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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Another day, another challenge. Let's face it head on! Up early, lots to do (so what's new??!!) but it's promising to be a sunny one here so spirits are lifted.

    Didn't manage my AF plan for yesterday but I did drink moderately. Hubby came back from his trip to Cape Town with three bottles of lovely wines. We opened one last night. Wasn't my plan but it was one of my favourites and I savoured it. (He does that thing like Hannibal Lecter with his teeth - sounds gross!! I used to work for a wine company and have never felt the need to do that!) I had more out of the bottle that he did but I stopped and went to bed. We will almost certainly have the last one with the last of last year's lamb (not even got this year's lambs on the smallholding yet so it will be a long time lamb free in the freezer!!) tonight and then he will be away again, the house will be wine free and I will be AF for another few days at least. L-Glut lined up and ready. Though I am enjoying this little bit of moderating I know it is the top of a slippery slope for me and cannot let my guard down. Mentally, it is much easier to abstain really.

    Anyway, lovely ODATers, have a wonderful day, let us hear all about how you are and how you are doing.:l

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Wednesday

    Bessie - have you ever tried the topo? It has just been working great for me in the moderating way. I have been trying AF for April, but will go back to mods in May which have worked great for me in the past with the Topo. Was just wondering if you had tried it.

    Hey Everyone - Have a great day. Tomorrow in Boulder, CO it is supposed to be a whopping 78 degrees! I am hoping to further break in my mountain biking arse. My Sunday ride left my arse rather bruised on both sides. Why do I like this sport so much?? Perhaps today's ride will provide that answer.


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Hi everyone

      The world is certainly a nicer place when the sun is shining.

      Well done Bessie on moderating. As you say it is actually easier being AF. I do it successfully at times but find it all too easy to slip back into old ways. I am on day 24 and hoping to do a second 30 day stretch after that (my first ever) ODAT. I keep reminding myself how hard the first 30 day one was and I got past that and find it easier. There is a part of me that does not want to let go and I have to work on that. I am happier and healthier AF.

      Have a great day everyone.



        ODAT - Wednesday

        Good Morning all OTATs
        I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday. I'm 9 days AF now and feel just great!
        I've even lost 4 pounds in just 9 days! Wow! Wine has alot of calories per bottle!! hahaha
        Bessie: I admire you for being able to moderate. Everytime I think about it I get scared. I don't think I could do it. Good for you though!
        Gotta run to do my last day as a substitute at a baby daycare!

        Best to all!!!
        Love and Peace
        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Good morning (again)!

          This getting booted after typing a post is getting on my nerves a bit. I even clicked the little box when I signed on.

          Bessie does that mean you had a nice chianti and liver and fava beans for dinner last night? What is a smallholding?

          Have a busy day today. Had to get out of bed to escape the crowd of 4 breathing beings in it. Two with gas :H Sick hubby (dummy keeps eating food he left out all day) and doggie after surgery that hubby felt sorry for and let her sleep in the bed. Kitty just likes to sleep in the bed - with butt parked as close to my nose as possible or on top of me. Tonight I think I'll toss them all into the other room.

          Have a great successful day!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Hello to all my ODATimers! Today is day 17 for me... I'm sleepy, but feeling good. Greeneyes, I totally understand about the crowded bed situation. Last night my son wet his bed, and so I had to get him all cleaned up, and then brought him into our bed - with the 2 dogs and the hubby, too. My son likes to do this thing where he wraps his little 3 year old arms around my neck (like he's my boyfriend ) and presses his face up to mine (kind of suffocating - cute - but uncomfortable, to say the least).
            I wish everyone a happy and fruitful day!:h
            Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Good to read all the postive news here (well, except for the greenie gas - hope hubby feels better soon)

              Bessie - you're doing great - I love that you are able to mod so well overall.

              I am on Day 26 AF. Feeling good...I'm sleepy too though but ate too much lasagna last night. If anyone wants a good recipe - go to, search for 'world's greatest lasagna'...loved it (a bit too much).

              Gathings - I can relate, the litte guys are so cute aren't they?...although a lot of work in the middle of the night. My son is in my bed right now snuggled to my pillow. I know I'm suppose to break the habit, but darn, he's so sweet (he is 4) and I know one day, he just won't come in anymore on his own. Sigh.

              Happy day to all.


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Hi Everyone,

                Glad to hear that everyone is doing well today! Heading into day 10 AF with a clear mind which is good as I have too major client presentations that need to get done. I am a couple days behind as I really didn't work much last week due to the withdrawals. My mind just could not focus very well!

                It is going to be a sunny and warm day so I am looking forward to that. As I am working I can look at the outdoors and occasionally go outside and throw that ball to the dogs.

                Bessie, sounds like you are really under control with your moderation...keep up the good work.

                Croft, great that you are getting a lot of exercise in by biking. Just don't bruise your arse too much!!!

                Have a great day everyone!


                  ODAT - Wednesday


                  Hey all you ODATers! Wonerful wednesday to you!

                  Bessie, glad you got to enjoy your favorite wine, that is wonderful!

                  Gathings, and greenie, sound like you had a bedful, each of you last night, I remember those days, miss them at times, but couldn't fit the 14 and 16 year old in our bed if I tried!!

                  Croft, have an AWESOME biking trip today!! I am thinking of getting a moped and starting to use that to commute to and from work, gas is killing me, only problem is I live way out in the boonies, (on a very busy road though) Go figure!! Hubby might not allow it, but I really may do it anyway....................
                  Caseaday, day 10, you should be feeling pretty good by now!:goodjob:

                  Happy4once, day 26!! WOW, almost 30, that is COOL!!:thumbs:

                  love you all!!! :l:h


                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    Its ME!

                    Morning...Ripples says HI! :wave: i'm gonna by away today so don't think i'm gone for good, oh nooooooooo. Everyone have a SPLENDID day! :wave: be productive and give a hand to someone who needs it. :applaud: to yourselves for being such good persons..god only knows where i would be without you all! :H


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      Happy Hump Day everyone--

                      As usual you are way ahead of me! Looks like another day to work inside, the wind is going to blow again today! Going to take the"new old car" into town to see if I can get some intransit stickers or something legal on her--after yoga class.

                      Making a conscious effort to be AF this week. Had a couple on Monday evening, I guess I'm used to just drinking until I go to bed. It wasn't time for bed yet, and really hated the "buzzed/hungover" feeling. I've prayed alot of times to not be a heavy drinker anymore--it's kinda hard to believe I'm there!??!

                      Have a great day everyone!!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Morn All from Sunny CA-

                        Everyone seems to be doing very well and all spirts are up!!! I am doing just as well and excited that I have completed 10 AF days in a row. Could not have done it without the support and post from this group!!!

                        I have a road trip for the next few days to see a client, always a new adventure. I will check back as soon as I can.

                        Thank you all!! Saje


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          hello to all you wacky ODATers

                          It's HOT here today - and the LAST thing I need is liquor to give me hot flashes :H woohoo let's hear it for the old ladies!

                          it sounds like everyone is doing well despite daily challenges - keep it up!

                          The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                          Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                          W Whitman

                          90+ days yay!

