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Please help me

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    Please help me

    Morning to you Cheebs and Wantto,
    Yesterday was my day, again, to cry and hate myself. The good people here told me that I am only human and to take care of myself and then "put on my big girl pants" and start over again. Vitamins, CDs and prayer all helps, but, if it was easy, all those flashing ads on the top box in this forum wouldn't be there. Let's start racking up some AF days... there's NO downside to this, or too vitamins, CDs and prayers. xxxxxxxxx g.


      Please help me


      I totally feel your pain. I am in the same boat. Everyday I say never again, and then I do it again. It's a vicious circle. Today I'm really going to try. Let's do it together?


        Please help me

        JLMDetermined- You made me cry. Ok, I will be your AF partner today. If it works out, I may be your partner tomorrow as


          Please help me



            Please help me

            You guys can do it...the beginning is so very difficult. It truly only gets better and better. I have slipped at times...sometimes very badly. Then one day at work, shaking, sweating and trying very hard to not vomit something clicked. My life was passing me by with me being either drunk,hungover or having withdrawl. My kids were not getting anywhere near the best of me and for what? To drink myself into oblivion? I found boredom or lonliness to be big triggers but when drinking we isolate ourselves so much we are perpetually lonely. Hang in there it is so worth it.


              Please help me

              Here we go................................................ ...


                Please help me

                Here we's hour by hour tonight. Hang in, we'll feel so good tomorrow morning!


                  Please help me

                  If you need me, I am here. Already thinking about it but, I will not act on the urge. I will be here if you want to talk. Stay strong


                    Please help me

                    Be Strong! :l


                      Please help me

                      How is it going?
                      I a floundering around and not knowing what I should be doing. Noone is here and I am trying to keep myself busy watching movies, cleaning house eyeing the wine etc.... I will not give up the ship but, as the night goes on, it definitely is harder and harder....Man, I so want to have this behind me. Cannot wait to get to the Dr on the 1st. I don't know too much about the topomite(?) but I need anything I can get to lose this feeling. 10 minutes to 9pm here and so far so good.


                        Please help me

                        Hey - sounds like you're doing great and all the right things. DO NOT GIVE IN! I've been taking Campral for 2 weeks (and drinking right through it), except for today, I feel strong. I had a bad night last night and I woke up this morning disgusted. How many times do we have to go through that before we take charge of our lives? I'm hoping today is a new beginning. Today I got my package from MWO - book, cd, and the 6 week starter of vitamins and herbel supps. I started taking them right away. We are in charge, not the wine. And you know they always say "there are no answers in the bottle". Read the Thread "How long does it take" - there's some good advice in there.

                        Stay strong, I know you will be glad you did. Remember, we made a deal!

                        It's 10:00 here and I'm having hot tea before bed. Have you tried hot tea? For some reason it seems to work for me as a subsitute.

                        Good night and check in in the morning. :l


                          Please help me

                          Thank you so much for being there for me. I am almost thru the night. I LOVE TEA.


                            Please help me

                            Cheebs - It's 10:00am for me, 9:00am for you. How are you doing?


                              Please help me

                              I feel terrific! Things that are positive; I am not hung over, I remember who I talked to, I do not have any bruises or markings on my body not accounted for, I got up early, I am already at work to clean up everything I bailed out on this past week. I was able to look at myself in the mirror without disgust....all in all, I doing pretty damn good. I took the supplements that I had left over from Nov and I also had some All in One left over so I took that this morning and I kinda like myself today.
                              Now how about you?


                                Please help me

                                Hi - it amazes me how what everyone else goes through is what I go through - who did I call, how did I get to bed, how did I get this bruise - the list goes on and on.

                                Today I feel great! I also took my All in One and herbal supps. Let's do it again today, deal?

                                Have a great day and thanks for partnering with me.

