This is my first day on this site.
Why am I here? Wine or rather not to wine - definitely not to whine!
Not only my first day here, but my first day of a home detox.

My god I am _so_ glad that I stabbed to death two wine-boxes this morning. At least a dozen times I've walked to the shelf where they used to live and only realized what I was doing when I got there and they weren't :eeks:
I've been given Chlordiazepoxide 30mg 4 times a day (for day 1) and about to take my third dose. Certainly it seem to be controlling the shakes, but not doing much for the anxiety side of things, nor making me noticeably drowsy.
I've been reading up a bit on the web and it's described as a "long acting benzodiazepine drug" and having "a half life of 36 hours upwards" - Does this mean that I can expect some further cumulative effect from the next doses?
One Day at a Time.