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Day 15 AF

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    Day 15 AF

    Just read your post. That really is something. You've had to deal with a whole load of sh1t haven't you and here you are sounding amazing and having got through it. I haven't had the half of any of your problems and I'm still wallowing around a bit.

    7 1/2 hours gardening?!! I love gardening but could never do it for that long! You are a fantastic inspiration.... I hope lots of newbies read this post.

    Bessie x


      Day 15 AF

      Just Started

      Going on my third day. How long does it take to feel physically better, or at least better than I do now? This after a long and storied career in drinking. Thanks, Metolius.


        Day 15 AF

        Hi & welcome Metolius,
        well done on day 3 :goodjob:. Usually days 3,4 & 5 can be pretty hard, hang in there the best you can, because after that it does start to get better, honestly it really does. I still have thoughts about drinking but not the physical cravings so much, very occaisionally. Keep yourself busy, busy, busy, that's helped me loads with physical cravings and mental.
        The more days you get AF you'll start getting stronger and stronger in every way.
        I haven't felt this good for a loooooooooong time, it's well worth the discomfort you get in the beginning, I can't stress that enough.
        Hang in there Metolius, you can do it, you will feel much better in a couple of days.

        Treasure those 3 days and let them add up.

        AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

        Snake....... come crawling,
        There's fire in your eyes,
        Bite me, excite me,
        I'll learn to realize.

        The poison transmuted,
        Brings eternal flame.
        Open me to heaven,
        To heal me again.


          Day 15 AF


          Does anyone have an idea how long it takes for the alcohol to get completely out of your system. (as in blowing 0.0) This is my third day. Thanks, Metolius


            Day 15 AF


            I would be surprised you are still blowing any AL after 3 days.

            How much were you drinking a day?

            I found that by day 10 my body was over the shock of quitting and getting the message that I was going to let it heal.

            Every day after that produced more and more strength and health.

            Read the link about alcohol withdrawal and be careful if you were an extremely heavy drinker.

            Read the MWO book and check into getting supplements and exercising.

            :welcome: This is a great group of people with lots of caring and support.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Day 15 AF


              Yes I was a pretty heavy drinker, I have been trying to do good things for myself. Teas, lots of water, rest. I know days 3-5 can be rough, but I have help if I get in trouble. Actually, today though I still feel a little shaky, it's alot better than yesterday.

              Thanks, Metolius

              I think I've made it through day 3 (and there's even wine in the house)Stayed busy and felt better as the day went on.

              On to day 4 of being AF. Feel a little dicey, but I also feel I can do this.

