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Gathings - Day 21 - Are you still with me???

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    Gathings - Day 21 - Are you still with me???

    Day 21 and things are better each day. Gathings and I were even on day 14 so wanted to see how my April 14th buddy is doing. Is anyone else on the board at this point in their journey? It would be cool if we could keep up with each other.

    Take care!
    AF 21 days and lovin' it

    Gathings - Day 21 - Are you still with me???

    YES YES! I am here!

    Hey there, MyNewLife!:goodjob:

    I am here and feeling good, as well! I'm on day 20 (it would be 21, but I had a glass of wine at my friend's wedding last weekend), and very excited about getting to 30 days AF! I might decide to do another 30 after that! Thanks for checking in - I'm glad my buddy is going strong. :l I'm proud of you! Let's keep in touch!
    Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


      Gathings - Day 21 - Are you still with me???

      Totally Awesome! A glass of wine (one) shouldn't count against you. As a matter of fact if you only did one then you should get a bonus day! I say you are still at 21. This weekend I was being a dumb ass and twisted my foot (I was sober so I have to blame it on my lack of coordination) - but it put me out of commission for the health club this weekend. Hopefully I can go tomorrow.

      I never heave put much stock in hypnotherapy but I thought I'd give it a try. I ordered a set - not the one of this site - but the same company. I got the set that is supposed to make you want to exercise and give you an overall positive feeling. I don’t know, if you hear that I have been on my roof at midnight clucking like a chicken then you can assume the hypno author has a since of humor!!!

      It's cool that we are both at 21 - I would have never thought it possible. I started doing milk thistle this week to hopefully repair my liver. I have a doc appt in two weeks and she is going to do blood work so I'd like her not to find any liver enzyme abnormalities.

      Well, gotta go burn some steaks on the grill - the whole family is waiting on me to get started. I'll talk at you later.

      Take care -


        Gathings - Day 21 - Are you still with me???

        Good for you! I, too, and looking forward to a doctor's appt. and hope to get the ok to start on campral or topomax. We'll see! I feel like a dufuss because I have the hypno CD's, but haven't taken the time to listen to them (so I'm glad you reminded me of them... maybe I'll go do that right now, while I'm thinking about it).
        Steaks on the grill? YUMMY! Food tastes so nice when it's grilled!

        ...catch up with ya soon!:H
        Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


          Gathings - Day 21 - Are you still with me???

          So here we are at Day 22. Still didn't make it to the Health Club - foot still bothering me. Not that I am putting it off - I really wanted to go.

          I started on the Hypno CD last night. Here is my problem; how can I get hypnotized if I am laughing my butt off and almost rolling out of the bed? I guess I need to get a more serious attitude. But I swear, every time I hear him say 'escalator' or 'hammock' I start giggling like a school girl. My wife thinks I have lost my mind - I have headphones on so she does not hear what I am hearing - just me laughing...

          Off the subject - but recently I was on a plane trip on business. I had copied a comedian concert (Lewis Black) to my ipod. So there I am, on a plane, surrounded by about 200 other passengers. I am caught up in my show and forgot where I was. I am laughing so hard tears are almost running down my face. I look up in time to see many passengers staring at me with very worried looks... Oh well, I digress.

          When you talk to the doc - ask about Campral. That is what I am using and it is great. I never have drank in the mornings but I take a morning dose anyway to keep my serum levels up. Then at lunch I pop two more. So, around 5:00 the thought of a drink hits me (every day). I pop the last two and by the time I get home I don’t even think of a drink at all. It is a wonder drug!

          Take care!

          P.S. So we are not monopolizing this thread, anyone else join in and share you ticks of the trade, grilling recipes, or things you do that make other people wonder if you are sane!

