I'll apologize ahead of time, because I know I'm going to be long winded-damn I've got a lot to say. But I do have a question or 2 about supplements, so if you don't have time to read, please skip to below and help me out. :blush:
Hello. I've been checking in on this site for a month or 2 and finally decided to post. I'm 30 years old (or 29 + 1, it sounds better). My hubby and I have been together for almost 11 years, and have pretty much been drinking since. We've gone through stages of mellowing out, but for the most part, we've had beer just about every day.
I have 2 kids-4 and 2. We drink around them, but I never get drunk around them. Although I almost this it's worse to have them wake in the middle of the night for some reason and not remember it in the morning. "Wait, did I get up with him last night? How did he wind up in our bed?". Obviously, I stayed sober when I was pregnant. And each time I told hubby that I didn't want to go back to the way things were after the baby came, but it did.
I've told him for years that I wanted to mellow out with it, but he's never thought we've had a prob. I know that I shouldn't rely on his not drinking to keep me from drinking, but I guess I'm weak, because I have a hard time watching him have a few beers and not joining. And I can't have just a few. I drink to get drunk. Everytime. If we only have 2 in the fridge, I won't have one. What's the point? He recently got promoted, and doesn't want to drink during the week so that he's alert every morning at work. He's been good. I haven't. I wake up in the morning swearing that "today" I will not drink. By the time I'm driving home from work, my will power crashes. I suck!:upset:
ON TOP OF THINGS----My brother has a drinking prob. He actually admitted to me last night that he has a prob, who knows, he might have been drunk and won't even remember the conversation. He's going to jail on Monday for an extreme DUI (we live in AZ, and in case you don't know, the new DUI laws here are absolute Hell!!!). He'll be in for 45 days, but has work release for 5 days/week. He's had 2 seizures in the last 3 years that HE even attributes to alcohol withdrawl. I feel like such a friggin hypocrite, lecturing HIM about his drinking habits, when secretly, I have my own problem. Geeze, if only people new.
Dang, I warned you I'd be long winded. I don't have a single soul in my life to talk about these things to, so I knew that would happen.
So I recognize that I need to do something. I already love to excersise, but know that I won't get to my desirable weight until I slow down with the beer. What the hell is it with turning 30? It's only been in the last year that I've really noticed the drinking really affecting my weight!
FINALLY, TO MY QUESTIONS: I went to Hi Health today and bought some L-Glutamine, since it appears from this site to be a huge help with fighting cravings. I don't have the money to buy a bunch of stuff, or even one of the starter kits. I don't want to involve my Dr. As bad as it is, I'm feeling like I need to conquer this demon on my own. I don't really have anyone else that understands. What is the most important supplements to help fight cravings? I've been reading a little on Kudzo, but didn't know if that was necessary?? Can someone please direct me to somewhere where I can read all the pros and cons of the various supplements? I'm a tad confused.
If you managed to read thru this entire thing, THANK YOU!!!!:l
If not, I definately don't blame you!!
