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A work in progress

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    A work in progress

    I suppose this was inspired in part by BHOG's success story. This won't be especially inspirational but it might just help any new people see the wood for the trees if you are struggling.

    I spend more time thinking about drinking now than I ever did before I came across this site in October last year. That might sound a move in the wrong direction but the thoughts are all about my relationship with alcohol, how I can improve, what tools I need to be using, my strategy for the day whereas before, well you can imagine, they were about guilt, self doubt, despair, regret, then 'oh what the hell, let's open another bottle'.
    So there may be much more time spent but it is far, far less self destructive.

    And I haven't managed a particularly long run of AF days either. Certainly not anywhere near 30. And I still have had some binge days - my ?? entries in the drink tracker when I have drunk so much I have lost count. And some days I have really struggled, others have been easy. This is all about being a work in progress. About thinking hard every day and working at it. I am aware that my brain is already reacting differently to thoughts about alcohol. I really enjoy my days without a drink and the quiet satisfaction it affords me is a real pleasure. The more of them the more enjoyable.

    I suppose I think about it now like being on a successful long term diet. Sure, you can lose weight in a very short space of time with a hell of a lot of willpower/magic powders/pills/intensive exercise but to keep the weight off long term you need to relearn your eating habits, train your stomach to accept smaller portions and establish some healthy eating patterns that will see you losing and keeping the weight off.

    It is not through laziness that I haven't changed 'My Mood' for a long time. Learning is exactly what I am doing all the time with this process. Don't expect any short term fixes, expect to work hard at it, don't beat yourself up over every 'slip' or 'failure'. Nothing will be gained by that except negative thoughts. Just keep on working. Accept that it is part of the process and that if you stay with it those slips will get less and less and you will learn more and more and feel happier and more satisfied. Drinking less/not drinking at all won't change all the problems in your life but it sure as hell will make the ones you do have more manageable and it will probably surprise you the changes that will occur that you didn't think had anything at all to do with it.

    The place I am in now with alcohol is a far better one than I was in when I first came on these boards. Even better than as little time ago as a few weeks. Everyone can do it but give yourself the time you need and learn from each step.

    Waffle over. If this has just given one new person a bit of food for thought/encouragement then it will have been worth it.


    A work in progress

    Bessie -- You are an important inspiration

    I think that the fact that you are a work in progress and struggling like the rest of us makes your daily ODAT thread so believable to me and so important. Thanks for the important role you are playing in my day to day battle with alcohol -- the horror and hell of it -- and for helping me to find hope. God Bless You and thank you,


      A work in progress

      Bessie, that is such on honest post. We are all works in progress no matter where life takes us.

      You are such a dear. I hope that you get everything you want out of life. You so deserve to be healthy and happy.

      Best of luck to you.

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        A work in progress

        Nice post! I hope your days continue to improve!
        Enjoy Life! I am!
        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


          A work in progress


          I am so proud of you for being honest. I am proud of you for taking everyday to continue to learn and grow. (You know we do this with more than just our alcohol habits!!)

          and I am so ever glad you are on MWO with us. :l

          I, too, am a work in progress and enjoying the transformation.

          I also can't help but love learning the new vocabulary!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            A work in progress

            Bessie - thankyou!
            Your ODAT thread is like a lifeline and helps to keep me aligned and on track. Yes, some days are a rough ride but the smooth sailing on those AF days are an absolute dream and those are the days I want to call my groundhog days! I think I appreciate the clear headedness even more after fogging my head for so long with the evil AL.

            Keep well my friend, and give me a yell if you feel the waves are beginning to swamp those clear sailing days. Together with all our MWO pals we can weather this storm.
            nj xx


              A work in progress

              Work in progress???.......some days I feel like I'm still on the drawing boards.....



                A work in progress

                raw and beautuful honesty

                Another point Bessie -- folks like you are giving me the courage to tell it like it is. My instinct is always to try to shave the truth to make myself feel a little less of a serious alcoholic. Reading you all and your raw and beautiful self truth, I am working so hard to be one of you -- against my sheepish nature.. :thanks:

                btw: I have a lot of regard for AA, but people like me are more the norm, we keep it "nice" and there are so many successful abstainers there that you are actually ashamed to admit that you drank the night before -- so you just don't.


                  A work in progress

                  I happened to be out adding an entry to my drink tracker and noticed that yours is looking pretty darn good as you end this month!!! WAY TO GO!!!


                    A work in progress

                    Way to go..... I love your little drink tracker thing! Inspirational and I love this site because it shows people who really struggle and really try and are doing their best!


                      A work in progress

                      Thanks for sharing that Bessie. You can send me those application for employment forms and directions to your house any day now!!:l:H
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

