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smoking vs drinking

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    smoking vs drinking

    hi guys! has anyone on here given up smoking? if so, how does it compare to stopping drinking? i've been quit from smoking 10months. now i've had enough of drinking too!

    smoking vs drinking

    Hi Ashika,

    I saw in your other post to Sundance that you started drinking more when you gave up smoking. That happened somewhat to me too, although my drinking didn't really become bad until quite a few years later. I don't know what is harder to give up, smoking or drinking (although they do make nicotine replacement products). I do think that the last thing you give up can be the hardest, unless you are just sick to death of it. Finding this site helps a lot, and if you are willing to read the book and incorporate all of the elements of the program, you can make a big improvement, even give up drinking, if that's what you want to do.

    I am taking the topamax, and it has helped me enormously. I hope you are willing to invest some time reading and learning and seeing if this program is right for you!

    Welcome to MWO! Good luck!


      smoking vs drinking

      For me.......without a doubt it was smoking. I smoked for 20 years and as much as I love my wine I would smoke again tomorrow if it were healthy and say bye to wine. The craving for smoking was so much more intense then alchohol....

      Having said that I have thought about smoking again but I'm trying to be strong. I too started drinking more wine when I stopped smoking.



        smoking vs drinking

        Woo Ashika--I gave up smoking over a year ago. It was a piece of cake compared to giving up drinking!! and I have had people tell me that the nicotine dependence is so bad that if I quit smoking I should be able to quit drinking at the drop of a hat. NOT!

        My worst demon is still drinking. I do not miss cigarettes, in fact, if I am in a restaurant or any other public place with smoking, my nose totally plugs up. And the smell on my clothes is repulsive. Now the smell of Frangelico in a shifter, on the other hand . .. .



          smoking vs drinking

          The physical addiction to nicotine is well known to be much stronger than that of alcohol. In fact, it is compared by those in the addiction field as having the same power as that of heroine and cocaine. I had a nicotine addiction (dipping Copenhagen) for many years. It was incredibly hard for me to quit, but I did so with Nicorette Gum which was a godsend. Still, it took, about 4-5 tries over a 3 year period until I finally beat it. I mean I did not beat it for more than a few weeks until I finally beat it.

          By contrast, the first time I beat alcohol, I beat it cold turkey with only the support of my wife. And I beat it 100% for a year, which is something. The difference is, alcohol is everywhere in our world.
          So the mental challenge may be greater.


            smoking vs drinking

            Ditto on the Nicotine Gum, I was on it for two years and much preferred the gum to the cigs after a couple months. Takes a bit of getting used to and the generic brands at Target and discount drug stores are much cheaper than Nicorette, often with many coupons available. I finally beat the gum by taking a 15 day cruise and only taking enough gum to get to the ship. Worked well. 3 days later I was cured.

            Now after 2 years I can't stand to be around cigarettes.

            I agree Nicotine is a much more serious addiction than alcohol but on the other hand alcohol kills, nicotine gum dosent.



              smoking vs drinking

              When I met with my GI doc to talk about treatment for my hepatitis. He said he's had patients that drink and smoke(besides me). He told me everyone said smoking was a much harder habit to kick. Here's to kicking the habit of alcohol, the easier one.:hat .


