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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Day 5

    On day 5 this A.M. things are looking up. Day 4 I was feeling OK and heard the Siren's song
    but I tied myself to the mast and sailed on by. Stayed busy all yesterday and that helps a lot. Why quit drinking? Being drunk is no way to live, you kill yourself and the ones you love.
    I have a large and loving family and a lot to live for. You folks are 'waaay awesome'.
    Time to tie myself to the mast.

    Sober, from sunny and cloudy Portland, Oregon, USA

    Thanks for listening, Metolius (Mitch)


      ODAT - Sunday

      Why stop drinking? My body hurts. My stomach hurts. I am pretty sure it is the wine, and I am damaging my stomach - and my lungs, with all the ciggies I smoke when I drink. My health is suffering as I don't exercise like I used to. My kids? My two daughters are grown now (18 and 20) and don't live at home any more. My 16yo son and my boyfriend's 16yo son are still at home, pot heads, but I know about that feeling of "how can I lecture them on something that I do myself"!!!!! Maybe my drinking is the reason for my permissive parenting style all these years!


        ODAT - Sunday

        It is supposed to reach 11C today here on the prairie. I might even pick up some rays on this white skin of mine!! It's surprising how one can sun tan at that temp in the spring, but not in the fall!!! It's all relative I suppose. Spring is bringing me fresh hope - I will survive!


          ODAT - Sunday

          You know what I love about starting this thread (or anyone else starting it) is coming back later in the day and reading what everyone else has posted. Cos it doesn't really have a theme it just gets pretty general and supportive. I love it. I'm not very good at doing that thing where you mention everyone in thread as others are but I'll sort of try..

          Hi Finally RN!! How you doing? Don't see you often enough!
          Masaai - Good question. For me it is primarily health - I'm not suffering from anything alcohol related as far as I know but I do know I am pushing it. Also because I like to have energy and be active and achieve and feel good about what I get done in a day and I can't do that with a hangover. So I am doing it for me. Nobody else has any input and I don't need it.
          Cindi - really hope your daughter is doing well. Do keep us posted.
          Melotius - shouldn't you change your name to Odyseuss? Love the analogy of the sirens. Going to stick wax in my ears and order my crew to tie ME to the mast next time I am tempted - that's you lot here!! Ready with the ropes?!
          Caseaday - I laughed out loud at your going into the bar story. Anyone watching you must have thought you were really odd!! You have some serious willpower - taking it right up to the wire each time!
          Beck - procrastination? Good idea but I'm not sure I'm up to it. I sort of feel that if it is in the house then I want to get rid of it to get it out of the way. We'll see. It's Sunday and he won't be back until late so he will have a problem finding anywhere to sell it. That will be fine by me.

          I had fun at the show. Dismally failed to win any ribbons in the Veteran class (the dog NOT me!!) There is a class 'Rough Bitch over 23' which always makes me laugh. It's 23 inches though! :H Watched a bird of prey display and the ferrets and something that I haven't seen before originating from the US, DockDogs. Google it. It was really different.

          On the way there I pondered alcohol and addiction and it's various facets and came up with some very profound and interesting observations about my dealing with it.
          All of which I have forgotten!

          Bessie xx


            ODAT - Sunday

            You don't have ducks in UK? I guess you don't have retriever dogs then. :H Labs and Goldens?
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Sunday

              The Siren's Song

              Come closer, famous Odysseus - Achaea'spride and glory-moor your ship on our coast so you can hear our song! Never has any sailor passed our shores in his black craft until he has heard the honeyed voices pouring from our lips, and once he hears to his heart's content sails on, a wiser man. We know all the pains that Achaeans and Trojans once endured on the spreading plain of Troy when the gods willed it so - all that comes to pass on the fertile earth, we know it all!"

              ODAT, Metolius

              P.S. I would put in a picture of the beautiful Metolius River, my favorite fly fishing stream,
              but I'm not sure how to do that.


                ODAT - Sunday

                Be careful! Fallenangel and fllyinhigh will jump on the siren thing. LOL! I love to flyfish.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  Hi All

                  Late checkin from Saje- I am still widdling away at the days AF.....getting a little easier, but very afraid of what is around the corner. You always have to be on makes me very tired by the end of the day. Still very worth it though, that feeling waking up and being able to start the day with a clear mind and no hangover!!!

                  Best to All



                    ODAT - Sunday

                    Moving on to day 6

                    As there is wine in the house today (not mine) I have heard the Sirens' song a lot. Each time I have been able to say NO. I know it's early in the game, but I feel a certain pride in that.
                    People who are on day 2-3, by day 5 you will start to feel better. I actually have my
                    appetite back. What has helped me is the advice I read on this site to stay as busy as possible. It's really helped. Thanks Everyone, Metolius

