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What's a dry drunk?

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    What's a dry drunk?


    my understanding is that a dry drunk is someone who drank for a long time and still behaves in the same manner as they did drunk, tho entirely sober now. they're often whymsical, funny, act uninhibited, maybe somewhat odd, etc.

    extex - the hypoglycemic thing is very interesting. thx for sharing. And the seven weeks book sounds interesting too. good stuff. helpful!


      What's a dry drunk?

      After reading all the above; the theory sounds spot on to me. I eat very well myself, I just wish it wasn't so expensive to eat healthy! I normally eat when ever I feel hungry, I don't live by the standard three meals a day. I can feel my blood sugar when it changes; I get the shakes, sometimes sweaty for a bit and my stomach does horrible flips...pretty much the same as from alcohol withdrawl.

      I have to eat fairly regularly. Lots of protein (chicken, whole or ground turkey meat, duck and goose, lamb, tenderloin..not much for pork), whole grains, fruits and nuts and I also add in wheat germ, flax seeds or soy to almost everything I can. As well as my vitamins. I find that when my body has gotten all the nutrients and natural sugars it can I don't crave alcohol nearly as often or as strongly.

      My personality has drastically changed as well. I've been told I can be quite nasty and mean when drunk. I know I can be, but most of the time I could not remember. I'm a lot better now and getting back to my old self. It feels good, I missed me.


        What's a dry drunk?

        I had a very good diet and exercise routine when I was 'dry' last time - being a former athlete I am really hot on sugar levels, protein and energy.

        My trouble was I needed to change my approach, understand how addiction to alcohol affects your brain and assert my personal life situation - just 'putting up' and coping with it was no good.

        This time I understand how this can be a disease of stress, know how to take control of my life and change my thought processes.

        Of course I know diet plays a large part in all of this since it influences energy levels, moods and cravings. So I eat plenty of complex carbs, good protein and lots of veg. Fits in perfect with my weight training, muscle building and general fitness routine. Already getting much stronger, firmer and my waistline is reducing weekly.


          What's a dry drunk?

          I find this really interesting as I only got into alcohol to avoid to eating as I have suffered from anorexia nerv for many years. On the times I have not been bothered by cravings this has been when I was in hosp to be 'fed' properly if you like. Trying to live my life normally ( as in without an eating disorder) I crave alcohol in the evenings but not if I manage a meal. To plan an AF night I end up panicking about food and often end up giving in to a drink(pathetic really).
          When I manage to eat OK then the cravings are really not there very much. Just shows that if you feed your brain well then you can manage to think clearly too!
          I'm coming here drinking most evenings, really wanting to change. Am valuing all the posts I have read...this is a great site , thanks
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          Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
          For my yolk is easy and My burden is light

