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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Here we go. Another day. Quick start to this as I have been on this PC tooo long already and need to get out and get going. Another easy AF night last night. Took my half bottle of AF red to the village food club night and it was just perfect and so easy. I love it when they are like that.

    Will be another one tonight, easy or not. I need a good night's sleep. I am a 9.30 - 5.30 girl so when I don't get to bed until 11 or so I am not so good the next morning. And I made the mistake of taking all the dogs to bed last night. Love them but they don't always make for a good night's sleep. Especially the lurcher who lies diagonally across the bed - fully stretched out he is about 6ft!! It'll just be me and the electric blanket tonight. Sober and sleepy.

    Have a wonderful day all!

    bessie xx

    PS I am now a subscriber.....oooooooooooo!! :H I have bought my way into the hallowed halls and been able to view the Holy Grail of the thread that shall remain nameless.... It's a whole new world over there...!!!

    ODAT - Saturday

    Hi Bessie and all to come

    Well done on staying AF last night Bessie. You are right some nights are so easy and others are the ones from hell. Why is that? OK, it used to be that they were all ones from hell but after some decent AF time it does get easier but old Al is still there fighting his corner.

    Have a busy week-end ahead and lots of chauffering duties so have to go. Have a great week-end everyone.



      ODAT - Saturday

      Top of the mornin' to y'all!

      Salutations to all my ODATimers! It's a beautiful Saturday here in Virginia, and I feel like going to the local nursery and finding some lovely azalea shrubs to plant in the front yard. This past week has been so busy (7 more weeks left until school gets out - and things are always crazy around this time of year).
      Bessie, I like your formula! It seems like a way that you can keep track of all your days, and helps you keep yourself accountable. I might borrow that - if you don't mind...
      Today is day 20 for me, and I can't believe I'm hitting the home stretch! 30 days sober is my goal, and I might even continue it another 30. I'm a bit scared to do the mod thing because I seem to be a creature of excess... that is, when I want something, I want it all and can't stop midway, if you know what I mean... Also, I'd like to get on the Topomax and start exercising regularly, too, before I try to mod. I might only be able to do a glass of wine when I'm out, because I don't like the idea of having anything on hand at home.
      Wow - there goes my mind again! I love to pre-worry! :H
      I hope everyone has a joyous and productive (or relaxing - whichever you choose) day!
      Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


        ODAT - Saturday

        Hi Bess an friends -- so i am now a new ODAT'er and on day 2. God how I love being sober, can't figure out why I drink. btw, what is a subscriber, that you mention?


          ODAT - Saturday

          Hi Everyone and Welcom Matten,

          Bessie, I too was wondering what a subscriber is and what the benefits are for subscribing. Would you mind enlightening us?

          Gathings, Congrats on day 20 AF! 30 days is just around the corner.

          Last Thursday in MN it was 81 degrees, the grass was turning green and everyone was so happy. Now, everyone is so depressed today because it is actually snowing again! Some parts of the state have 12 inches of snow on the ground. Anyone who planted flowers is going to be pretty bummed as they are all going to die! It is only going to be slightly above freezing today so instead of having fun outside I will have to find another way to entertain myself. Typically I would use AL in this situation but that clearly is not an option! I am on day 12 AF and want to keep going.

          Bessie, remember when you were considering moving? Well, count me in! Just let me know when and where!

          Take care everyone...


            ODAT - Saturday

            Bessie you tease! Was it fuckity fuck or inverted penis? Tempt me!

            A 6 foot long dog! Pants! You UK's must have big beds. At least your doggie isn't wearing a bucket on it's head. :H

            Hubby promised dinner last night but somehow it never happened. So I'm thinking baseball cap, top down in little car and big breakfast. We are not talking porridge.
            :H Eggs, cheese grits, fried catfish, toast, maybe hashbrowns. Bessie I know you are ROFLYArseO. :H And I bet you don't have a baseball cap. I'll send you one.

            So.... Have a great day all.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Saturday

              Hi all,

              Back on ODAT after having meet my goal of 9 days AF prior to a wonderful vacation. Was able to mod on vacation, a miracle in itself, and drank too much last night. Crap.

              Today will be AF. Thanks for the reminders, friends, of how great it feels to be AF and how wonderful you all are for being here. No matter what.

              Three eleven-year-olds sleeping over last night and my son just got dumped by his girlfriend right before prom. This should be an interesting day.

              An interesting SOBER day

              Take care.
              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                ODAT - Saturday

                Greeny!! haha! You'll have to pay up and find out for yourself. Let's just say I've booked a week's holiday to read the effity eff thread and the inverted penis thread did not disappoint!

                Fried fish for breakfast? Hmm - had that in Tobago once and it was pretty good. But it was flying fish not catfish. What are cheese grits? They sound bloody awful. And, you are so right, I don't have a baseball cap! I have a fairly tasteful grey sort of sports cap thing cos lots of other horsey people do and I just sooo like to be one of the crowd! :H:H So why not send me a nice big flashy tasteless sporty baseball cap and I can really stand out when I go hunting!!

                Caseaday and Matthen - click on the subscriber part of the main forum board. You'll find you can't access it but there is somewhere to click that tells you what it entails and what the benefits/cost are. I was particularly tempted by the horoscope....... errr maybe not. It is like a whole nother little sub world in a Hades like cave, populated by some of the boards more beautiful, alluring and amusing people (I have to say that or else they beat me!) Actually some of it is a major bitch fest.... and such fun!! Laugh?? I thought my knickers would never dry!

                And Caseaday - that really is poor weather. I got sunshine here which is great and a welcome change. When you've had enough we'll just book tickets to the Sahara.

                Gathings - you can rent the idea for a huge fee!! Borrow away - if it makes sense and helps you keep track then that can only be good.

                Bessie xx
                (who is using pretty much every excuse in the book not to do any more housework ...)


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Busy weekend here. Getting ready for my daughter's first communion - lots of family coming into town starting Wednesday, and a dinner outing with my husband's 'hey how about another glass of wine in our 10 oz size glasses?' family every night. Interesting that it all starts the last day of my April AF (I knew which month to pick for AF) but I **hope** I just keep rolling with the AF into May. The timing is just to tempting to go back to full blown wine drinking me. I have not been AF around hubby's family, so my real test will start next week.

                  Matthen -- so glad to see you here. Congrats on your new Day 2. GOOD FOR YOU!! :goodjob:

                  Becoming - glad to see you back as well.

                  Gathings - if you decide to go to 60 days and need a partner -- let me know. I think I'd like to try...but need a little push.

                  Bessie - always proud of you, especially when we hear of an 'easy AF'. And you and Greenie always make me laugh every morning. Can't imagine the money board is more funny than the two of you.

                  Happy weekend all.


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    Darn if it wasn't flying fish! Flew off the plate straight into my mouth. I see I am going to have to send you grits along with the cap. :H

                    Grits Information and- Recipes using Grits
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

