking is effecting your life at such a young age. At your age I was aware that I was drinking too much but I did not have the strength or forethought to make the changes necessary and while I won't blow smoke up your butt and tell you I haven't had lots of fun times getting drunk over the past 20+ years I will tell you that nothing productive or healthy or of any importance has come from drinking. Certainly nothing that I am proud of. And now I am struggling with the journey of untangling myself from this messy relationship with alchohol. So kudos to you for breaking it off early. Advice? If you cant stop or cut back than you need to change your second sentence from " I am not an alchoholic, at least not yet..." to " I am an alcoholic" and this is a great program to work, especially for early stage drinkers! You are going to do great.


      New Guy here....

      New guy

      I suppose its quite often that we can have strong feelings...
      I wont do 'whatever it is" again
      I have learnt my lesson
      this is a new page...

      The challenge is how to hold on to those feelings when you start to turn things around. If you recognise this weekness in yourself, decide what your supportive strategies are.. set them in place.. make it that it is not a taboo subject in your life.. but a subject that is alive and living and find a way to remind yourself how you felt this day and not loose that feeling.

      Its a battle of the mind. I suppose that we are given signs that things are getting out of control.. if we dont heed those signs, then the signs get larger till we do something about it or we die... thats our choice, I suppose. sounds grim doesent it??@!!! and I'm not meaning to be grim.. having found the wisdom you speak of at your age, I'd say you have a long and bright future ahead of you..



        New Guy here....

        Re: New guy

        Thanks for the comments and advice, I will try to adhere to them. I know it's going to be rough, and the hardest p[art for me is after having a hard day at work, or being around my friends while they are drinking.

        They like to use peer pressure, but thankfully, that's never been an issue with me.

        Plus I would like to get my six pack back!


          New Guy here....

          Re: New guy

          Hey Proactive, nice choice of words! I'd always like to get my 12pk back. But it's usually empty when I get done with it! Ha!
          Seriously, I'd love to get my "abs" back... in more ways than one! After mid 40's it's just not as easy!...Hugs, Judie


            New Guy here....

            Re: New guy

            proactive, kudos for starting this now. At this stage, peer pressure can be rough, but that's all it is, peer pressure because everyone wants to be the same because no one has really settled into their one role in life yet. It sounds like you're the early bloomer in your group who is the leader of the pack with the most sense, ie, not driving when you are drunk, but still letting your drunk friends drive the car, so maybe, don't drive the car next time, or don't go out with the guys or leave after two drinks, which, on the topamax and supplements, can last hours...stay strong and remember, your buddies aren't paying for your tires, or your missed hours or your missing girlfriend or the pain your parents you think your parents feel or the guilt that you are feeling now. You sound like a really strong, well-meaning young man, start spending more time in the gym or on the court to get the six pack back and your find some different peer pressure that's not built on the ability to down constant shots down the throat. Trust me, I've spent years winning the bar game for the ability to "hold my own" the long run, it's not worth the price. Stay strong..

