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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Bessie Great Job you're strengh inspires me. I probably would have folded..I'm still waiting on the topomax to help me get back on track.

    Cindy I think about you every day and check in daily to see how you are doing. You are so strong..hope your daughter is doing okay.

    Everyone have a great weekend.


      ODAT - Friday

      universal;316296 wrote: hey guys,

      Checking in late today, i'ts been a busy morning at work - was AF again last night. Tonight a couple of friends from baseball and by BF and I are going out for beer and wings so I will have a couple of beers but after that it's home to the BF's for a cup of tea and vegging on the couch. The nice thing is we do that - we can go out, have a couple of beers and then veg at his place after - good reason for staying with him! He is not a huge drinker, very much a social/moderate drinker which helps me as well. But I am proud of where I am this year - 2008 has shown a huge difference in my drinking consumption. Although I have not hit 30 days consecutively, I am over 50 days since the beginning of the year so I am quite proud of that!

      Hope everyone has a great weekend - I probably won't be on so see you all Monday!

      Love and hugs,
      Universal - I watch your drinktracker. I wanna be like you!!! You are my modding hero.


        ODAT - Friday

        Hi all - busy week and I can no longer read or post from work, so cuts down on my opportunities, but I am pulling for everyone and have been trying to keep up with reading.

        Had another social event last night and did another successful AF. Not as easy as last time - really hard to have a sober personality when you are a bit quieter in a loud group of woman that know each other and are drinking glass after glass of wine. But I did it. And I did not run for the door too early. And I just had a long soak when I got home instead of my usual unwind glass of wine. Looking forward to May when my AF April is done. I think I will then just be able to do the unwind glass...or is that AL talking. We shall see.

        Good luck to all this week - remember to cut AL off at the knees when he starts whispering sweet nothings about how much you deserve a glass...or two...or three.


          ODAT - Friday

          Happy...I know exactly what you mean...I think I have some kind of personality disorder of something. I feel so inadaquate around other people If I drink then I can relax and feel much more comfortable..I had rather stay at home then be around a lot of people I don't know in a social setting sober.I think I'm psycic....I mean psyco...LOL


            ODAT - Friday

            Hi Jaded --- My guess is that feeling inadequate around other people until we take a few stiff ones is endemic to us alkies. Seriously, I believe it is universal, part of the alcoholic character. Which comes first the inadequacy or the alcohol is an open question.

            A psychologist who was once treating me -- yes for feelings of inadequacy, anxieties, depression and boozing -- told me that the social maturity, or development of social skill , of an alcoholic is halted at the inception of alcoholic behavior. When we stop relying on booze to oil our way through the occasion, we again begin to develop our personalities.

            Actually, in general I didn't a whole lot of the psychologist, but I kind of believe that on this point he had it nailed? Boy we are an interesting and complex species, we alcoholics.


              ODAT - Friday

              matthen;318258 wrote: Hi Jaded --- My guess is that feeling inadequate around other people until we take a few stiff ones is endemic to us alkies. Seriously, I believe it is universal, part of the alcoholic character. Which comes first the inadequacy or the alcohol is an open question.

              A psychologist who was once treating me -- yes for feelings of inadequacy, anxieties, depression and boozing -- told me that the social maturity, or development of social skill , of an alcoholic is halted at the inception of alcoholic behavior. When we stop relying on booze to oil our way through the occasion, we again begin to develop our personalities.

              Actually, in general I didn't a whole lot of the psychologist, but I kind of believe that on this point he had it nailed? Boy we are an interesting and complex species, we alcoholics.
              I have herd that too...I believe it's probably true.


                ODAT - Friday

                Finding a good therapist is a real hard thing to do.

