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Hi I'm new here

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    Hi I'm new here

    Hi everyone,

    I just found this web site and decided it looked pretty good and so I've just joined up. I think I have a problem with drinking. I hit an all time low last weekend when I got so drunk that I argued with my partner in front of family and friends and then I slapped him across the face. The worst part is I don't remember any of it. My sister had to tell me about it the next morning. I drink champagne and wine. Its not that I drink every day, but when I start, I just don't stop. Last weekend I had a hangover so bad that I still felt terrible Monday morning. My face was so puffy and red that my work friends thought I was coming down with something. I told them I had a sore throat and swollen glands and that kept me awake all night. I'm not sure how convincing I was, but I just know that I need to do something about it. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    Hi I'm new here

    I understand so much your predictament.

    I would strongly suggest you read the book. I bet you can relate to at least parts of it. then read as many posts as you can.. Post back if you see some thing you can relate ot. Jump in. You are welcome here.

    THe Live Chat is also a great place. It can be a bit intimidating when it is crowded. I hope that it won't let it keep you from giving it one or more chanceds.

    Please feel welcome. I hope you find, as I have that there is very little judgement here and that there is tons of support and acceptance.


      Hi I'm new here

      Hi there, welcome!

      If you think you have a problem, you have a problem.

      Read everything you can get your hands on, and talk to a professional. There's lots of support and advice here too.
      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        Hi I'm new here

        :welcome: You've come to the right place. We've all done stupid things when drinking. You will find lots of support here and lots of advice. The best part is just being able to talk with others who "have been there and done that". Not much judging goes on here, just lots of support.


          Hi I'm new here

          Cat ~ Welcome. It takes a lot to finally admit that we need help. Good for you.

          We have all experienced those nights when someone else had to tell us what happened. Scary as hell how we can block out such a large amount of time, isn't it?

          There is an abudunce of support and inspiration here. Check back in with us ok?

          We are here for you.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            Hi I'm new here

            What's helped me is taking Antabuse - I couldn't stop drinking until I started this...and for three weeks it's be a great husband let me use the car today! I just know I can't drink, and don't..... !


              Hi I'm new here

              Hi Cat,
              Welcome. You'll find lots of support here. When you're ready to stop, the book, hypnotic CD's, supplements, and this site will help you along. As it has been said, we've all done stupid things while drunk and are here to break the cycle. Read through some of the old posts and i'm sure you'll read your story through someone else. Many of us have succeeded in doing things we didn't think possible before joining, for example, I'm on day 20 AF!!! Keep the faith.

              In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
              - Author unknown


                Hi I'm new here

                Hi Cat.

                We have all done things we regret whilst under the influence. Try not to be hard on yourself. When over in England recently, I told my wife that I wanted a divorce, in front of her parents, my brother in law and his wife. It couldn't have been further from the truth. I love my wife deeply and would never say such a thing whilst sober.

                Unfortunately this toxic soup that so many of us battle with, really creates Jekyll and Hyde personalities that we are not proud of.

                Fortunately this place is full of support from many wonderful people who are going through or have gone through similar concerns.

                Don't hesitate to vent your emotions or concerns. It does wonders.

                Warm Regards



                  Hi I'm new here

                  I agree. All of us are here for the same reason. No need to fell ashamed here. but you should check in often and use all the tools available to you. This site can change your life. It's changing mine and you will meet some of the most amazing and supportive people ever:welcome:.


                    Hi I'm new here

                    Cat woman,
           have a we all do ! Hang around..maybe we can help each other out ! That's why we're all here ! Welcome !
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      Hi I'm new here

                      :welcome:Welcome Cat. Glad you found us!

