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My Turn

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    My Turn


    I'll apologize ahead of time, because I know I'm going to be long winded-damn I've got a lot to say. But I do have a question or 2 about supplements, so if you don't have time to read, please skip to below and help me out. :blush:

    Hello. I've been checking in on this site for a month or 2 and finally decided to post. I'm 30 years old (or 29 + 1, it sounds better). My hubby and I have been together for almost 11 years, and have pretty much been drinking since. We've gone through stages of mellowing out, but for the most part, we've had beer just about every day.

    I have 2 kids-4 and 2. We drink around them, but I never get drunk around them. Although I almost this it's worse to have them wake in the middle of the night for some reason and not remember it in the morning. "Wait, did I get up with him last night? How did he wind up in our bed?". Obviously, I stayed sober when I was pregnant. And each time I told hubby that I didn't want to go back to the way things were after the baby came, but it did.

    I've told him for years that I wanted to mellow out with it, but he's never thought we've had a prob. I know that I shouldn't rely on his not drinking to keep me from drinking, but I guess I'm weak, because I have a hard time watching him have a few beers and not joining. And I can't have just a few. I drink to get drunk. Everytime. If we only have 2 in the fridge, I won't have one. What's the point? He recently got promoted, and doesn't want to drink during the week so that he's alert every morning at work. He's been good. I haven't. I wake up in the morning swearing that "today" I will not drink. By the time I'm driving home from work, my will power crashes. I suck!:upset:

    ON TOP OF THINGS----My brother has a drinking prob. He actually admitted to me last night that he has a prob, who knows, he might have been drunk and won't even remember the conversation. He's going to jail on Monday for an extreme DUI (we live in AZ, and in case you don't know, the new DUI laws here are absolute Hell!!!). He'll be in for 45 days, but has work release for 5 days/week. He's had 2 seizures in the last 3 years that HE even attributes to alcohol withdrawl. I feel like such a friggin hypocrite, lecturing HIM about his drinking habits, when secretly, I have my own problem. Geeze, if only people new.

    Dang, I warned you I'd be long winded. I don't have a single soul in my life to talk about these things to, so I knew that would happen.

    So I recognize that I need to do something. I already love to excersise, but know that I won't get to my desirable weight until I slow down with the beer. What the hell is it with turning 30? It's only been in the last year that I've really noticed the drinking really affecting my weight!

    FINALLY, TO MY QUESTIONS: I went to Hi Health today and bought some L-Glutamine, since it appears from this site to be a huge help with fighting cravings. I don't have the money to buy a bunch of stuff, or even one of the starter kits. I don't want to involve my Dr. As bad as it is, I'm feeling like I need to conquer this demon on my own. I don't really have anyone else that understands. What is the most important supplements to help fight cravings? I've been reading a little on Kudzo, but didn't know if that was necessary?? Can someone please direct me to somewhere where I can read all the pros and cons of the various supplements? I'm a tad confused.

    If you managed to read thru this entire thing, THANK YOU!!!!:l

    If not, I definately don't blame you!!

    My Turn

    hi there..formykids. welcome.. and so nice to meet you .you sound like you know what you want .and a great start just by reaching out .sorry i cant help you on how or what to take for supplements.i had to go cold turkey and it has been hard. but doable and all it takes is just one day at a time . believing in yourself .you can do this if you really want to and you sound like you do .keep on posting. asking all the questions you can.. good luck.peace and god bless
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      My Turn

      Hi Formkids,:welcome:

      Can relate to your story ive done that drank around the kids thinking im not drunk around them now for the last 2years they really notice that i have a problem......makes me feel sad how did i let it get this far!
      Me to have a brother inside not easy because i take control of his money....But in one way its makes me more detemined to do this because if he can... i can do it!

      At first i just took the supps, milk thistle, l-gluta and kudzu. Like tirgs said you go through cold turkey feels like a flu for the first few days.
      just remember to drink lots of water and remember to eat as well dont do what i did not eat because i could not eat then you felt worst for it.
      You can do this take one day at a time. keep posting and reading this is a great site with great people here to support you.

      Good Luck.x
      family is everything to me


        My Turn

        Hi Formykids :welcome:
        I can also relate to you. I am 31 or 29+2 if you like! I have been married for 10 years and we have two children (5 months and 2 years). I have started my day 1 AF (AGAIN!!) after several attempts to go 30 AF and failed. i also tried moderating but that never worked. I'm like you I drink to get drunk and that is that. I'm not interested in having a glass of wine - I want that full bottle and then see how I feel, if its ok then I'll finish at that but most of the time I want more. I drink on a night time, never during the day. I have started to realise my 2 year is taking things in even now. I always feel regretful the next day and to be honest I don't want to feel like this anymore. I like you love exercise, I can run 5 miles daily but I too cannot lose weight. I have been in denial about the fact that its more food related when I know it is because of Al and what I eat after having AL. I have managed to lose a couple of pounds since my daughter was born but that has to be my extreme exercise routine. Its great that your husband is wanting to cut down as this can make it easier for you when you start you AF days. I'm also like you and am confused about the supplements, I bought L glut from the health store and only take one tablet a night, maybe I need to take more as I still crave Al and sugar. All the luck in the world with this journey and always remember the people on this board (and me) are here for you to help and hopefully you can help me too. We can do this and as you name says we can do this FOR THE KIDS, they really are worth it!!!!!XXXSeto
        P.s Are you starting tonight AF??????


          My Turn

          Wow seto- It's amazing how much in common we seem to have when it comes to this. I guess that's not really a good thing though, eh?

          I stayed home with the kids until 6 months ago and went to the gym for 1-2 hours just about every day. Now that I'm working again, I'm really noticing how much drinking is affecting my weight and health. Working so much helped me to drink and maintain my weight. Now that I don't have as much time, I'm feeling the effects of drinking much more. I was talking to a friend at work, and she said something that really hit home- "what you eat in private shows in public". True, so True!

          Yes, I am making it a goal to be af today. weekends are especially hard, and hubby has been out of town this weekend, so by the end of the day, I'm feeling pretty frazzled and really wanting to drink. But odat, right? Will you be AF with me today?


            My Turn

            Hi formykids
            Yes definately am going AF tonight. I started yesterday and I felt so much better this morning. It was really hard to abstain but I watched a good DVD and ate a lot of Ben and Jerry's ice cream (not good for the waistline I know but one step at a time right?). I read for a will aswell and then dropped off to sleep. I don't have the feelings of "what did I do last night", "How did I get to bed", "Have I phoned anyone", oh the list could go on. Its nice to feel confident about things. Try it, you most definately will like it!! Today I haven't been shopping as here in the North of England it is raining and cold. So no wine in the house, no temptation, I have a good DVD for tonight and so nice food to enjoy once the kids go to sleep. We CAN do this, it is in our hands, think of all those nice summer clothes we can fit into!!! XXSeto


              My Turn

              Seto;317328 wrote: ...ate a lot of Ben and Jerry's ice cream (not good for the waistline I know but one step at a time right?).
              Yes, not good for the waistline, but neither is drinking. Maybe I'll pick up some ice cream for tonight, too. Last night, after drinking a lot, I wasn't even hungry but had the drunk munchies. Ended up making myself 2 of those single serving packs of hamburger helper cheeseburger macaroni. It's making me sick to think about all those calories I consumed, between that needless eating and 10 or so beers. :upset: compared to that, ben and jerry's will be healthy! I'm determined today, dang it!


                My Turn

                Hi again
                From what I have read so far on different websites regarding AL, we crave sugar as alcohol is biochemically (think that is the word!) almost identical to sugar, so when we finish drinking our blood sugar levels dip dramatically therefore we crave bad things. I think that is why L Glut helps. Oh the amount of times I have stuffed my face with chocolate, crisps, pizza etc etc and felt so bloated and sick the next day - what a waste of time isn't it!! I really enjoyed the Ben and Jerrys as I was quite dehydrated and it was hydrating and tasty - heaven (sad I know) and it kept me busy. My husband is watching football tonight so I'll be own my own with the little ones. What is the time there? It is 15.22 pm here! XXSeto


                  My Turn

                  Hi formykids,

                  Welcome! I have been in your shoes. I am a stay at home Mom and have been drinking beer for stress and to relieve boredom for years.....

                  I like the L-glut and the kudzu (from this site) together they both really help with the cravings. I also take a multi vitamin plus milk thistle and gaba for liver support and general health.

                  I does take alot of will power and you have to want it. Nothing will take away the mental cravings that we have.....But for our kids and family and health we can do this!

                  Wishing you all the best.
                  Hugs, Bambi
                  "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


                    My Turn

                    Formykids, you're in my neck of the woods (desert).
                    Coming from someone who is in the same boat but 29+7 with kids who are 11 and 6, it is a good idea to at least not drink around them. I started this program in December and have not drank around them since then. I sat them down, told them that I had a drinking problem, and I was trying very hard not to drink anymore. (and to expect a very bitchy mommy
                    My kids got so used to having a very relaxed, drinking mom that they have gone through bit of a shock when I started really laying down the rules and making them follow them. For example, when I was buzzed I wasn't really worried about the mess in the house. Now it drives me nuts and I expect them to pick up and do their part.
                    The biggest thing for me though is that I can see some anger issues with my eldest. I believe this stems from the days of having bad hangovers and just not wanting to be bothered. It really makes me feel bad when he goes and slams a door, and I know it is a direct result from my drinking.
                    Although I know these issues will be rectified by continuing my journey with sobriety, I wish I knew earlier what I know now; happy drunk or not, my drinking has greatly affected my children.
                    Goal 1: Today
                    Goal 2: Tomorrow


                      My Turn

                      hi!OMG. I can totally relate. I am 37 with a three yr old. Married to another beer drinker. We don't drink everyday, but when we do...LOOK OUT!!! I am probably less moderate than he is. I totally blackout pretty much every time I drink now. What a loser. Then I wake up feeling like crap, and feel like a dead beat mother. When I usually start "cracking em" is mid- to late afternoon, thinking if I have them early, I'll be better off in the morning. But it never is.
                      I have 2 brothers.. (I'm the youngest) and they both have drinking probs too. They are both functional like me, but cant stop once they start either.
                      I just joined this program. Hoping it will help me out. Just ordered the starter pack, and have no idea either what the supplements do, or not do.
                      When it comes,i WILL READ THE BOOK, AND see what it's all about. Hope to talk to ya soon. My user name is sweet. Take it easy!!


                        My Turn

                        Good for You!!! I know what you mean by not caring about the mess while having some drinks!! I hope to be able to hold off as long as you have!! Congrats!! Have you taken any of these supplements?? I just ordered the starter pack, and am anxious to see what its all about!! Good Job!!


                          My Turn

                          Thank you all for your responses. I've felt so alone for so long now, it's nice to know that they're are others like me-that I'm not some weird freak.

                          Lukale, your post really hit home (.....happy drunk or not, my drinking has greatly affected my children...). I think I've always felt that, since they don't SEE me drunk, it's ok. But that's not the case. Even at only 4, my oldest is smarter and more observent than I give her credit for. It's only a matter of time before she recognizes that constantly having a beer in the hand is NOT normal. Good luck with your journey!

                          Sweet, let me know, if you don't mind--the before and after feelings on the supp's. I guess anyone can answer that, but with you freshly starting out on everything, you'll have a "real time" experience. Just wondering how much of a difference they really make-if it's worth it to order some stuff other than just the l-glut.

