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Another passenger on board

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    Another passenger on board

    Hi folks,

    I couldnt think of a better tag name - I may change it later - but it says what I want to do. Quit. The call of the grape has been my evil companion for 15 -17 years this go around - I did quit once before and stupidly started up again. So last week after numerous failed attempts I decided to get really serious - the past couple of years I've gone from just the weekends to every night and now its been more than 4 glasses a day - so I managed to have a dry day or two - but I'm getting old and frankly would like to be around for my wife (whos disabled) and kids (grandkids). I come from a long line of drinkers on both sides of the family - we have AL in the house as it does help the Mrs with her illness.

    Had 3 days sober - one day on last week which scared me a bit as I got really paralytic. The day after cost me a work day (which I don't usually do) and here I am still feeling some hangover. However, have not answered the call since - today was tough after a long drive which I usually like to slug down a few to take the edge off the road but by the grace of God I got by. I don't want to drink anymore - I have a physical coming up and I just know the liver enzymes will be up alot (hope nothing else) and I'm going to have to fess up to the doc about whats been going on this year.

    I have the book - not sure about the meds (I will talk to the doc) but I may be able to do some of the CD so I'll order them. I can tell you all this who are trying to quit for the first time around - once youve got some time under your belt - you really don't get bothered by the call - however in my case I had a glass of wine with an old friend after being dry for many years and thought I had it beat - not. Its an addiction, and not to be taken lightly - I'm very interested to see how many can go back to "normal"drinking without the meds - I thought I could but eventually - well here we are again .....

    I plan to be around as much as possible - I need your help and encouragement and you can have mine - bless and keep you all - Q

    Another passenger on board

    Welcome Quitin Time,

    Pretty creative name, by the way. There is so much information to be found here. I help take care of my mother (she had a stroke 7 1/2 years ago), so I understand the stresses that can come from being a caretaker. I personally found the supplements so helpful when I first went af. I haven't taken any of the med's. There is an entire forum dedicated to the med's and others experiences with them, if you are interested. I just wanted to say "welcome" and wish you the best.

    Miso :heart:


      Another passenger on board

      Hi Quit!
      You will get lots of support here! :welcome:
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        Another passenger on board

        Hi Quit,
        Welcome. Great site. Lots of support for you here. I'm a newbie just starting. I have gotten a lot of inspiration from the postings of the great people on this site!

        In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
        - Author unknown


          Another passenger on board

          Quitin ~ welcome to MWO!

          You sound very committed and that is half the battle. Good for you! There is a lot of support and inspiration here.

          Read as many posts as possible and post often. I look forward to hearing more from you.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

