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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning, morning.

    Feeling good this morning. Another easy AF night last night - just too tired to even think about drinking. Didn't want to drink. Instead, I made the most of my new subscribership and played some of the arcade games. That is not something I normally let myself do but last night I was just too tired to get anywhere near the constant list of jobs. And I tried to keep Greeny on the straight and narrow even though it meant getting indigestion as I kept getting up from my supper to check that she had posted! . Seems like she did it. Seems like a Greeny household sink got disinfected with alcohol last night! yay!! :goodjob:

    Today I am off to a Game and Country Fair and taking my dogs with me. Meeting up with a few people and generally enjoying the show. This year, thank God, nobody has tried to come with there me. I really hate dragging round with other people as they usually want to do totally different things to me and the worst ones get me to watch their kids while they talk at length to some car/gun/popcorn maker salesman about a car/gun/popcorn maker they never intend to buy. If I wanted to baby sit kids I would have had some FFS!!

    Hope the sun shines for me and for all of you!

    Hubby home today. Hope he doesn't bring wine with him as it will be a temptation I could do without. I am feeling comfortable with my AF at the moment and don't want the struggle. If he doesn't I will be happy with him having beer.

    Have a wonderful day - hope you can all relax and enjoy it. :l

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Sunday

    thanks bessie,
    hie everyone, i feel great this morning after a lovely dancing night and feeling great every munite of the day now the fact that am af just gives me an assurance that good stuff are coming my way.
    i was reading some AA books last night since i was feeling down and i came a cross aline asking me why do i want to stop drinking? since some alcoholics stop drinking becouse of their jobs, families,friends, career, studies or for themselves?
    this challenged me since the need for me to go back to school and upgrade my studies has out weighed the need to be sober for myself and i realised that am putting too much pressure on my self hence risking my sobriety.
    any way a challenge and a question to us all WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE SOBER?? lets reflect on this question all of us and it will make all of us realise something like i did today.
    love to you all


      ODAT - Sunday

      Bessie, Maasai and all ODATers to come,

      Good Morning from a rainy and thundery south US. A beautiful rain bringing lots of good water to my grass and my wildflowers.

      Bessie, good on you for the AF days. You are figuring out what you want in life and going for it.

      Maasai, my reason for wanting to be sober is very simple. There are two reasons. 1. I hate the drunk Cindi. She is nothing like me. 2. I don't want to die. Drunk Cindi hated herself enough that it was just a matter of time.

      Today I get to go visit my daughter in rehab. I can't wait!!

      Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and attains their ODAT goals whatever they may be.

      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT - Sunday

        Thanks to all that hung out with me last night.

        I have that stupid feeling this AM. Remorse, all that jazz. But better to pour stuff down the drain than your neck.

        HOWEVER! That was yesterday and yesterday is gone over and done with. I have a fresh new day to start with. Hummm, this little pep talk just isn't really working. Think I'll get little doggie up and suck up some of her energy. There is certainly an abundance of that.

        Have a lovely day.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Sunday

          Morning to you all ODATers
          Well last night was AF for me and I feel so much better for it today. Definately hoping tonight is another one. No temptation as its cold and raining here in the North of England and I won't be going anywhere which means no buying anything. I have stocked up on some good DVDs and lots of nice food. Will cosy up and watch a nice DVD me thinks.
          Bessie where you live sounds lovely. I love reading your posts on a morning. Good luck for tonight. Maassi hi, I'm newish here, that is a really good question and like Cindi one of my main reasons is I don't like me when I am drunk, actually I HATE MYSELF when I am drunk. I want to be sober for my babies, for my health and for my husband. I'm sure I have a lot more reasons but the above just springs to mind straight away.
          Good luck everyone for tonight and God blessXXXSeto


            ODAT - Sunday

            Good Morning everyone and hope you are doing good things. Not so happy today, kind of overcast and guess I am still feeling the effects of my last binge. But still AF on day 3. I really hat this boozing cycle and want it out of my life. This ODAT thread is a nice way to start the day. Thanks.


              ODAT - Sunday

              Good morning all!

              Bessie - nice to hear you are doing something fun today.
              Grennie -good job last night

              Maasai - Same reasons as Cindi & Seto - although I don't think drunk me is really a person. I want to be sober so I can start living and learning to become a real person finally. Never did any of that while numbing myself with alcohol.

              Cindy - enjoy your visit, I hope she is doing well.

              Matthen - yeah! Day 3 ! That's awesome.

              Have been having a bit of a struggle myself lately but still plowing through AF. I am catching my mind saying 'you can have a few glasses of wine at the first communion party this weekend'. But, I will change that by the weekend.

              Good luck all to come.


                ODAT - Sunday

                Morning ODATers,

                Glad to hear everyone is fending off the beast. Greenie cuts it a bit close, but pulls through - good for you and to you Bessie for helping talk her down.

                Bessie, have some fun. And do remember that if husband brings back wine, you can wait for a mod day to drink it. I know it is tough having it in the house and all, but I find that simple procrastination actually works. I'll drink after...

                Seto and matthen, you both sound committed. Sometimes you just have to slog through the hard parts.

                Cindi and Massai, you sound so well and happy.

                Happy, struggle on soberly. You know how this process works. Should you decide to mod in May, set some parameters and return to AF if it doesn't work out. Personally, I may mod some day but I know the drink that I miss the most - the one that takes the edge off - is the one that I should never have again.

                I'm off to get ready for a family outing. Shakespeare's birthday celebration downtown. Should be fun.


                Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  Good morning. Hope everyone has a nice day. Bessie have fun with the doggies. Grennie keep the faith. Cindi- hope you have a nice visit with your daughter. You can be such an inspiration to her. To answer Maasai - also same as Cindi and Seto, almost. I don't really hate myself WHEN I'm drunk. I'm too drunk to feel anything. I hate the feelings of guilt and self loathing the next day only to begin the cycle again at 5pm the same day. I hate that I am too interested in how I'm going to "schedule" my drinking than how I'm going to schedule my activities with my family.

                  Matthen- I'm on day 14 AF. I'm been in some tough social situations where I considered "just one glass of wine" and the words almost came out of my mouth. Once I actually ordered a glass of wine and then had my husband run after the waiter and tell him NOT to bring it to the table and changed it to water. All I can say is that I am so glad that I did not give in. I am on a roll and I plan to make ODAT and when I hit DAY 30 AF then I am treating myself to a massage, ice cream, I don't know, shopping spree! (girl things!!!). Congrats on day 3. The first week is the hardest due to the physiologic withdrawal symptoms. Stay strong and come here often!

                  In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
                  - Author unknown


                    ODAT - Sunday

                    Hi Everyone...

                    Bessie...I noticed on your tracker that your AF days now out number your Dog Days! Congratualtions! It will be August by the time that happens for me!

                    Maasia...I needed to go AF because I was at the point of losing everything. I work out of my home and had the "luxury" of drinking when ever I wanted which led to 12 hours of sleeping a day and 12 hours of drinking each day. I was losing my mind, my business, my family, and my health. I really didn't have an option.

                    Matten and Seto...Stay tough! Be stubborn on being AF. You are just a few days from feeling much better!

                    Greeny...Glad to hear that you made it through okay. Have a happy and productive day today.

                    This is day 14 AF for me and I have got to get this house cleaned up. I have two Golden Retrievers that have been dragging dirt into the house with their wet feet. It has been raining for two days straight and is forecasted to rain all the way through Wedesday.

                    Yesterday was tough for me for some reason - it may be due to the fact that it was Saturday. I was out shopping and really wanted a beer. Let the mental mind wars begin. I went into a bar and was going to have just "one" beer and leave. I parked my truck, went into the bar, sat down, and then just got up and left when the bar tender asked me what I wanted. ARRRRHH! So, I did some more shopping and stopped at another bar. Just "one" beer and leave right? I parked my truck once again, went into the bar, and noticed that I would have been the only one there. I started thinking - do you really want to be that big of a loser sitting at the bar by yourself having "one beer" and ruining everything that you wanted to accomplish? So I left, went home, and hung out with my drunk neighbor for inspiration. Sounds crazy but listening to him babble on helps me not want to be like that. Feel great today!

                    Take care everyone and have a great day!


                      ODAT - Sunday

                      Hi again
                      Just wanted to say WELL DONE to caseaday for being so tough with your willpower. Twice you were tempted and you hit AL right on the head. I am taking some inspiration from you. Janedunn - I mean exactly the same as you; when I am drunk, of course I don't hate myself, I think I am invincible and can do anything! Its hearing about me the next day that makes me loathe myself when I drink and believe me my husband fills in the blanks. The other reason is how I feel also, for me its the selfishness that comes with AL as normally I can't stand selfish people - hypocrital or what! Well done on 14 days!!! SetoXXX


                        ODAT - Sunday

                        Janedunn... A round of applause for you!! I have ordered something to drink and immediately thought "That was not a good idea" (polite words here) but just though " Oh well" and drank it and more. What a great move on your part to backpaddle.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          ODAT - Sunday

                          Good morning all.
                          I like being here. It keeps me in check. I have achieved 30 days but am no where free of my mind. Why do I want to be sober? Because I had gotten to the point of binging twice a week and recuperating twice a week. I looked like I drank, I had no stamina, so I guess my health. I became really scared that I was going to make a major mistake at work. Would you panic if you saw me in the ER and knew I was your nurse? I needed to set an example for my son. I couldn't lecture on drugs and alcohol with a glass of chardonay in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I need to remind myself of these facts every day. Thanks for asking Maasai.
                          Hi Bessie!
                          How Cindi, I think of you often. I hope you have a nice visit with your daughter.
                          And to all others, excuse me if I don't mention you by name...........Congratulations on your AF days.
                          Yeah team!!!!!!


                            ODAT - Sunday

                            caseaday- WOW... incredible will power. I hope I can be as strong as you. That is incredible. Stay that way!


                              ODAT - Sunday

                              i am sober still!

                              still on the turning back! Love 2 All. :choc:

