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Day one at 50 mg's of Topa

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    Day one at 50 mg's of Topa

    So far, so good! I seem to feel the same. I hope this continues to be the case! One week off the sauce, everyone! I am on my way to the gym. It feels good to sweat it out. The back still hurts a bit but who cares. Tomorrow I go in for the alcohol screening thing I have to do for my DUI before I can drive again. I have to fill out a bunch of paperwork and stuff. Then I'll have to take a few classes. Please wish me luck with that. Anyone out there with a DUI also?

    Good luck to you all!


    Day one at 50 mg's of Topa

    Hi Jamie, Oh yeah, been there, done that. I don't want to encourage you to be dishonest. I do feel that honesty is very important. Especially, at this time, with everything involvolved. But, I do very strongly believe, some things are better left unsaid. Meaning, "ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN & WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU!" Not trying to scare you. just wishing someone had told me that; before I'd gone in & told my "life story" to a seemingly gentle & seemingly understanding "counselor"...
    In hind site(which by the way, I'm gettin pretty good at!), A lot of questions on the paperwork I was given had nothing whatsoever to do with my DUI. Hence, none of the bussiness of the "court system", nor a bunch of their "Gov. paid"profes. counselors"un quote...

    I realize a lot of people on these boards are professionals as well as counselors. Unfortunately, there's not many of them in my neck of the woods! I apologize in advance if I've offended. That is not my intent. I'm just speaking from my experience. Small town BS...

    In any case Jamie, good luck to you,. I think there's a time and a place for open honesty, & when dealing with a DUI & paperwork, the less they know, the better. Those classes aren't cheap. And they're hard to get to, with no license to drive, while taking time off work, & half the time they cancel them & forget to call & let you know...I have met some nice folks there though! Like I said Good Luck! Hugs, Judie


      Day one at 50 mg's of Topa

      Dear Jamie,

      I have never been there but I would trust Judie ! We both started about the same time.(that's for me...) for you...It really makes sense! please listen to her!

      You have come a long way and are doing such a wonderful job!

      You can and will get through this!
      Take Care and Best Wishes.


        Day one at 50 mg's of Topa

        PS....I FORGOT TO WISH YOU LUCK!!!!!

        Good Luck! But you don't need it, you already have it...right inside! It is called Heart, Willpower and Love!

        Best Wishes and Angel Kisses,


          Day one at 50 mg's of Topa


          I will wish you luck with the DUI stuff. I am sure you must be a litte freaked. I agree with Tammie, listen to Juduie. I would also try and talk to someone close to you if possible, could support you through the process.

          As far as the program goes...well, YOU KEEP GOING GIRL!!

          Let us know how today goes.



            Day one at 50 mg's of Topa

            Hey Judie,

            Wanna rumble girl????>: Haha! No, actually, I agree with you!! There's a big difference between a counselor you see voluntarily and one that's appointed by the court. Not that there aren't good ones through the court, but you've really gotta check them out first, for sure, and see which way the wind blows for them!

            Anyway, Jamie, definitely be reasonably open, but cautious also in your dealings with the court. Very good luck, my dear, and chin up! I'm sure that the fact that you are doing something about your drinking will be held in your favor!

            I'm fortunate that I never got a DUI, but I've had dreams about it which were horrible. This must be like a waking nightmare! But we're all here for you!

            Lots of love,


              Day one at 50 mg's of Topa

              Good mornin Kathy! I was sweatin bulletts while I was typing that! I kept backspacing, pausing, hummming, thinking, Kathy's gonna hunt me hunt me down! I've been thru Hell & back w/the system... More than I have time to or energy to explain, but it could fill volumes! Ranging from, having to go to court 3 times for the same incident(because of a nosey self important court appt counselor), which in turn,messed up my driving record(temporarily)w/DMV, causing my Insurance Co. to try to drop me because it appeared that I'd had 3 DUI's when in reality it was only 1! .....Just a NOSEY--------court employee----MANY BAD DESCRIPTIVE WORDS HERE...

              Anyway it took months of frustrating white knuckled, perserverance. Completely out of hand. Makes you really question the powers that be... when the court, the DMV, & the insurance can be so easily swayed by an idiot!(to put it very "nicely")... OK Done ... Hugs, Judie

              Good Luck Jamie! Hope you don't live in Curry Co!


                Day one at 50 mg's of Topa

                Yeah that did make me want to drink a bit!! As well as Pee test all involved in "the system"! There outa be a LAW!


                  Day one at 50 mg's of Topa

                  Hi Jamie,
                  I have been caught by the police and charged as well. This is a criminal offense in some places in Canada where I live. I waited 5 long years before my criminal record was expunged and I paid a lot of money to have it done. Hopefully the whole thing will be behind you soon and you will be on your way to your new life.
                  I wish you luck and good fortune.
                  I will pray for you.


                    Day one at 50 mg's of Topa

                    Thank you CB! This will be ok in the end. Even my arresting officer said that even though it seemed horrible, people do come out okay in the end. He knew I was a college student under a lot of stress. He was a kind officer. I was crying my eyes out the entire time. Actually, the police report he wrote could have been much worse than it was.

                    I'll be ok, and yes by God please do pray for me.


