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I can't do this on my own - help

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    I can't do this on my own - help

    sorry something happened with logon and this posted twice
    Wasted Time (NO MORE!)

    I can't do this on my own - help


    Welcome back.
    First, please let me offer my condolences to your mother passing. I can not imagine how terrible it is for you. *big hugs offered*

    Secondly, I am battling along, the same as you, trying to beat the terrible cycle of drinking behaviour i have created for myself.
    This site is for people exactly like you and I, and so many others. You are not selfish and weak asking for help. How brave you are to come and admit to your addiction and ask for help in stopping.

    There are many ways here to help you begin your journey. There is the book, and cd's and the suppliments, for starters. Also, as crazy as it sounds, it can be as simple as NOT buying the wine. Not taking that very first drink!
    Also, this board, this site, is filled with wise people, that care, and can help support you, no matter what stage you are at!

    I don't have any better advice...I am sorry. I am sure people further along than I am will pop in soon.
    I just wanted you to know you are not alone, and offer my welcome to MWO!

    Take good care,
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      I can't do this on my own - help

      Hi Wastedtime.... are here....that's the first step....

      Have you read the MWO book? That's the first thing you should do. The second thing you should do is decide if you are serious about not drinking. If you are, then I advise buying the MWO starter pack which has all the vitamins and supplements you need to start on the road to recovery.

      You have to want it, have to make a committment to change the way you think and feel about alcohol. It's not just a matter of not has to be a total change in the way you view alcohol.

      If you decide it is time to get serious and do something to fix the problem, instead of just sitting around wondering why you can't quit, then we can help you. We can't do it for you, but we can sure help and guide you along the way....

      There are a lot of caring people here who will gladly give you advice, support, and a kick in the ass if you need it....

      So, read the book, do some soul searching, and when you're ready.....jump right in....

      We're glad you are here.....this place can change your did mine.

      Day 262 AF

