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    Just found this site

    Just found the site today. Did a search for alcohol cessation and this is one that came up. I see myself in so many of the entries. Vicious cycles. This has been the story of my life for the last 30 years. Don't know who I really am without alcohol, because I was just a kid when I started drinking. I have often thought that I partly inherited my ablility to drink a lot. My father was (a highly functioning) alcoholic, as were both of my grandfathers. Anyway, I'm glad I found this site. Haven't made any promises to myself about not drinking though.

    Just found this site

    Hi cayenne and :welcome:to MWO ......

    You certainly have found the special place that can help you ......

    Download the book, read and post ............

    Take what you need to help you ......

    Love & Hugs, BB xx


      Just found this site

      Welcome Cayenne!!! Its good to have you on board.....Janicexxx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Just found this site

        Thanks you guys, glad i found the site now.


          Just found this site


          :goodjob:In posting...keep it up!
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Just found this site


            Please keep reading and posting...this is an amazing place, filled with some terrific people!

            The first big step, you already are here!

            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              Just found this site

              Keep posting, keep taking steps. This will lead you to a new life if you are searching.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                Just found this site

                Welcome Cayanne -- glad you found this site. I too have been drinking for years and have never convinced myself that i am an alcoholic even though I have been in and out of AA and therapy for years. Well, I am an alcoholic, by any standard of the definition. It is seeing my own repetitive behavior described by others on this site that make me realize I am in real danger from drinking. Here, people are warm and willing to describe their own behavior.

                This site may be the saving of my life. I am only on day 3 sober and have so long to go. But this has been a wonderful help by wonderful folks. Hope it helps you too. Welcome!!


                  Just found this site

                  Cayanne ~ welcome!

                  I happy for you. This is an amazing site. Read and post. You can make up your mind later as to what sort of goals you would like to set for yourself.

                  When I came here I only had intentions of cutting back. But cutting back led to sobriety. So you never know what where this journey will take you, but I promise it's worth the trip.

                  Best of luck to you. We are here when you need us.

                  Love, Me
                  Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                    Just found this site

                    Hi Cayenne

                    Welcome! You will find a warm non-judgemental environment here. I agree with Matt. I read my story over and over again. I stumbled upon this site a few weeks ago. I have struggled for about 10 years (that I'm willing to admit). I have never tried AA. I am very private and I guess have never even had as much courage as Matt to ADMIT it even that much! This site has given me strength. I recommend the book as well. I'm on day 15 AF..... WOW! Today has been rough, don't know why that's why I'm here getting inspiration.
                    Good luck in your journey.

                    In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
                    - Author unknown


                      Just found this site

                      Welcome! Welcome!!!!!!! You will find you are not alone here....
                      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                        Just found this site

                        hey there glad you found the site. when i did a year ago i was just looking for a way to cut down. and well now i've not had a drink in four months. so didn't ever think that would be possible with the kind of freedom i have in my life as i was a bottle or more of wine a day drinker. so keep posting and great to post.


                          Just found this site

                          You have found the best site on the WWW for working to beat an addiction to AL (Alcohol). This site has the best support, and wonderful support. you do need to get on, read, post, look will find many who are where you are right now! And we all want to know how you are doing! Success, ro slips, come on and let us know. No lectures, no guilt, just support. It does work!
                          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                            Just found this site

                            What everyone else said.....


                              Just found this site

                              Welcome Cayenne! :welcome:

                              I'd had it a few months ago with myself. One more black out night to chalk up. What a legacy.

                              This site is wonderful, supportive, non-judgmental and fun! I strongly sugges reading
                              the My Way Out book. I downloaded it and read it in no time at all. I can't tell you what
                              a difference that book and this site has made in my life.

                              Glad you're here. :l
                              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

