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2nd day AF, not over yet.

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    2nd day AF, not over yet.

    I just wanted to let ya all know that I made it thru the 1st day, my husband did too. We did have trouble sleeping last night, I didn't get to sleep until after 1:30. I have a call in to my Dr. about taking Tylenol PM, with the trazadone and antabuse, to help me sleep. I am going to buy some flowers and Round-up, to kill all the pretty yellow dandilions in the yard and plant some flowers, today!!!

    2nd day AF, not over yet.

    Hi blondie -- good for you! wow that's a step forward. I am on day 5, feels hopeful, maybe there really is a way out. You might want to check up on Bessie's ODAT thread. It is full of people like you and me, struggling day to day, and it is fun to see how everyone is doing day to day. God bless,


      2nd day AF, not over yet.

      WTG! The sleeping does get better... just give it a few days...

      Planting flowers... nice! What a great way to start out ...

      You might also check out Hippies thread in General Discussion on feeding the soul...

      P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

      As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
      - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


        2nd day AF, not over yet.

        Congrats on making it thorugh your first witching hour...and your husband as well! So good for both of you!
        Yes, the sleeping does get better. I also use t-don, you might want to ask dr aobut increasing your dosage for a short period of time.
        Hang in lots, read lots, chat..keep us informed of how you are doing!
        Stay Strong!
        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


          2nd day AF, not over yet.

          Good Job Blondchick and Matthen!!!

          Just make a vow to yourself that you will not drink today......that's Concentrate on healing your body and getting rid of the toxins. Eat right, drink lots of water, and get as much exercise as you can. The first week is all about you cleaning out and getting healthy. Before you know it you will be sleeping better and thinking clearer than you have in a long time.....

          It is worth any discomfort you might have now....

          You guys are doing great.....stay strong and focused...



            2nd day AF, not over yet.

            Wow, Great job Blondchick and Matthen!!

            I agree with Chief. This discomfort will pass and you will be feeling wonderful soon.

            He has always said liken it to having a flu.

            Good for all of you!!

            AF April 9, 2016


              2nd day AF, not over yet.

              Yes, ditto to the previous replies.

              It really does get better. I promise.

              It so nice that you have each other as a support system. Hold each other up!

              Good luck to you both!

              Love, Me
              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                2nd day AF, not over yet.

                Blondie - congrats and good luck. Keep focused!


                  2nd day AF, not over yet.

                  Blondie and everyone,
                  Firstly, welcome Blondie and congrats on day One! Secondly, congrats Matt! I remember that first day and that first week quite well. I'm on day 16 AF. Have had a few very tempting days, usually between 5 and 7pm. I had some difficuly sleeping the first week but now I am sleeping like a baby. Even without anything to help me. Most nights now I go to bed around 10pm and fall asleep without any help. I keep myself busy during the day and evening. Before "16 days ago" I usually drank until I almost passed out in order to get some sleep. It's nice to know I can sleep without alcohol or pills and actually wake up feeling rested, refreshed and energetic!

                  Keep up the good work. It's worth it.:new:

                  In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
                  - Author unknown


                    2nd day AF, not over yet.

                    Hi blondchicktoyou!

                    Great job by you and our hubby.

                    It does take a couple of days to get used to sleeping without AL.

                    I'm at day 9 now and sleeping heaps better.

                    At least I'm not waking up from 3:00am anymore like when I was drinking.

                    I have to tell you one thing though. Just between us.

                    I slipped today.....

                    I started drinking coffee again:H. I've been off it for a month or so, but could not resist any longer. It was delicious. Even if it was that instant crap. Can't wait to try a real one!!!!

                    As my wife said, you've gotta have something you enjoy.

                    All the best with your efforts.

                    Congratulate your hubby for me too.




                      2nd day AF, not over yet.

                      actually sleeping part does get better. and i don't know i find i sleep alot but that happens in the first three to four months. so i also found for anxiety and for restlessness that those little pills calms forte were miracle workers. put me to bed like a baby with no side effects. congrats congrats.

