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Please help me

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    Please help me

    Congratulations C&J on helping each other out last night and making through to today! Keep going!


      Please help me

      Thanks, it feels good!


        Please help me

        Hey Cheebs,
        Sorry you're feeling so down but, pay attention to what others have said and KNOW that you are not alone! Reach out, watch a funny movie, go for a walk (if it's safe!) phone a friend. As Dr Pill, I mean,Dr Phil says, "replace the old habits with new ones." I heard you gotta do something 28 times before it becomes a habit! Maybe it would be a good idea to seperate yourself from your life for a few days.
        Try going to church, not all Christians are awful! ha!ha! Some of them give Jesus such a bad name!


          Please help me

          We have successfully completed day 1 AF! I would love to do it again today. Tonight will be a little bit more trying....My mother in law comes over for dinner on Sundays and it usually turns into a drink fest. My biggest concern is how do I explain my not drinking? It will be so out of the ordinary and this is a personal issue for me (and my husband) I can't just say what is really going on. It is not out of embarrassment, it is more of a pride thing. I strive to be the best at everything (or I used to) and it sounds really silly, but I have failed at social drinking. Call me silly. I will be strong and will probably be posting a few more times than last night. I can already feel the supplements kicking in.
          Thanks to all for the encouragement. Church is also a sore point with me. I was born and raised Catholic, Catholic schools the whole nine yards. I dropped out a few years ago because i would have to get up early on Sunday which was NOT happening. I think I will make that a goal to attend next Sunday...SOBER!


            Please help me

            Well, why not strive to be the BEST sober person? The one who just doesn't want a drink.....


              Please help me

              Cheebs - I think for tonight you should just say you have a busy day tomorrow and have decided not to have anything to drink so you can be fresh in the morning. She'll probably respect that, I know I would.

              As for church - I don't go regularly either, but when I do go I'm glad I did. I enjoy the sermons at the Methodist Church. They're somewhat a reality check about how you should be living your life. You need to find a minister you enjoy listening to - regardless of the type of church.

              Stay strong and let me know how you're doing. I need encouragement too!


                Please help me

                UKB/JLMD- Thanks.. I actually do have a busy day tomorrow so it will not be a lie. I will stay focused and maintain.


                  Please help me

                  Great job to both of you!!! This is day 21 for me and trust me - after day 3 it starts getting easier and easier. You will really be surprised how you feel.

                  Cheebs - another excuse that I have used that works well it to say that you have not been feeling well - (a headache is a good nonspecific ailment). Say that you have taken something for it and dont want to mix it with AL.

                  Works for me!
                  Take Care.



                    Please help me


                    Little white lies that keep you going in the right direction are acceptable. I have used the "my tummy is a little upset, I'm gonna take it easy," one. When I'm trying not to drop out of my social world and am around drinking, it's a challenge. Gotta use the option that works.

                    And thanks to you all who describe the 'who did I call, or talk to last nite and what did I say?' syndrome. The, the stuff I've done to myself... And acting like a complete moron and thinking 'I'm fine!' And still wanting more AL after all that.

                    Am on day 3... And Cheebs, I get the wanting to keep it to yourself thing. Somethings are just too difficult to share when they seem to emphasize our overt failure at something, when we're smart enough to know better. It feels like if you tell others, then they'll be policing you, adding to the stress of the whole AF effort - which is stressful in some ways.

                    And to the lovely one who suggested tea - my thanks, too. Drank 'sleepytime' last nite. Got sleepy and had a fabulous night's sleep w/o drinking myself into sleep (unconsciousness).

                    This board has kept me sane, reading the posts. Thank you all. :h


                      Please help me

                      Oh geez, it's Day 3 for me too...feeling better, but just found a purple green bruiser on my upper arm. I have NO idea when, where or how. Enough of this!! Agreed?


                        Please help me

                        OK I have to be honest...mother-in-law came over, I had been saving a wonderful bottle of Far neinta bottle of chardonnay in our wine cooler. I have been like Crocodille eyes checking it out. I tole my husband that if I am going AF, noone will get to drink that bottle but me. Fortunately, I shared it tonight with my Mother in law. Although any alcohol is wrong, I almost felt closure. I did not get drunk, it was like a ritual. I am ok. Not stupid and fter the bottle, I drank wine. I know that I am tempting fate but the damn bottle was like $200. I was not going to waste it. However, not exactly like chugging two bottles per......
                        thanks and please keep it coming.
                        JMLD-I love that you are with me.


                          Please help me

                          Cheebs - I have to say I'm not totally surprised. I understand it's hard to pass up such a good bottle of vino. Start fresh again today, at least for the weekdays. I made it through day 2 AF. Actually, it wasn't that hard. I think the Campral (finally kicked in) and the vitamins and supps are working. It's more mental now than physical. I do feel some minor withdrawls; primarily, I have a lot of trouble sleeping. But, it is nice to get up without a hangover.

                          Have a great day and let me know how it goes - JLM


                            Please help me

                            Well, I am stupid to think that it was ok. It was the little voice in the back of my head that I need to learn to stop listening to. I am trying it again, this time without excuses or reasonings. I see my Dr on Thurs and will get a prescription.


                              Please help me

                              are you moderating or are you wanting af? because if you are wanting af then it is best to get on the 30 day af track and allow your body to heal itself out a bit and also your mind most importantly. so yes get the script it is a god send. next up the list of all the ways that al has harmed you and all the ways you regret it.. and then the beautiful list of what you want your life to be like 30 days 90 days out and my favorite is one year from now. start to hang your peg on something much more powerful then the liquid in the bottle. love sober boots


                                Please help me

                                Hey Cheebs, how's it going? JLM

