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Asjen2 How're you?

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    Asjen2 How're you?

    Hey Asjen, Just wondering how things are going... Have'nt seen you around campus, hope everythings OK... We're here for you! Hugs, Judie

    Asjen2 How're you?

    Ditto to Judie, Asjen. How are you?



      Asjen2 How're you?

      I am doing great!!! I am on day ten!! I feel fantastic! I just had my first non-alcoholic date night with my finace. I am sorry I have not checked in a few days, because we have been getting ready to housesit for my fiances parents for 2 weeks. Now we're are here at their house and about settled in. They are going to HAWAII. I am not jealous because these wonderful people paid for all my sups/cds/etc so I think they deserve the world. I love them. They're my future in-laws. Anyways, I am rockin'. Thanks for asking about me, I love you all.



        Asjen2 How're you?

        Day 14

        Day 14 and still goin' strong, not one drink. I start 75 mg's of topa tomorrow so I hope that works out well for me. Please keep your fingers crossed /pray/keep me in your thoughts. I have still been going to the gym every day, except Sunday because I need one day to rest my bones. I do at minimum 30 minutes of cariovascular exercise on the eliptical trainer when I am at the gym, and do strength training every other day with nautilus equipment. I like it! I used to do this when I was younger, so I like getting back into the habit. I find I am crying quite a bit and snapped at my stepson this morning. I am sure I upset him. I am feeling emotional. Maybe this is from the Topa, any thoughts/knowlege on this? Well at any rate, I am not giving up, regardless of side effects. I have noticed some cognitive stuff, like forgetting the day of the week a lot. But that's about it. I am not doing the CD's really because they just make me go to sleep. Okay, that's all, please write soon!


