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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning wonderful ODATers!!

    Welcome to ODAT land. The only thing that works for me! Does what it says on the tin.

    Got given a bottle of rose wine yesterday as a thank you by a friend. BMWO (Before My Way Out) I would that thought "Goodie, how can I get to drink most of that to myself and one bottle just won't be enough" Yesterday I just thought "Bugger, I really don't want that - how can I get rid of it without drinking it?"

    I cooked a nice piece of beef and hubby wanted to go out and get a bottle of red to go with it. I didn't really want him to as staying AF would have been easier, cleaner somehow and I was quite stressed and I know that is one of my big triggers but he bought it and I shared it with him. For those of you who think I should have stuck to my guns and stayed AF maybe I should but I know how my mind works and I would have felt denial in some measure and that denial would have built up until it blew and caused a binge. So better for me to indulge in moderation and head off the denial.

    I waited for the little voices that said "What can we drink next?" ready to fight them back but they didn't come at all. And they certainly would have done BMWO. I slept well and I'm up early and I feel good about being able to mod. But today, different to BMWO, I don't want to drink again tonight, moderately or otherwise, I WANT to be AF again. I've had my drink. That was fine. Now let me get on with not drinking. Interesting how your mind is re-trained. I like it. The bad effect that alcohol has on my sub conscious is getting more controllable as time goes by but only by constantly working at it and being vigilant and learning the lessons. So keep looking over your shoulder - ODAT!!

    Love and hugs to all. :l

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi Bessie and all to come

    Bessie, your AF days now outnumber your dog days so well done. I know exactly how you feel, it makes it so, so much harder to stay AF when hubby enjoys a glass of wine and it is there under your nose. I find week nights so much easier especially when he is away. Some nights I get drinking thoughts, some not. If I sit it out, the craving passes and I can go to bed AF. Not so easy with an open bottle of wine in front of you!! However, the way I see it, alcohol is always going to be around, we cannot run away from it, I have to learn to deal with it and stay strong. Today is Day 30, its not such a wow this time as I have done it a few times before over the last 6 months. My aim now is to keep going. Here's to an AF May.



      ODAT - Tuesday

      Its ME!

      Need to sleep more..later. Ripples. :h


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Morning Bessie, Rustop, Ripple!

        Raining cats and dogs here. We need it though. Yesterday was a wonderful AF day for me. I had the opposite "problem" of yours, Bessie. Husband came home (driving) stinking drunk. It made it easier to stay AF but I was so sad. I went on the chat and had some friends help.

        Congrats on another 30 AF Rustop!

        Have a wonderful ODAT!
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Good Morning - day 5

          good morning, so I am sitting here having my morning coffee with Bessie and the gang. Rust -- 30 days is fabulous. "Someday soon be there with you, someday soon " (Judy Collins). Bessie how reassuring that you drank wine like a normal human -- don't think I will ever get there so I think I have to set my goal at all or nothing. It is a nice cool sunny morning here in Wash DC area after 2 days of cold rain.

          Feeling pretty hopeful this morning, once again believing it possible that I may not be condemned to be a drunk the rest of my life. This morning I did not wake up sick and disgusted and afraid. Still feeling a bit shaky and jumpy from my latest vodka binge. I rarely drink vodka, usually wine or beer. But I switched over to vodka on the contrived assumption that maybe i would drink more sanely with it -- and that since it doesn't have all the chemical preservatives of wine or beer, maybe I would wake up feeling normal. Well the psychological and physical effects were bad, very bad.

          So here we are together on this Tuesday morning. Great to be hopeful in the morning, thanks to you all. My love,


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Hi guys,

            Bessie, I so hear you. I like to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner still and I always want to be able to do that in moderation. But it is so nice to enjoy those AF days. And I seem to want to have more and more of them and they truely do get easier and easier to get under your belt. I love the feeling of going to bed AF and waking up feeling refreshed. To all the newbies on this thread, It does get easier to meet your goals as you go along whether it be moderation or completely AF - it gets easier!

            Take care guys - today will be another 0 in my tracker, I feel like having another good sleep tonight!

            Love and Hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Good morning all,

              One more day at a time! Weather forecast is for sunshine and 80 degrees!!! Yippeeee!!

              Have a great day all!
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                ODAT - Tuesday

                hey all!

                Thanks for starting us out Bessie, good for you on moderating well too.
                Congrats on 30 days again Rustop!:goodjob:
                Hi Ripple, Mathem, Becoming, Lvt25 and Uni!

                Everyone good luck w/ your goals, lots of love to you!!:l:h

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  be thankfull..

                  needed to sleep more..after close to 7 months the body is still going through something? no way i can go thru this again. Ripples had a UTI so that means another PILL..but thats good, they make me sick so i don't eat too much. Every day may be a battle, but its a battle towards cleaning up wot the bottle had done. When i am tired i look GOOD now. :h


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    oops is here..

                    sorry, HELLO everyone...i know you are here. I'll be back tomorrow morning with a new look. Hope no-one is using my avatars any where else, i will feel mocked. X buggers. :H i am really sorry i did not say hello at first, please forgive me. ODAT, and that means forgetting too. :h


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      7th Day

                      On the 7th day I'm going to be AF again. Hello to all and Best Wishes to you and those you Love. With wine in the house the Sirens' have been singing long and loud. I have been able to say No every time. Supposedly, when you repel the Sirens' song a Siren dies, here's to dead Sirens. This weekend I'm going with son, son-in-law, to visit #2 son, for Golf and Texas Hold-em. This ought to be a good test. ODAT

                      Blessings to All



                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Good day everyone, and welcome Metolius, hurray for dead sirens. I cannot have wine in the house but beer or other alchy pops that my son's girlfriend drinks are safe from me. These kids are so good, they do not indulge near what my consumption was at their age, they are so much smarter than me. So here is to another AF day for me, hope to sleep better tonight and rack up more AF than non AF for April.
                        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          I like hearing successful stories of moderation. I hope to be a successful moderator someday.

                          My April AF month goal is almost over and I have to confess I am feeling relief heading my way. One month is a lot to take on. I am so looking forward to taking in May ODAT.

                          Have a late day Mt. Bike ride this afternoon, so have to stay sober for that. Hopefully I will be so worn out after that ride I won't be able to lift a drink. Stay tuned.


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            Hello to all,

                            I thank god for this wonderful thread and hope to goodness it continues into May. I love the idea of piling up those dead sirens LOL! I'm resisting and since I was given a bike for my birthday I am now riding to work and feeling great! My biggest thrill these days is not wearing a helmet (will buy one this weekend). I envy your energy Croft. But , as we all say...ODAT!!!


                              ODAT - Tuesday

                              Bessie - awesome job modding...I think that was why many of us were drawn to this program in the first place, to learn to quiet our minds so we can mod. And I think you and Croft are good examples of that (but yes, I can see you have to work it for it to 'work').

                              Matthen - just a shout out that I am so proud of you. I check the site to see how you are doing everyday and it is so nice to see that you have made it through another day. Keep going !

                              See you all tomorrow and wishing you all a sober evening.

